
DanMachi I Signed In At The Dungeon

Coming to the world of Dicuo, Eiffel became an elf boy. After learning the truth about the world, Eiffel plunged into the dungeon and began his adventure with the help of Goldfinger. I thought this would be a hearty adventure, just for fighting. But why are there more and more women around us? Eiffel was greatly puzzled. It wasn't until a certain god appeared that Eiffel realized that he... seemed to have replaced a certain red-eyed rabbit.

Big_Big_0235 · Anime & Comics
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307 Chs

Chapter 131

Freya's charm power is very strong. Usually, it is just unconsciously emitted. When it is really used, the whole people of Orario will be affected.

Just like in the original book, after Freya confessed to Bell Crane and was rejected, she directly launched a war against Hestia's family. After that, she directly launched the charm power and transformed Orario into her own box garden, trying to use this to influence Bell, who was not affected by the charm power, to achieve the purpose of making Bell think that he is a member of Freya's family.

Looking at the violet light flashing in Freya's eyes, Eiffel felt that it would be better for him not to resist Freya too much for the time being.

At least before his charm level is upgraded, he should not let Freya feel hopeless about himself.

Otherwise, Eiffel estimated that Freya would show her cards directly and use the charm power"zero" zero three zero" three zero" as in the original book.

This is reality, not anime, and it may not develop in the same way as the original book, and finally successfully crack the box garden launched by Freya.

In his current situation, he might be hit if he is not careful, and he won't even have the chance to release the Sword of Promised Victory.

So Eiffel felt that facing this Freya who looked a little sick, Eiffel should accept her invitation, so as not to really anger Freya.

Soon, Eiffel and Freya began to dance.

It must be said that Freya is really beautiful, worthy of the name of the goddess of beauty. Her appearance is very beautiful, comparable to Hestia, and she exudes a faint fragrance that makes people intoxicated.

Eiffel, whose level of development ability charm is not too high, is in such close contact, and his heart still beats faster as before when he holds his hands tightly.

However, the situation affected is not serious, and he can still control it.

Holding Eiffel's fingers at close range, Freya's eyes are full of love, without any concealment. It would be strange if Eiffel, who is so close, can't see it. This look is extremely hot

"Goddess Freya, can you tell me, is my soul really emitting the light you want?"Being stared at by Freya with such a burning gaze, Eiffel felt a little embarrassed and asked a random question.

This is a question that Eiffel has always been very concerned about.

"Haha, you are really smart, Eiffel."Freya did not answer, but smiled gently.

Your eyes are so blatant, without any cover-up. If I still don't know, I'd be a fool.

"It was the first time I saw a soul emitting golden light. Just one glance made me feel happy all over. I couldn't stop and wanted to grab you."

"However, I held back and didn't make a move. I wanted to see how your soul light would change as you grew."

"It turns out that my thoughts were right, Eiffel, as you grow up, the light in your soul becomes more and more dazzling."

"Eiffel, I won't interfere too much with anything about you (emphasize this, you'll be tested), let me see how bright your light can be, and whether you can really please me."Freya stopped dancing, stretched out her hand and gently stroked Eiffel's face, as if she was stroking the face of a lover, her body trembling slightly.

Then, Freya let go of Eiffel's hand, left here directly, and walked outside, as if she was ready to leave the feast of the gods.

Ota, who was standing by, saw this, glanced at Eiffel, and then followed Freya and left.

Looking at the backs of Freya and Ota leaving, Eiffel breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Freya did not lose patience.

Then, Eiffel also left the stage in the center of the hall and returned to where he had stood before.

The gods were very curious about the fact that the two suddenly separated in the middle of the dance, and their eyes shifted back and forth between Freya and Eiffel, as if they wanted to find out what happened.

Just when Eiffel thought that it was finally quiet, a figure appeared beside Eiffel and stretched out his hand to Eiffel.

"Eiffel…"Aisi calmly extended her hand to Eiffel and spoke in a low voice.

Looking at Aisi's hand, Eiffel's eyes twitched, but he still slowly reached out and placed his hand on it.

Let's not talk about Freya for now. She is a god, so there is nothing much to say. But as an adventurer, he and Naza have already danced a game before. Now Aisi has taken the initiative to invite him. If he refuses, it will be somewhat impolite...…..

After thinking about it, Eiffel decided to dance with Ai Si...…..

Loki noticed what Ais was doing.

He didn't care about teasing Hestia anymore and was about to come over to disrupt the situation. However, before he could make any move, he was arrested by Hermes who had been waiting here for a long time. Like Hestia, he was held by Asfi at the waist, not allowing the two to move at all.

""Haha, you have suffered the same fate as me, Loki." Hestia, who had been trapped for a long time, was gloating when she saw Loki suffer the same fate as her.

"What's so funny about you? The one dancing with my Ace Tan is your Eiffel." Being mocked by Hestia, Loki retorted without any hesitation.

This made Hestia come back to her senses, and she struggled again.

"Hermes, wait for me."

"Lord Hermes, I don't care what happens next."Yasifei completed the Lord God's order dutifully and turned to Hermes.

Hermes' face turned slightly blue, as if he had seen what was going to happen next.

"Ah, I'm already prepared."With a dry laugh, Hermes replied

"Ah, my Eiffel, I should be the one dancing with you. If I had known, I should have gone straight to 2.8." Looking at Eiffel dancing with Ai Si on the 2.8 stage in the hall, Hestia was extremely frustrated.

"Did I do something wrong?" Originally thinking that Hestia, as a virgin goddess, had no experience dancing with men, so she should not be able to dance, and Eiffel did not seem to be able to dance either, Mih muttered with some self-doubt, so he asked Naza to teach Eiffel to dance on his own initiative.

At the same time, Freya, who had left the Feast of the Gods, was already sitting in a carriage and rushing towards the Silver Mansion.

There was only Freya in the carriage, and Ota, for some unknown reason, was sitting outside and acting as a coachman.

In the carriage, Freya was slumped in her seat, her cherry lips slightly parted, and she made a series of soft murmurs.


Eiffel ~".