
Danmachi I do not own this book or make it

I do not own this book or make it I’m simply putting it on this app for ease of access

John_poe · Action
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9 Chs

Chapter 4

The mechanical sound that warned about the time rang within the house.

The clock on the wall had its hands pointing at 5 o'clock in the morning.

Within the hidden house in the church, Hestia was constantly walking back and


(No matter what it is, it is still too late...!)

Her arms folded, frowning, her face was showing an anxious expression.

Bell's growth rate is probably affected by his crush on Aizu and after looking at

that kind of , she was definitely unhappy yesterday night.

Holding onto her temper and went to drink, but when Hestia returned, what greeted

her was only silence, Bell was not in this hidden house.

Because she was the one to tell him to eat by himself, and also because no one

greeted her when she came back, she was in a even more terrible mood, as a result,

she did not shower and jumped onto the bed, deciding to go to sleep, but...10

o'clock, 11 o'clock, 12 o'clock, Bell who still did not come back even when it was

midnight, made her feel anxious.

Because she held dissatisfaction and complaints to Bell, Hestia could only continue

to lie in bed with her eyes opened, she finally threw off the blanket that covered

her body, stood up and went outside to look.

''Where did you go, Bell...''

In the end, there was no harvest.

The eye-catching white hair could not be seen at all, so she held a glimmer of hope

when she returned to her house, but the youth's body was not there.


Hestia ran around the entire night in the streets, as a result she had a tired

expression. It had completely replaced the anxious tension she had earlier on.

(Was it because of what I said? But, even if others brought trouble to this child, but

he should have suppressed his feelings within his heart...Normally, he should

have run to me and apologized.)

Thinking about when she had last left, Bell revealed an expression as if he was a

discarded rabbit.

The sense of guilt that she felt at that time once again surged through her chest,

Hestia shook her head.

This is not the time to be immersed in sadness, calm down and think.

(But if it was unrelated to me, then the reason why Bell would not come back


He was involved in an incident.

Her composed body collapsed like a sand castle, and she began to sweat. Hestia,

who was impatient, decided to once again search for Bell and headed to the door.

'' Bugyu''

The moment when Hestia placed her hand onto the doorknob.

As if it was calculated, the rectangle door headed towards her.

And gave Hestia a face blow!

At the same time, her boobs made a ''mugyu'' sound that crushed the sound of her


Hestia trustworthy level immediately increased by 100!

Covering her face that was hit, Hestia groaned.


Hestia, who had nausea due to the sudden attack, heard the voice that came from

above her head, she let go of her two hands that covered her eyes.


Looking at the owner of the voice, and noticed that he was safe, Hestia stood up.

''Bell-kun! ?''

As she had expected, the person standing in front of her was Bell.

She felt relieved. Hestia, who was looking at Bell, unconsciously began to shed

tears...But, looking at Bell's face, she was speechless.

An apologetic expression was faced towards Hestia. The red and brown wounds,

the mud-stained body, his weary state were impossible to conceal.

Lastly, his lower body. The pants that were covered by mud, were already broken,

and on his right knee, there were three scars that were torn by sharp claws. The

black stains means that the blood had already solidified, looks like the knee injury

was most serious.

Hestia's expression changed, and she approached Bell.

''What happened, this injury is! ? Could it be you were attacked by someone! ?''

''I...It's not like this, there isn't...''

''Then, WHAT HAPPENED! ?''

''...I entered...the dungeon.''

The words that were squeezed out made Hestia completely forget about her anger,

and stood there stunned.

''I...Idiot! What were you thinking of! ? Entering the dungeon like that...And



Right now, Bell was not wearing any defensive equipment. It was the same as

being naked in the dungeon.

A single attack from a ferocious monster could be fatal. The multiple scars on his

body also say this.


Looks like he was still holding onto the dagger he used as a charm...Superficial,

stupid, you could only call it this.

Using this sort of equipment to challenge the dungeon the entire night, it was really

a simple idiot who did not want his life.

''...Why did you do such an unreasonable thing? As if you gave up on yourself,

it's not like you?''


Looking at Bell's current appearance, Hestia also lost the mood to scold him, and

used a gentle voice to warn him.

But Bell did not speak. His bangs blocked his eyes, expressing his refusing mood.

Hestia quietly sighed.

''I know, I won't ask. You are surprisingly stubborn, even if I ask, I know that

there is no meaning to it.''


''What, forget it. Then go take a bath now. It looks like the blood had already

stopped, carefully wash the stains caused by the wounds. Then later, we'll have


''...Yes, thank you''

Finally, Bell gave off a slight smile, Hestia, who was holding in the pain within her

heart, gave off a wry smile.

Pushing open the door, allowing Bell to come in.

Looks like the injury on the right knee caused a burden to his body.

Hestia, who could not continue to watch it, silently cursed her own height, while

she attempted to use her shoulder to support him.



''Today you kept apologizing. If you really feel sorry about it, then properly reflect

about it okay?''


''You see, again''

They walked together towards the bathroom. Pushing open the wooden white door

beside the bed in the innermost location of the house. The door was somewhat

crooked, making the angle of the door somewhat strange.

Hestia, who was using all her strength to support Bell, suddenly thought about

something, and spoke.

''Bell-kun. You should sleep on the bed. Okay?''

''Is this alright...?''

''Of course. I cannot let you sleep on the sofa in this kind of state, that would be

rather mean, right?''

People who are injured require good rest. In order to provide a good environment

for him to rest, Hestia let go of her own bed.

Then, after saying this, she came up with a prank.

Looking at Bell, Hestia gave off a evil smile.

''As an alternative, why not sleep together with me? Since I searched for you, I am

already very tired...Fufu, you won't refuse right?''

''Ahhh, that's right. Kami-sama also worked hard. Then, let's immediately go and

sleep together.''


Originally, she wanted to make a joke, but it was completely ignored, causing

Hestia, who had completely been countered, to become speechless. Her heart

began to stir. Instead, she was the one who became nervous.

Looks like he was completely worn out physically and mentally, even his ability to

think had dropped considerably. Bell did not even know what he was saying.


Damn, it is only Bell-kun...!

Hestia gritted, but her entire face was dyed red, her heart was also startled and her

heartbeat increased.

Hug. I'll definitely hug you.

She could only think about rubbing her face on the boy's body.

Since he had already agreed. What has been said cannot be unsaid. Drools.


''...! Nyaanyaa, what?

She issued a strange sound.

Holding a trace of fear that she was seen through, Hestia waited for the next


''...I...want to become stronger''


She looked blankly at the boy's face.

His eyes seemed to be staring at something.

Hestia looked at the side of his face, took a deep breath, then looked down. She

then made an ''Ah...'' sound and sincerely accepted it.



Bell Cranel

Lv. 1

Strength: H 123 >G 221

Endurance: I 42 >H 101

Dexterity: H 139 >G 232

Agility: G 225 >F 313

Magic: I 0

[ ]

Realize Freeze

[Single-Minded Pursuit]

 Accelerates Growth

 Effects last as long as his feelings are unchanged

 Effects are determined by the strength of his feelings

Suddenly, Hestia's hands stopped.

On top of the thin back she was looking at. The rules that were written on was as if

it was like an ancient book, the entire body was filled with ''Sacred Text''



trembling eyes.

It has been one night after Bell returned.

Because of the extreme fatigue, he had slept for the entire day yesterday Once

Bell noticed that he had slept with Hestia, he suddenly gave off a scream At

such an early time, the two of them, after all, had to first update the .

As usual, Hestia sat on Bell's back, used her god's blood to work on the carved

''Sacred Text''...What was different than before was, Bell's numbers on his

was beginning to gradually grow at an unbelievable pace.

Too fast.

It was the first time that Hestia had granted

person who joined her , Bell. She had only heard about the information

of from rumors, but she was unclear about the specific details.

What way to speed up the proficiency rate, how to discover magic and skills, she

did not have any knowledge about these information.

But, the granted , is absolutely not like this, this point she still knew about.

It was too fast. The proficiency growth rate. It is already abnormal.

This cannot be called as growth anymore, but rather a ''jump''.

(It is absolutely incomparable to the other adventurers...)

If the other adventurers grew at the same rate as Bell, then most of them would

have been considered as a ''Third-Class Adventurer'', a Lv. 2.

Lv. 2 The elites of the adventurers, they were generally members from large

. The people beside them, it could be said that more than half of them

were still maintaining their Lv. 1 Status.

Bell was growing at a speed 1 or even 2 times faster than the others, it was a rapid

speed growth.

The proficiency growing around 10 or so, was only at the very beginning, then it

will hit a wall, this was what she had heard from her God friends.


Half of the people were troubled about how to break through this wall.

(The reason that the growth rate became like this is...!)

What made Bell inflate up considerably was.

This skill that only Hestia knew about, she

subconsciously bit her lips.

Even if she was a God, she still had emotions like a child Jealous, she was

swayed by her own emotions.



Hestia, who had stopped, was surprised, Bell slightly tilted his head to look over.

Hestia smiled and said ''Sorry Sorry'', then she continued to work again. No,

pretended to work. The update on the had basically ended.

(What should I do...? Should I tell exactly what happened to Bell-kun...?)

A moment of self-confidence could lead to a moment of strength and arrogance.

Hestia already knew this. Not only humans, but it was the instincts of all the

children. Arrogance will lead to accidents and accidents will lead to death.

Although she believed that Bell was not the type of person to think about such

things, Hestia still had an overly protective feeling towards the boy, so she made

plans for the ''Just in case'' possibility. ''Just in case'' she may lose Bell.

Trust and worry, the two feelings were placed on a scale, she did not know which

side it would lean to.

(But, if I do not tell this to the child, it may feel as if I lied to him...)

In addition, this may hinder Bell's growth.

Not knowing about the power within his body, and fighting against enemies that

are not evenly matched against him, how much growth will he obtain. In fact, it


was said that the nature of the was to rise faster in terms of

proficiency and strength if you fight against stronger monsters.

If the words that she passed on were false, then even if it was for good intentions,

there was a possibility that Hestia broke Bell with her own hands.

Hestia's heart suddenly became silent.

(...Wanted to become strong, huh)

Finally, what Hestia decided on was trust.

Suppressing her own disturbed heart, she let the scale favor one side over another.

The boy's one phrase of ''I want to become stronger'', even if it was born because

of love, it should still be considered as a resolve It was something the perfect

Gods could not do Hestia thought she wanted to lend a helping hand to Bell.

''Bell-kun, can I verbally pass on your today?''

''Ah, okay. I don't have a problem...''

Lifting up her head to stare at Bell's eyes, Hestia began to talk. The abnormal

growth rate.

However, she did not talk about the existence of the skill.

(It really must be this skill.)

A lot of discovered skills were, in fact, skills with an effect that was shared

between adventurers.

Having earned a skill for yourself is rather rare. There were many confirmed skills,

although they had different names, with similar effects as another skill. Especially

for the same race. Between the different races, there exists certain skills. Just like

the elves have an magic support effect, and dwarfs have the strength power.

Amongst the repeated skills, the only one, or rather an extremely rare skill was

referred as .

This was a random name made up by the Gods.


(If I reveal it, it will be bad. Definitely bad)

Not letting Bell know about this skill was absolutely not a prank.

To be honest, the jealousy she felt for the Wallen-whatever girl accounted for 70%,

no, 90% of the reason, anyways, saying this will cause a lot of trouble.

Because the other gods thirst for entertainment, or , they

would react to these words. As if they were children, satisfying their own interest,

while laughing.

Also, there were idiots that were invited to other .

It was just like a gamer's personality.

(This child is not good at telling lies, if he was asked, he would definitely be

suspected by others. Although I am sorry, I won't concede about this point)

The specific conditions that rapidly upgrades the growth rate.

, it was definitely an unconfirmed new skill.

In order to protect Bell from the demonic hands, Hestia kept the existence of this

skill within her heart.

After being told about the , Bell was surprised. Hestia finished off the

remaining ''Sacred Text'', completing her work from last night.

''And well, about the proficiency rapid growth. Do you have any clues about it?''

''N...No, completely...Ah.''


''C...Could it be...Yesterday I walked to the 6th floor and obtained...''

''Bu! ?Ah, ahhhhhhh! ? You did not even take your defensive gear, do not casually

increase your floor count!''

''S...Sorry! ?''


Hestia stood up from Bell's back, while preaching. Bell did not even dare to wear

his clothes, and continued to be scolded in a half-naked state, making him shrink

smaller and smaller.

''Ha...Back to the main topic. Right now, from an unknown reason, you growth

rate is too fast. We do not know how long it will continue, let's just simply call it

your growth period''


''...It is just my personal opinion, but you are very talented. The capacity and

quality of adventurer, you have both of them''

Bell's current state was not just because of the skill.

Just relying on the discovered skill, it could be the cause for the rapid growth of the


But thinking back about it, there were some things that need to be considered.

Although he was once on the verge of death, the boy had spent his life on a farm,

without even a master, and only relying on himself to achieve results from the


Even if it was this This skill that accelerates the

growth, it would still require combat techniques and a nimble body, plus actual

battle experience. When to attack, when to defend, when to avoid. Even with the

skill, the one who makes the decisions is Bell, and not anyone else. This was his

own ''Strength''.

Bell, who had been fighting by himself until now as an adventurer, was quite


''...You will become stronger. Then, you are also looking forward to yourself

become stronger.''


Hestia placed her hands onto Bell's chest, who bent his back on the bed and was

looking straight ahead.


She revealed an uneasy expression and said.

''...I hope you will promise me that you will not force yourself. Vow that the

things that happened this time will not be done again''


''I will not oppose, but rather respect your opinion about becoming stronger. I will

aid, will help, and even lend you my power...So''

Holding back her tears, Hestia hoped from the bottom of her heart for Bell.

''...So please, don't leave me alone''

The effect was instantaneous.

Bell's shoulders trembled, he widened his eyes, he seemed to start thinking about

something, recalling the promise he made to himself, and closed his eyes and

looked back.

Silence. There was a long period of silence between the two people.


Bell lifted his head.

His expression changed from as if he was apologetic, to as if it seemed that he

wanted to cry out, to as if he was happy, then as if everything was solved.

It was not a false smile, more than any words, it passed down the trust and belief.

The boy in front of her eyes will keep his promise, Hestia was convinced.

''I will not be reckless. I will try hard to become strong, but...I will absolutely

not let Kami-sama become alone. I will not let you become worried''

''After hearing this, I feel at ease''

Suppressing the excitement within her heart, Hestia gave a slight smile.

After a while, she handed over Bell's clothes and shyly said ''Sorry''. He began to

change his clothes, Hestia, on the other hand, stared at the ceiling.



She decided to do something for Bell.

Tototo, walking past the broken floors, she walked next to the table shelf. Opening

the middle drawer, she began to search. Searching inside the drawer that was

stuffed with flyers and recruitment papers, she quickly found it.

An invitation letter that had

(Hephaestus will also come, right...?)

Thinking about the face of the person who granted this hidden house to her.

To her, who was working seriously around the city, contacting her was not an easy

thing to do.

In order to meet up with her, she decided to use this banquet.

The date it was hosted...Today at night.

Ah, Hestia revealed a panicked expression.

''Bell-kun, I will have to leave the house for tonight...no...maybe a few days. Is

there a problem with that?''

''Eh? Ah, understood, for work is it?''

''No, although I was not going to go, but I should still show up at a gathering from

my friends. It has been a long time since I saw everyone's faces.''

''Then there's no need to mention it, just go'' Bell understood. Friends are very

important, as if he was smiling to encourage himself.

Hestia felt that she was somewhat random, but she still nodded. She started looking

in the closet. The closet did not have many clothing, after selecting one that could

be considered decent, she began to pack her bags. Then she thought about how she

would miss a few shifts at work and she headed towards the door.

Placing her hand onto the door, she looked again at Bell.

''Bell-kun, could it be, you are heading to the dungeon today again?''


''I think so...Is it no good?''

After saying that promise earlier. He would conduct himself a bit, Bell was slightly

afraid while he waited for the answer.

Hestia smiled and replied.

''Ah, there's no problem, go ahead. However, you have to consider about returning

okay? You are still in an injured state.''

''Okay, Thank you ''

Bell happily bowed his head and Hestia left the house.


The sun was currently shining bright in the sky.

The time currently is right before noon. People crowded along the main streets, so

I was currently walking through an alley.

After Kami-sama had left, I wore my adventurer gear and left the house. Preparing

to enter the dungeon.

Just like Kami-sama had said, my knee's injury was still very painful. The 6th

floor monster was extremely fierce. It feels that it would still need a bit of time

before it was completely healed.

Therefore, I can't force myself. Can't go on an adventure . No matter what happens,

I cannot do mindless things. But, I should do things that I can do.

After having a clear target. Looking at that distant target. The day before yesterday,

when I was still thinking that I must continue to strive forward, as if I had to catch

up to the trend, but now it was completely different.

After being scolded by Kami-sama, my mind had calmed down. I...I already had

been moving forward at the maximum speed.


It was unfortunate that there was an undeniable time difference, but if I wanted to

catch up to Wallenstein, this is the most certain and closest shortcut. If I forced

myself, then in the end I would be the one to suffer.

I thought back about Kami-sama, who was seriously scolding me, ''do not force

yourself, do not force yourself'', using her tiny mouth to say this, and finally I

reached the place I wanted to go.

Before heading to the dungeon, there is a place that I must go to.

''It's a bit awkward...''

A ''Closed'' sign was in front of the door.

I hesitated for a while, then made up my mind and walked into the

Abundance>. KaranKaran, the doorbell sounds rang.

''I'm very sorry, customer. Out shop is currently still preparing. Could you visit

sometime later?''

''He came to Mia's shop again, nya!''

From within the shop, the elf employee and the cat person employee were

currently spreading the table cloth, but after noticing me, they immediately


Regardless of which one, they are both very cute. The two of them, who were both

wearing the same outfit as Seal-san, had delicate features and a sense of innocence,

they belonged to different categories. I, who had recently noticed that I liked elves,

heard her voice and became unconsciously tense.

''Sorry, I'm not a guest...About that, Seal-san...Is Seal Flover-san here? And

also the female boss...

As if they noticed my words, they both looked over.

''Ahhhh! Isn't it that person who ate and ran, nya?! After being served by Seal,

completely ignoring her, that white-haired bastard, nya!!''

''Please be quiet, you''



''Forgive us. We will immediately call Seal and Mia-mama out.''


The cat person employee did not seem to follow the mood.

The young female beastman tugged at her cuffs, as if she was extremely scared of

escorting the elf employee, I, who had nothing to do, looked around the shop


It was different than when I came, the current appearance is the same as a tea shop.

Most of the adventurers were raiding the dungeon in the morning, which was

different than night time, is it because the customer's goals are not the same?

''Bell-san! ?''

From behind the counter urgent footstep sounds emerged and Seal-san appeared

from within the shop.

Recalling about the last time when we separated, I really wanted to find a hole and

dive inside, but I gathered my courage and walked towards her.

''I'm really sorry about what happened the day before yesterday. I did not pay and

ran out...''

''...No, it does not matter. Just by coming back, you already have made me very


I bowed down and apologized, Seal-san was smiling as usual.

Even under these circumstances she would not ask about it and gently forgave me,

so my tears unconsciously flowed out. I used the excuse of something entering my

eye, wiped my eyes and then gave her the prepared money.

''This is the money that I haven't paid for. If it was not enough, I can give


''I did not say such a thing. Just having your feelings is enough...It should be my

side that should apologize.''

After saying those final words, I immediately said that Seal-san did not have to

take on unnecessary guilt. KusuKusu, my body and hands trembled while I said it.


After Seal was pressed down by my pressure, she slightly smiled and shook her

shoulders. As if she was relieved.

Then she used that slightly smiling gaze to stare at me, she seemed to have noticed

something and clapped her hands together. ''Please wait a moment'' Then she

disappeared into the kitchen.

Seal, who came back, was carrying a big basket.

''Are you heading to the dungeon? If so, please accept this okay?''


''This is the dishes that our chefs have made today, the taste could be assured. And

about that, I also helped out quite a bit...''

''No, but, why...?''

''I want you to taste it, is that no good?''

She slightly tilted her head, even I was aware of her feelings.

She wanted to cheer me up...No, it is to cheer for me.

''...Sorry. Then, I'll accept it''

Noticing her mood, I smiled and accepted the basket.

While we were both looking at each other, Seal's round face was slightly dyed red

and revealed gentle smile.

''The kid came?''

Uwaah, from the door behind the counter came out the female boss Mia.

As if she had suddenly appeared there, I retreated a little bit.

Among the dwarves, she would be considered slightly big. Whether from looking

at her horizontally or vertically or even elegantly, she was still stronger than me.

''Ahah, so that was it, he came back to pay back the money. Doesn't it make people

feel touched when they heard it''


''T...Thank you...''

''Seal, don't intervene. How is work at that side?''

''Ah, yes. I know''

After Seal-san had said her greetings, she left. Mia revealed a heroic (not a bold)

smile, and used her thick fingers to point at my chest.

Then this person said something about ''If he does not come, then this place will

end it'' and ''If you were late one more day, I would have to go pick up my longlost

toy''. If I was really a bit later, then my own life would have been in danger.

I was really lucky...!

''Seal, if you handed that out, then you won't have a meal during the day...''

''Ah, yes. I can probably endure it during the day, right?''

''Nya, why do you choose to endure and give it to that person, nyaaa? If it is an

adventurer, then he could still buy lunch, nyaaa''

''No, this...''

''Ho Ho , I heard something good. So could it be that to Seal, the boy is her


''NOOOO! !''

From within the kitchen came out a loud voice, but I did not pay any attention to it.

I swore within my heart that I will never not pay attention to things while in front

of Mia.

''Go and thank Seal. I am more energetic than most people, if it was not for her

plea, then you would have already been at the bottom of the lake.''


I could not laugh.


''Seal attempted to chase after you, did you not see it? Seeing that gloomy Seal

when she returned, you see, that elf called Ryu would really take action. It took a

lot of effort to prevent that''

I, who liked elves, seemed to have made an misunderstanding about the elves.

(But, if it was like this....Chasing me...)

After listening to the words, I felt that the fire in my heart was ignited.

I really wanted to pay my gratitude, this was what I thought.


''What is it?''

''Adventurers who try to be cool are of no use. From the beginning, just

desperately fighting for your own life is enough. Even if your knowledge had

increased, it may not necessarily be a good thing''

I widened my eyes.

At that moment, Mia, who was standing in front of the cashiers, had seen through


She revealed a smile.

''In the end, the person who is still standing on his feet is the best. Even if the

results were miserable. Of course, for those people who were able to come back,

then I would use a big feast to entertain them. You see, those people are the

winners in life right?''


''Don't make such a disgusting expression. It is already time for the shop to open,

don't cause any trouble for us, go away now''

Making me turn around, she held on behind me and pushed.

Even if my breathing had stopped, my feelings of gratitude had not.

Right now, the remaining pieces of trauma in my heart were finally being removed.


The words that the beastman from the had uttered, were currently

being turned into materials to fuel me.

What I can do right now is to quickly grow stronger, not force myself and then try

to survive.

The direction I should take was made clear.

''Kid, I will only say up to here, but if you died, I would not forgive you''

''No problem, thank you!''

Walking outside of the store, I mindfully called out ''I'm leaving!'', then when I

walked to the main street, my face was still blushing.



The moon had risen up into the sky, the surroundings had already become dark.

The moonlight illuminated the forests, the calls from the owls could be heard

everywhere, and in addition there were many sounds of leaves falling.

The silent owl sounds passed through the forest, sailed on the leaves, and headed

towards the grassy area, and landed at a certain spot which was their limit.

The huge wall.

Saying that it was a castle wall was not an exaggeration, the thick, tall, and sturdy

The interior of the defensive wall was created by a large rock, revealing a little bit

of light, the sound of the bustling could be heard and easily broke the silence of the

outside world.

The labyrinth city Orario.


From the beginning age where it was called , when the Gods and

Goddess had not yet descended, there exist a few large cities in the world, at the

same time, there is also the world's only labyrinth city.

The city walls that surrounded the city were in a perfect circular shape. From the

exterior of the circle, there exist countless relatively tall high-rise buildings, and as

it heads to the center, the buildings began to become relatively shorter. The city

was just like a roulette, and was covered by scattered light particles Magic

Stone Lamp.

The light that illuminated the city was as bright as the starry sky.

In the center of the huge city, it erected stone walls that soared to the skies.

Looking at the entire Orario, there aren't many buildings as tall as this one, it

seemed to cut through the darkness, and creating a huge shadow, releasing its

overwhelming dignity. The very first thing that people would see when they enter

Orario is this tower, and would have their consciousness temporarily taken away.

Acting as the cover of the dungeon, this skyscraper facility was in the

center Which was like the name of the city, as the dungeon is the main

feature This Orario city was able to flourish.

Orario had this special feature of a dungeon, and compared to the other cities, this

country had much more adventurers. The root of the monsters that were spread

throughout the continent was also here, the dungeon which was known as one of

the World's three biggest mysteries, had sleeping inside which no

one had contacted before. And this had attracted countless curious


Of course, there are more adventurers that were dedicated more to the benefits.

From the unlimited monsters that were born, they would be able to obtain

unlimited amounts of Magic Stones and loot drops, this vast treasure, plus the

heroic story of being able to defeat giant enemies. This had made the boring Gods

and Goddess in Orario attracted to it, the ability to obtain honor, and with their

adventurers, their reputations could be known throughout the world.

This was known to them as the unknown excitement, the great amount of wealth,

the dazzling honor and finally the authority.

All of this gathered within the city.


Then, people who were attracted by their dreams there could possibly be a

passionate person who wished for a fated encounter.

This was what Orario was called.

''Ah, isn't that the representative of the ultra-poor Takemikazuchi-kun!

Hey Fuhehe''

''Ah, isn't it the Takemikazuchi that always had that bad and collapsing face! Hey


''These damn Gods...! ?''

Of course.

Compared to the adventurers that were seeking the unknown, the

Goddess>that enjoy entertainment all gathering into the world's liveliest city, is

very natural.

Inside a private land.

The unthinkable amount of Gods formed a huge group.


''Ohoh, long time no see . Has it been a few hundred years?''

''Ah, four days only''

''Ah since there has been so long that I haven't seen you . You have also

changed a lot ''

''Excuse me, although it may be off-topic, but is the venue for the


A building that exuded an atmosphere of deceit was currently right in front of her


In the shining megalopolis Orario, only this stood out as different. Rather, it was

extremely strange.


This statue of a person with an elephant's head on its head, which was surrounded

by white screens, was sitting cross-legged.

The elephant was approximately 30 meters. As if it wants others to see his power

and prestige, it was in a posture where the chest was stuck out, causing people who

see this to produce strange thoughts, thus it became extremely famous. Currently it

was being illuminated by numerous large-scale Magic Stones.

What was most surprising was that it was a building that was created based on


With light black skin, and had a fit body figure, the cool God Ganesha, not

knowing how he thinks, but he used the money earned from his to

create this large facility.

The stronghold of the was the location for the


The membership was not that good, they were almost crying when they entered

this building. By the way, the entrance is the spot where we sat cross-legged.

''What is Ganesha thinking of?''

''Ganesha is really cool''

These few beautiful men, wearing the same outfits as nobles, smiled and walked in.

All of the members were Gods.

They were the guests of the

World to meet up. There were completely no rules about which god organizes it or

when to organize it. Just when they want to hold it, the gods that want to

participate can participate. It completely demonstrates the inconsistency and

unrestrained nature of the gods.

''To everyone who has gathered here today! I am Ganesha! This time, to have so

many folks attending, I, Ganesha, am super grateful! Love you all! Then, there is

also something that I want to say, this year, which is also the same as the previous


years, the Philia will be hosted three days later, and to everybody's

Pleased to meet you ''

The interior space had a different appearance than the building.

Set on the stage was a huge figure wearing a elephant mask Which was

Ganesha, who looked exactly the same as the design of the outside building, he

used his rather loud voice to express his greetings. The surrounding Gods, like

usual, ignored the voice and continued to converse and laugh.

The venue was designed in the form of a party. On top of the pure white table

cloths were various dishes, the scent of the food floated around to every direction.

Footstep sounds appeared. The service personnel in this vast space was running

around, the band was waiting near the walls.

After observing the crowded venue, almost all of Orario's Gods had gathered

together. The invitation of

ability range, so the amount of people who can participate also varies

based on the organizer.

of the Gods in the Labyrinth City were invited.

Hestia was also one of those people.

''Mmm! Waiter, quickly give me a stool, hurry!''


Among the bustling sounds, Hestia had summoned a waiter from

Familia>and was fighting with various cuisine dishes. With her physique, she

could not reach the inner part of the table.

''(Sa! Sa! Sa!)''


After obtaining the stool, Hestia continued to eat crazily. The waiter, seeing this,

had an shocked expression.


To her, the stationed food means that there is no need to be polite.

Familia>is a that is poorer than any other factions of the Gods, to

reduce the burden to Bell, Hestia completely ignored her dignity, and took on an

saving atmosphere.

In fact, the clothes that she was wearing wasn't a luxurious dress, it was just

slightly one of her personal clothing.

''Ah, the Loli Big Boobs came''

''Anyways, she's still alive''

''Oh, I heard that she was working hard at the north side of the business street. She

even let the customers pet her in an open-air shop.''

''As expected from the Loli God...! !''

Of course, after making such actions, it would be very eye-catching. Regardless of

which attendees were quietly eating their meal, even if it was different from their

appearances, the Gods' eyes were very sharp.

It was like she was being played, but Hestia decided to ignore them, and

completely did not care about it. She was shoving food down her mouth, while

constantly chewing.

''What are you doing, you...''

''Mugu? Mmmm''

A powerless voice reached Hestia's side.

Turning around, what entered her eyes was red hair and a pure red dress that

almost seemed like it was burning.

Slender body lines, and a sharp face, showing a strong and stubborn consciousness.

On her ear was a golden earring that still lost to the flame-like eyebrows.

Then what was most eye-catching about the eyebrow was that half of her face was

covered by a black leather cloth.

A beauty with an eye patch on her right eye, was looking at Hestia shocked.



''Yes yes, long time no see Hestia. Being quite healthy is enough...Although if I

was able to see a more pleasant posture, I would be even more happy.''

After sighing, Hephaestus stroked her long hair that reached her waist. The Magic

Stone Lamp in the sky illuminated these red lines, it was dazzling as if it had sugar

kneaded into it.

No matter when you look at it, the hair was always still beautiful, Hestia, with a

happy expression, approached her.

''This is great, you really did come. Coming here was indeed the right decision''

''What, first off, if it's about money, I will not even lend you 1 Varisu.''

''H...How rude!''

On the contrary, Hephaestus did not have a friendly gaze, here we must first talk

about the sorrowful story about Hestia.

Before Hestia met Bell, she was taken care of by this Hephaestus.

Although they had associated for a long period of time, but once they began living

in Orario, Hestia , who did not form a nor did she work, Hephaestus's

trust in her dropped dramatically.

In the end, she finally could not hold it, and forced her out of her home,

Hestia had relied on Hephaestus for a long period of time, she did not have money

and could not find work, she could not even find a shelter to avoid the rain, in short,

she had received great care from Hephaestus.

At that time, Hephaestus, towards this tiny God friend, could not get used to her,

but she could not just leave her alone, and was troubled.

In the end, she gave her a hidden house within a church, even now the workplace

was arranged by Hephaestus.

Talking about the things that Hestia did independently by herself, it was only

adding Bell to her .


In reality, Hestia tried to act as an adult in front of Bell, but she was a God that

could do nothing by herself.

''Am I a God that would do such a thing! Of course, I was taken care of by

Hephaestus many times, and thanks to you, I finally found a little way out! Right

now, do you still think that I will bother my friends?!''

''After all, you were just eating a free dinner up until now''

''Mmmm...That's incorrect, this is, something that will be left over

right...Compared to being thrown away, why not let me have a more effective

use of, what is...''

''Ho ho, you're really great, this ungenerous spirit. I really, am being moved to

tears by this action''


Facing Hephaestus, Hestia regretfully muttered.


A clear footstep sound was heading towards Hephaestus from behind.

''Fufu...Still same as before''


The Goddess that appeared within Hestia's sights was a face that was superior,

more outstanding to the other gods. It can be said that it was in a completely

different dimension.

White skin that was like brand new snow. Her slender limbs seemed to be floating

in the air, releasing a fragrance, soft hips and waist, if it was directly looked at,

your reasoning may be in danger. The dress with gold engravings revealed her

chest, the ample boobs that were wrapped by one cloth, the valley in between was

dyed in the color of sakura.

As if it was the golden ratio, it was completely perfect.

Her long eyelashes seemed like they were completely enveloped by light.


A goddess with the charm of beauty, Freya, shaking her long hair, walked in front

of Hestia.

''You...Why are you here...''

''Ahah, we just ran into each other. Anyways, long time no see , so let's have a

stroll around the venue.''

''To...Too hasty, Hephaestus''

''Are there any problems, Hestia?''

''Not really...''

The Goddess of Beauty asked while smiling.

Hestia pouted and said.

''I am just not good at dealing with you''

''Fufufu. I really like this about you, you know?''

Hestia waved her hand, expressing that she should not be like this.

Freya, who was on a completely different level in terms of appearance compared to

the other gods, was known as a , she was also the most

beautiful person among the gods.

To the gods that were basically fickle and lascivious, the ability that they want

while drooling was , all the Beauty Gods are equipped with it. The

lower world people seeing this, will also be attracted towards it.

However, the 's characters were very cunning.

This made the other gods very troubled.

If it was possible, it was best not to provoke them, these were Hestia's true words.

''Hey! Hephaestus-tan, Freya , Shorty! !''

''....Now that we're talking about this, compared to you, there is a more

annoying fellow''


''Ara, isn't that good''

Freya, with a top grade smile, turned her gaze around, and waved at the goddess

heading over.

Scarlet hair and scarlet eyes. Normally, her hair is tied up in a simple hairstyle, but

because it was for the party, she rolled it up. Wearing a thin black dress.

The second person that was difficult to deal with appeared after Freya, of course,

she was also wearing the same expression as Hestia.

''Ah, Loki''

''Why did you come over here, you...!''

''What, I can't come over here without reason? should

be more accurate! If you want a reason, then it is because I have too much free

time. Ha, you really don't know how to look at the atmosphere, Shorty''

''...! ...! !''

''What an exaggerated expression, Hestia''

Loki, who was two heads taller, attempted to act as an fool, Hestia did not have

any good expressions.

Facing her, Hestia had nothing to say.

This women, is an enemy.

''Really long time no see, Loki. I also met Hestia and Freya, today really isn't


''Ah , indeed it has been a long time...Mmm, there are also faces that I did not

wish to see here as well''

Widening her tiny eyes, Loki sent a smile towards the silver-haired goddess.

Freya, holding onto her eyebrows and seducing the waiter who had brought in the

glass cups, closed her eyes, without losing her smile.

''What is it, did you meet up somewhere else?''


''We just ran into each other. Although saying this, we basically did not talk.''

''Hmmm , Ah, Loki, the fame about your has often been heard

recently? Looks like you're doing well''

''Not really, if the successful Hephaestus-tan also says this, then I could be

considered as well-known ...However, those kids can be considered as my


After talking about the formation of her , Loki used her hands to cover

up her embarrassment, her expression was completely hidden.

Hestia, who was listening, suddenly thought of a question.

''Hey, Loki. I heard that in your there is a Wallen-whatever person,


''Ah, , right? I also want to hear about it''

''Eh? The Shorty also wanted to request something of me, will it be raining lava

tomorrow? Armageddon! Ragnarok ! I'm getting this kind of feeling!''

I'll bite you to death, you bastard, thought Hestia.

''...I'll ask you. The rumored , is there any relationship with a

male or partner?''

''Idiot, Aizu is my darling. I will absolutely not let her marry out, no matter who it

is. There are people who have attempted to approach her, but they have all been



''Why are you clicking your tongue here...''

Under Loki's protection, Aizu Wallenstein was almost treated as a treasure.

She was sure that she did the same to Bell. Hestia thought that how nice it would

be if she had a partner, this type of dark thought.

From beside her, Hephaestus suddenly noticed one thing, then said.


''Although I am talking about it now, but Loki wearing a dress is really rare?

You've always been wearing male clothing''

'' Fuhehe, about this, Hephaestus-tan. I heard that there was a Shorty that was

hurriedly preparing to go to a party...''

Secretly aiming at Hestia, Loki approached the shorty herself.

''A poor god that could not even afford to wear a dress, what a joke''

(Aaannnoooyyyiiinnnggg! !)

In front of her, Loki had a triumphant expression, Hestia immediately was about to


Every single time. Loki and I did not really have any interaction, the first time we

met was not even a century ago. Even so, this fellow has always been like this

when we meet up...No, it was as if she meets up with me because she wanted to

play around with me

To be honest, there is no reason to say anything more. That is because there is a

thing she doesn't have, but Hestia does.

Tada, it was the huge valley in front of her chest.

''Hmmm ! ! This fellow really is funny! In order to mock me, she even

brought out her flat chest, Loki, you really have talent for making jokes!''

''What! ?''

''Ahah, sorry sorry, not a talent for making jokes, but talent for digging!

...Specifically a talent for digging your own grave! !''

This time, not only was Hestia's face was red, Loki's face also instantly turned red.

Currently, the dress that Loki was wearing had a high degree of exposure. The

pitiful chest that was like a grassy plain was blowing in the wind.

Hephaestus was holding one arm and looked around with an expression

of...''It's begun again''.


Freya, who was drinking fruit wine, was smiling with an elegant expression as


The two of them had above average boobs that were wrapped around by their

gorgeous dress.

''Anyways, to what extent do you have to disappoint men with that motherless

chest! It is like the despair when facing a cliff, idiot! ? Oh, I think I said something

very nice today!''

''It isn't nice at all you idiotttttttttttttttttttttt! !''

''Fumyuguuuuuuu! ?''

Loki, with tears in her eyes, finally fought against Hestia.

Using her two hands to grasp onto the soft cheeks, she pulled.

Pulling them in all directions.

Hestia, who also had tears, began to fight back, her short hands and legs could not

reach Loki, every single attack hit empty air.

''Oh, it began''

''Loli Big Boobs vs. Loki Boobless...!''

''I bet that the Loli Big Boobs would win, 10000 Varisu''

''The Boobless will in the end be careless, 10 Elixirs''

''Loki-tan who was beaten, I will comfort her with all my strength, All my Star


''It became a gamble.''

The gods were all in an uproar.

This fellow..., when everyone is fighting over this, Hephaestus had already

given up.

Loki's hand pinched the long face, and Hestia's body shook.



Continued and continued, to shake.

''...Hmmm,Hmmm. T...Today, we'll end it here...''

( ( ( ( ( ( She's totally shaken...) ) ) ) ) )

Loki with an unhappy expression, flung Hestia to the ground.

Without even glancing at the girl rolling on the floor, Loki turned away and left

while trembling.

The figure of the victor and the loser of the battle.

''Mmmm...! Next time you come, don't let such pitiful things enter my sight,

you loser dog!''

''Such up you idiot! I'll remember thisssss! !''

Loki finally could not hold back, and fled from the venue.

As expected, everyone was holding this idea while they left Hestia's side.

''She's really become soft, that Loki...''

''Instead of saying that she became soft...why not say that she completely

became a child... ''

After Freya muttered loudly, Hephaestus replied with a sincerely distressed


Freya smiled and stroked her own hair.

''Before coming to the Lower World, in order to pass time she would fight against

other gods right? She is definitely cuter now. No matter how you say, she is not

dangerous at all''

''Speaking of which, you and Loki had a long friendship?''

''No. The same as you two''


Hephaestus lifted up Hestia from behind, and she stood up.

We just have an ill-fated relationship, she smiled towards Freya.

''Loki seems to like kids very much. So it became like this.''

''...Although sadly, I have to agree about the point about liking children.''

''Heh, didn't you say before are not willing to enter my

...Is it because right now you have a child in your called


''Fufun, well. Giving this child to me seems like a waste''

''I remember that it was a white-haired, red eyed human? When you came to report

that you created a , I was really shocked...''

Beside Hephaestus, who was nodding her head, Freya moved slightly.

Coughing, she placed her glass onto the table and lifted up her hair.

''Then, please excuse me''

''Uh, just this? Freya, didn't you have something to do?''

''It's enough already. I already confirmed the things that I wanted to hear...''

''...You, after coming here, you did not make any moves to listen to other

people's conversation?''

Hephaestus, who had moved together with her since the beginning of the party,

made a surprised expression.

Freya ignored her, and used a slightly different smile and lowered her head to look

at Hestia.

Hestia blinked.

''...And, I have already had enough of the men here''




Then goodbye, after saying this, she disappeared from the venue.

Only leaving Hestia and Hephaestus to make a subtle expression, and they looked

at each other's expression.

''As expected, Freya is also a ...What a slut''

''Well, if Freya and the others do not manage love and lust, who will manage it


''And, she is not really conscious about her . If she opposes the other

gods...she will be hated by her kids''

''It feels that if Freya smiles slightly, she will easily refill her


After sighing, Hephaestus used her hand to stroke her eyepatch.

This was her habit. Simply put, if she feels dissatisfied or something is

unacceptable, she will make this action.

Seeing this action, Hestia sighed herself.

''Then, what are you up to? I only wanted to see everybody's faces, are you

preparing to head back?''

Trembled, Hestia's shoulder's trembled.

She recalled about her original purpose.

''If you are planning to stay, what are you preparing to do? Shall we have a drink

like the past times?''

''Ah, ahh, about that...''

Facing the suddenly panicking Hestia, Hephaestus tilted her head.


Her line of sight was wavering between the slender neck and the red hair, Hestia

finally determined her resolve, then cleared her throat.

''About this...There is something I want to request from Hephaestus...''


Suuu, the red colored left eye became narrow.

The usual intimate atmosphere suddenly changed, and become a serious


It was the exact same posture as when she had said that she would not lend any


''Up until this point, you still wish to request something of me? You, did you think

carefully about what you have just said?''

''Uhhhhh, what was it...?''

''You will not bother me, isn't that what you said?''

Ah ah, she did say it, so Hestia gave off an empty laugh.

A glare as if she was seeing garbage in front of her. Within her heart, Hestia had an

impulse to take back what she had just said, but she attempted to endure it.

However, once she thought about Bell's face, her heart was suddenly motivated


With a half-baked resolve where it was possible to be hated by her own friend,

Hestia came to this

''...Incidentally, I'll still hear it. What Are You requesting from me?''

In front of her was an angry red-eyed, red-haired god, Hephaestus.

The created by her, who was known as a Fire God in heaven, was the

only one who did not rely on the income from adventurers to operate.

Even if it was inside the Labyrinth city, which is impossible to survive in without

relying on the dungeon, the special , is a large

that every adventurer that lived here knew about.


You can say it was a famous brand.

The famous and well-known brand with many talents that were

developed, is better than over a hundred products. Besides from Orario, many

cities Even worldwide, were attracted by her , that's right, a


Towards the permanent president of , Hestia shouted out her


''For Bell-kun...the child in my , please make a weapon!''