
DanMachi I Signed In At The Dungeon

Coming to the world of Dicuo, Eiffel became an elf boy. After learning the truth about the world, Eiffel plunged into the dungeon and began his adventure with the help of Goldfinger. I thought this would be a hearty adventure, just for fighting. But why are there more and more women around us? Eiffel was greatly puzzled. It wasn't until a certain god appeared that Eiffel realized that he... seemed to have replaced a certain red-eyed rabbit.

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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307 Chs

Chapter 186 Floor 50, the eve of the true expedition!

It didn't take much time, just five days, for Eiffel and his companions to reach the 50th floor.

Without the trouble of logistical supplies, at the speed of Eiffel and his companions, it only took two or three days to reach the 50th floor from the 28th floor.

However, in order to give the adventurers of the Loki family and the Hephaestus family who participated in the expedition the opportunity to exercise, Finn stayed in these floors for two more days. After all, the floors after the 50th floor are not accessible to these companions whose strength is not as good as the first-level adventurers.

So naturally, it is necessary to let the weak companions have effective training in the deep layers before the 50th floor.

It is impossible to let these companions come in vain, otherwise the meaning of the expedition will be lost. This is the first time for Eiffel to come to the 50th floor, or it should be said that it is the first time to come to this deep area.

When passing the 49th floor, Eiffel and his companions did not encounter the tyrant Barol, and they passed the 49th floor smoothly and entered the 50th floor.

After arriving at the 50th floor, everyone set up a temporary camp on the huge rock plate in front of the passage leading to the 51st floor.

After everyone finished setting up the camp, they prepared a sumptuous meal together and had a good meal around the campfire.

After finishing the meal, Eiffel and others gathered together to discuss the next strategy.

After the group members cleaned up the tableware, they sat aside and listened.

"According to the instructions given in advance, special team members will be selected from the 51st floor to act as agents, and the rest of the team members will guard the camp."

"Because the situation here is quite special, we have prepared a large number of magic swords. Once you encounter the situation last time, don't hesitate to use the magic swords to greet them immediately, and then the magician will make up for it."

Finn said this to everyone, to Aisi and others, and also to the companions who will be guarding here and the members of the Hephaestus family.

Thanks to Eiffel, no, the Hestia family, the failure of the last expedition has alleviated the deficit of the family's finances, and even reaped a lot of benefits. Finn ordered more magic swords from the Hephaestus family.

Finn left 70% of these magic swords to the guards of the camp, and only took the rest.

And starting from the 51st floor is a new world.

For floors before the 50th floor, adventurers of the second and third levels can set foot on the floor as long as they work together in sufficient numbers and with sufficient supplies.

However, starting from the 51st floor, this strategy will not work.

To set foot on the 51st floor, you need to have a strong enough combat force. Although working together is still possible, you need combat force above the first level.

Otherwise, the dragons in the Dragon Pot may ignore the floor and hit you with artillery fire at any time.

Only adventurers of the first level can detect this invisible attack and have the ability to avoid it.

Of course, if you have enough experience, it is also possible. However, there are basically no people who have this experience but have not reached the first level of strength.

In addition, the monsters starting from the 51st floor are basically above lv.4, or even lv.5, and there are also many of them. It is difficult for adventurers of the first level to deal with them. Naturally, they cannot be like the floors before the 50th floor and take care of others.

Therefore, starting from the 51st floor, only strong adventurers can enter the battle.

"The team members are me, Livilia, Grace, Ais, Eiffel, Tsubaki, Dione, Diona, Bert, and Lefiya."

Finn read out the list of people who will enter the 51st floor this time.

No one had any objection to this.

Everyone knew that the next floors were not for them to set foot on unless they were promoted to level 5.

If it were in the past, Finn and his team might have brought some level 4 companions to act as temporary support. After all, they needed even more supplies than before when entering the Dragon Pot, and they, the main combatants, could not waste them on such things.

But this time was different. This time Finn and his team had the Chaos Ring made by Eiffel, so they didn't have to worry about the supply problem at all.

As for Lefiya, Lefiya was brought along entirely because she had the first-level magic firepower, which could play a very important role in dealing with monsters.

Then, Finn called Chun took out the immortal attribute that she customized, which was the same attribute as Ai Si's Sword of Despair.

Chun did not delay and took out the immortal weapons named Roland series that had been prepared long ago, and distributed many weapons to everyone.

Even Eiffel got one, which surprised Eiffel a little.

In fact, Eiffel had prepared magic items that could defend against weapons after use and prevent them from being damaged.

After all, how could Eiffel, who knew what was going to happen next, not be prepared.

But Eiffel did not expect that Finn had even prepared his immortal weapon.

The weapon distributed to Eiffel was a gorgeous knight's sword. Although it could not be compared with the Sword of Promised Victory, Eiffel could feel the toughness of the sword body and the sharpness of the blade. It was a sharp weapon that could cut hair.

"How about it? I made this one with great care. How about it? I'll treat you well."

Looking at Eiffel examining the weapon he got, Chun put her arm around Eiffel's shoulders, put her mouth close to Eiffel's ear, and said with a sweet breath.

"Chun, you have teased me 138 times during this journey, that's enough."

Before the expedition, Eiffel would have been stunned. But now, Eiffel is no longer surprised. Chun has been looking for opportunities to tease him since the beginning of the expedition, and this has happened 38 times.

"Haha, you even remember the number so clearly, it seems that Eiffel, you still have some 3.8 ideas about me."

Tsubaki was slightly stunned when he heard this, then he patted Eiffel's shoulder and laughed.

The others were originally checking their weapons, but when they heard Tsubaki's voice, they couldn't help but look over.

After seeing the interaction between the two, Finn and Grace showed a playful look on their faces, Livilia and Ace frowned slightly, Dione raised her eyebrows slightly, Bert snorted in contempt, Lefiya opened her mouth wide, and her cheeks flushed.

Diona was the most interesting, and she came over directly.

"Hey, Chun, teach me how to tease a man. I want to tease Argo, too."



"You, an Amazon, come to me to ask how to tease a man. Am I crazy or are you crazy?"

After a short silence, Chun said with a complicated expression…