
Danmachi I do not own this book or make it

I do not own this book or make it I’m simply putting it on this app for ease of access

John_poe · Action
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9 Chs

Chapter 2

And So I Ran


The base of is in an unknown room within a church.

Because it was built underground, the sound of the morning birds chirping couldn't

be heard here. I confirmed that it was morning and woke up from my bed at the

stated time.

Because my home country was at the countryside, I had developed a habit of doing

farm work in the morning, so I already had this biological clock.

(...It should be just five o clock.)

Just in case, I stuck out my head from the sofa to confirm it with the clock hanging

on the wall.

The ''Magic Stone Lamp'' ,that was developed from the magic stone technology,

was shining dimly on the ceiling, so even if it was underground, the room wasn't

completely surrounded by darkness. It had the effect of allowing the naked eye to

observe the surroundings.

Kami-sama had also praised the human technology of this ''Magic Stone Lamp'' as

''really handy and flexible.'' Just because it was an object that made even gods

exclaim, you could realize the greatness of the magic stone products that once were

known as the ''Century's greatest invention''.

Yesterday, after finishing the small feast with Kami-sama, as usual, I gave the bed

to Kami-sama and slept on the sofa. It was narrow, but I was already accustomed

to it.

After I blinked a few times, I prepared to get up to wash my face...when I

suddenly noticed.


Besides the blankets, there was a round object pressing onto my body. Very soft.

Because I wasn't mistreated by it, I didn't notice it earlier.

With a question mark inside my heart, my hand reached out towards the unknown

round object...and I instantly understood. It was Kami-sama.

She had buried her head in my chest and was fast asleep. Although I was shocked,

I immediately leaked out a wry smile.

(A dream...Is it?)

I could only sigh and think that anything could happen in this world. Okay, now

it's trouble, what should I do.

It was easy to escape from the sofa without waking up Kami-sama, but how should

I say it, I didn't want to let go of this warm and comfortable existence. It was

simply beyond a high-class pillow and worthy of the name god-class pillow.

I completely understood that even that hold powerful weapons or items

didn't have anything that could surpass this pillow. Kami-sama is really amazing.

I was a bit afraid, but I still put my hand around Kami-sama's back and gently

hugged her. The feeling was very soft.

It's over, I really can't escape now.

Once my face was facing towards Kami-sama who was filled with a fragrance,

Kami-sama issued out an ''Mmmmm...'' sound, shifted her lower body and

rubbed her cheeks on my chest like a baby.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, she really is so cute...!

Within my heart, I was crazily infatuated Suddenly with a ''Mmm-Chu'' sound,

Kami-sama's twin valleys with the overwhelming mass was completely flattened

on top of me.



After that, I moved swiftly. I immediately removed Kami-sama, who turned from a

god-class item into a dangerous item, and as if I was exchanging our positions,

placed Kami-sama below and escaped from the sofa.

(Kami-sama was actually trying to kill me...)

At that moment, it was the first time I felt fear towards Kami-sama.

If I was even one second too late, I would have suffocated.

After placing the blanket on top of Kami-sama, I prepared to go out. If I continued

to dawdle here, it would feel very strange. After thinking about it calmly, I really

should have died, as I was actually being very rude to Kami-sama.

I swiftly and quietly went through the door and left the room.

''...Bell-kun, you idiot. Hmmm''

(This actually occurred early in the morning....)

My sigh merged with the somewhat chilly morning air. I walked alone on the main

street that has a very different atmosphere at noon. The big road that was neither

noisy nor complex gave off a open feeling. The stone-based shops that were built

on both sides of the street still had their doors closed tightly.

The eastern skies were already bright. Even if it was early in the morning, you

could still feel a breath of humans. There were hobbits who were preparing to open

a shop, and also dwarfs that were adventurers discussing something in their team.

Looks like they are going to the dungeon.

I was also wearing equipment for entering the dungeon while escaping from Kamis...Leaving

the house. So if the others saw me, I would be classified as the same

type as them.

''Ah~ I forgot to eat breakfast...''

GURRRRUUUU, after hearing the sound coming from my body, I looked left and

right while walking around and stared at the surroundings.

This is bad, I forgot to eat. So hungry.


Looks like I won't be able to concentrate and focus on exploring the dungeon if I

don't get rid of this sense of hunger.

I didn't want to lose my determination on saving money today, but there was really

no other way, so what should I buy....

''...! ?''

I furiously looked backwards.

Stopping my footsteps to look at the back.

...An unpleasant feeling. Although it was not the type where I detected killing

intent, the slight breath was from a kind of powerful adventurer...Was I being


A feeling of danger. Just like when you are assessing an item, ordinary people

absolutely couldn't imitate it, a relentless gaze.

A shop employee preparing to open up a sidewalk café, a team of two beastmen

conversing in an alley, a girl looking onto the street from the second floor of a

shop...That scenery appeared in my vision while I repeatedly shifted my vision

to moving objects.

With my blank brain, I surveyed my surroundings.

There was no trace of anything suspicious in the shopping street that hadn't opened

up in the morning. Instead strange gazes were gathering towards me, who was

standing in the middle of the road. However, at this time I had no energy to take

note of this.

Did I think too much...?

After listening to the sound of my excessive heartbeat, I couldn't help but make a

puzzled expression.



I immediately changed my pose and turned around to the voice coming from

behind. To any onlookers it must have looked like I was acting like a scaredy-cat.


The person who addressed me was the same as me, a human girl.

She was wearing a white blouse and a leaf-colored knee-length long skirt. On top

of this was also a slightly long half apron around her waist.

Her black hair that had lost its luster was tied into a small knot, and a tail was

hanging down below that knot. Looks like it was a type of ponytail.

Her eyes, that had the same color as her hair, were seemingly innocent and cute.

Her milky white and smooth gentle face displayed a surprised expression due to

my vigilant action.

It was only a harmless civilian...W...What have I done! ?

''S...Sorry! Because I was a bit surprised...!''

''N...No problem, I'm really sorry that I scared you...''

I hurriedly apologized, but the other side also followed and apologized. I really am

so sorry.

She should be a bit older than me. But it looks like it should only be a difference of

one or two years.

Isn't this the shop employee that I've just seen arranging things in the sidewalk


The one that was tenaciously trying to move a table alone...

''I...Is there something wrong?''

''Ah...Yes. You dropped this.''

A purplish-blue crystal was placed in her outstretched hand.

''Huh? ? A...Ahhhh?''

I crooked my neck to look at the waist bag above my butt. I usually put the

stones>that I obtained from monsters into this fist-sized waist bag.

Usually I would tighten it, but did I loosen it for a reason this time?


I remembered that yesterday when I exchanged the money, I should have given all

the Magic Stones to the guild. Could it be that I remembered wrong?

Besides Adventurers, it was impossible for others to have a

Stone>...Yes, it must be like that.

''S...Sorry. I'm grateful for it.''

''No problem''

She answered with a smile that made me feel comfortable. My frown when I was

apologizing also changed to a smile because of her smile. Able to meet up with

such pure kindness made me completely relieved.

''Are you preparing to go to the dungeon so early?

''Yes, I am simply going to the...''

The shop employee continued to talk with me. Because I was troubled on how to

end this, I was grateful that she spoke first.

After exchanging a few more words, I said my goodbyes.

...Just when I was thinking of this, Guru, my stomach issued out such an

embarrassing sound.



The shop employee, who widened her eyes inconsiderately.

I, who was blushing furiously.

Then, she let out a ''pfft'' and leaked out sounds of laughter. A violent blow. I

bowed my head and let the steam emit from the top of my head.

''Ohho, your stomach, are you hungry?''


''Could it be that you haven't eaten breakfast yet?''


I, who was shy and could not directly look at the shop employee, nodded.

She took up a thinking pose, then suddenly hurried away from here.

She passed through the café, which was mentioned before, and disappeared inside,

but she returned shortly.

What she didn't have when she left was a small basket cradled under her

slender hands. From inside, you could see a small bread and some cheese.

''If you can, please eat this...Because the shop hasn't opened yet, this cannot be

called a formal meal.''

''Ehhhh! ? If that's the case, then I'm really sorry! Plus, shouldn't this be your


The shop employee smiled shyly.

Uwaah...This person is definitely the type that releases her cuteness from within.

Although it was not the same type of appearance that makes one comfortable like

Wallenstein and Kami-sama...But it seemed to be the type that would attract

you more, the closer you get...

How should I put it, the type would give off a

streets !>feeling so that even if the gods see her, they will absolutely praise


''If I ignore this, I would feel guilty. So Mr. Adventurer, please accept it.''

''T...Too cunning...''

Being requested in such a way, how could I possibly still have room to refuse her.

Using such a smile to say such words, that's too cowardly.

I, who was disturbed to the max, didn't know how to respond while the shop

employee closed her tiny eyes.

After opening her eyes, this time she had a slightly mischievous smile, and placed

her face close to my eyes.

S...So close...


''Mr. Adventurer, this is consistent with my own interests. Although I would lose a

bit if I fill your stomach here, in exchange...

''I...In exchange...?''

''...Tonight, you would have to have dinner at the shop where I work.''


This time, it was my turn to widen my eyes.

I thought for a while understand the meaning of this sentence.

Facing the smiling shop employee, the thick walls that I unconsciously place

around people when I meet with them for the very first time, were completely


Following, I also broke into a smile.

''Really...So cunning.''

''Oh ho, quickly accept it. Today my salary will certainly increase.''

The shop employee said to me, you're welcome.

What, this person is actually very calculative.

''...Then, I'll see you tonight!''

''Okay, I'll wait for you.''

Until the end, the shop employee continued to maintain a smile. Although I was set

up, it feels like I was drinking tea cozily. Thinking about this, I suddenly became

shy again.

The shop employee watched me as I held the small basket in one hand.

At the end of the long street, in the middle of the city, the dungeon was located

underneath the cloudless morning sky's skyscraper facilities.

I suddenly remembered something when I was approaching the white skyscraper,

and stopped to look back.


I spoke to the incredulous shop employee, who was still watching me.

''I...I'm Bell Cranel. May I ask for you name?''

''It's Seal Flover, Bell-san''

We exchanged smiles and our names.


The dungeon already existed before the gods descended to the Lower World.

Although it was not as massive as before, but streets were already built on top of

the dungeon, it was said that it was made by a predecessor of the guild.

To summarize it,in ancient times there were people who cooperated with the

current and the old guild and fought against the monsters without any

from the gods.



A part of me couldn't believe it, but the other part was in awe. Thinking that there

were really such powerful people in the past.

Compared to me, who obtained Kami-sama's and was finally able to

defeat the , there exist people who genuinely defeated the monsters

from the dungeon with their own bodies in the past.


''Hah! ?''


If and only if.


If the people from ancient times were here.

If those true warriors that defeated the enemy alone were here.

Those powerful warriors would certainly face this situation by pinching their nose

and running away.

'' '' '' '' '' ''GROOOOAAAAAAAAAAA'' '' '' '' '' ''

''This is impossible ! ? ''

At least to me, it was completely impossible.


'' '' '' '' '' ''GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA'' '' '' '' '' ''

Turning my back towards the horde of Kobolds, I desperately ran. A total of six

monsters were chasing stubbornly after me.

The location was currently the first floor of the dungeon.

Light blue walls and ceilings filled my entire vision.

The dungeon, where one could not see the sky, stretched endlessly in all directions.

Forking roads, crossroads, a slight downhill. In this neat and orderly path that was

placed throughout underground, I ran while waving my arms.

Because it was still early in the morning, I could not see any traces of other

Adventurers on the first floor of the dungeon. I, who had managed to hunt

monsters smoothly earlier on, had unfortunately met a group of Kobolds.

Initially, there were eight of them. Although I managed to kill two of them before I

was surrounded, they had actually managed to lay a beautiful encirclement. Thus, I

had no other options except for one. That is To run.

At first, it was rare for Kobolds to form a pack. Using their sharp teeth and claws

as their weapons, Kobolds usually move by themselves or with one other. As a

beginner Adventurer, what I say isn't very convincing, but I have certainly never

come across such a situation before.


Including yesterday's Minotaur, I truly feel that these few days didn't have

anything pleasant happening, and instead there was danger.

Have I obtained someone's hatred or have I been secretly cursed...


I quickly jumped into the right -angled corner, braked and then turned around and

hid my presence.

I decided to ambush the Kobolds. I prepared to attack them the instant they turned

this corner.

Thinking about what I had to do next, I couldn't help but feel nervous.

If there were other Adventurers at the scene, would they make fun of my decision

as ''foolish''?

However, since the first floor's paths are quite wide, it could easily become a

unfavorable battle of one facing many. So no matter how much I try to escape, it

will be difficult to create a one vs. one situation.

And if I had continued to run away, I could have encountered other monsters.

If I'm gonna do it, I should do it quickly.


The footsteps of kicking the ground gradually became closer.

Facing the moment that had yet to come, my gaze fell to my hand.

The five fingers were tightly gripping the small dagger.

Bell Cranel is a dagger user. This dagger only had a 20 centimeter blade, it was

also the only weapon I own.

The hand holding onto the handle had sweat coming out of it. Listening to the

numerous echos of the beastly roars, I tried to calm myself down and take a deep

breath. Fuuuu Haa, taking a deep breath.


Then the next moment, the face of the beast with red eyes appeared from the other

side of the wall.



By the time we had both caught the other's presence, I had already rushed towards


As the reflection inside the pupil of the Kobold in front of me gradually become

larger Stab.

My dagger entered the opponent's heart. That was the first one.

After seeing the unexpected scene of what happened to the Kobold that had turned

the corner, they were shaken. However, my actions and momentum did not stop

and disappear there. Using the Kobold that I killed as a shield, I rushed towards the

crowd of Kobolds, then rolled onto two of them and made them fall down to the


''G...GAAAAAA! ?''


''GYOGU! ?''

The two that were forcibly pushed onto their backs were not the same, so I used the

roll earlier to swiftly stand up.

Turning around, I stabbed at a muffled Kobold's throat. Two down.



''GOOO! ?''

The three that were frozen stiff due to the attack finally started moving again.

I dodged the first one and took the time to kick the head of the other one that was

on the floor like a soccer ball. The sound of a broken neck rang out.


The Kobold's head was twisted and faced an abnormal angle. Three.

''I WIN!''

''GYAIN! ?''

A declaration of victory.

The remaining Kobolds already could not surround me. Because low level

monsters with low intelligence could not cleverly cooperate. Right now, I cut open

the fourth Kobold's stomach. Only two remain.

Shortly after, I crushed the last Kobold who stared at me with terrifying eyes.

''Fuuuu~~...Finally finished''

Against the Kobolds that stopped moving, I sat down.

Although it was my first time facing that many enemies... it was lucky that I

escaped from the danger.

And I still did not have any injuries, so I did well.

Perhaps there are a number of ways to do it better than what I did. However, as an

Adventurer that didn't have a teacher, it was impossible to order me to do things

that I didn't know of.

Because 's only member is me, I didn't have any senpai or

companions to teach me how to fight. Although self-learning sounds nice, in

reality, I was still a rookie. Thus, for the current me, saying self-learning could

only be heard as unreliable proof.

If I don't want to die, I could throw away my pride and ask other 's

experts for their fighting methods...But, if I do this, it will certainly not only

affect me, but also Kami-sama, and I heard that the relationship between

becomes very complicated.

After placing all kinds of things onto the scale, I had a feeling of wanting to try and

improve myself.

And, , I could still fight.


Only think of fighting 1 on 1 at the dungeon.

Never chasing it deep.

Flexibly using the advantageous terrain.

Thus, I still clearly remember the information of dungeon that Eina had instilled to

me , as if it was my only flesh and blood.

Standing up, I headed towards the corpses of the Kobolds. Facing their appearance

of tongue sticking out because they had been completely out of breath made my

conscience take a bit of a blow. But I shook my head and lifted the dagger once


In one breath, I waved the dagger downwards, and dug out the heart. Ignoring the

twitching body and the scattering of the blood, I immediately took the shining

purplish-red fragments located at the center of its chest.

That is the

From monsters, you can obtain crystals filled with magic...At least I heard. As

always, I was not sure about the details about things. Looks like it was just like

what Kami-sama had said, I really should read some books.

All in all, these crystals have incredible powers, and you could use this thing to

exchange money at the guild. This could also mean that the Magic Stone is the

source of money for Adventurer.

The best example is the in our home, , after

passing human technology and processing, help various aspects of life For

example, using it as an ignition device or a freezer to preserve food. Thus a

is treated as a precious resource. I heard that the Labyrinth

City,through exporting Magic Stone products to other countries and regions, has

earned many benefits. But in these circumstances, instead of saying the Labyrinth

City, why not say that it was the guild that has achieved these benefits.

Strictly speaking, what I obtained from the Kobold is not a , but a


This thing is only the size of a finger nail. According to what I verified, what you

obtain from monsters from the first to four floors should only basically be this size.


The exchange rate was extremely low. Looks like the larger the Magic Stone, the

more the guild will pay.

I stared at the purplish-blue crystals in my hand, suddenly, the Kobold's body that

had the Magic Stone removed changed. At first, only the color pigments seem to

fall out, then in the next instant, you'll notice that the head collapsed, finally the

entire body will turn into ash and disappear without a trace.

This was the end of a monster that lost its Magic Stone.

According to Eina, the Magic Stone is the monster's core, and it is their source of

living. She had also taught me that aiming for the Magic Stone was very effective

to defeat the monsters. However, if the Magic Stone was cracked, then it would be

worthless, but what is more important than your own life?

After sending off the Kobold, which had completely disappeared into dust, I began

to repeat the same work. I should also head back to find the two that had died

earlier on, thus I did not have time to take a break.

Lifting up my dagger, I swung it downwards, downwards and downwards.


After finishing with the final corpse, a right claw was left by itself that should have

completely disappeared into ash along with the body.

Obtaining the claw that was buried under the ashes. Gently poking it, it seems that

there was no movement that it would disappear.

Looks like it was a

Monsters that have their Magic Stones removed will sometimes leave a part of

their body in their original shape. It was said that the part that was left behind was

usually an abnormally developed location, holding a power that allows it to live

independently without Magic Stones In this situation it should be Magic

Power. When the monster was still alive, it must have been a powerful weapon of

the monster.

This item could also be exchanged for gold. Especially if it could be used as a

material for weapons and armor. The prices were different between items, but

usually these things could be exchanged from more money than Magic Stones.



Placing the Magic Stone Fragments into the waist bag, and placing the

Claws>into the black backpack behind me.

This backpack was specially made: it was a magical bag that was capable of

storing items much, much larger than its appearance...What, of course that was


If there was a limit to the fabric, it would naturally overflow, it could also be

broken. Of course, the weight will still exist. How was it possible for the world to

have such a useful fantasy-like item.

Normally, there would be a non-combatant known as a that would

ensure recovery of items such as Magic Stone and Loot, but since the

Familia>'s member count is only one, I believe I don't have to say much more. I,

who entered the dungeon alone, had no choice but to carry the heavy luggage, that

could be exchanged for money, during a battle.

But Kami-sama and my don't have the money to hire people...



''...Continuous battle?''

Damn it, Can't you give me a break!

Including the existence of the Magic Stone, the dungeon was filled with mysteries.

The only dungeon in the world, just as I mentioned earlier, had existed in the

Lower World before the gods descended.

There are some that say that the lowest floor in the dungeon leads to hell or the

demon world. The gods seemed to know about it, but they do not seem to be

willing to tell.

''A dungeon is a dungeon. A place where you chase after something else.''

I heard this was a famous saying from the Gods. How much did they love the



I heard the number one surprising topic should be that, ''the dungeon is alive'',

right? However, there won't be things such as the thick walls attacking you, and

the terrain of the floors would also not change. For the evidence, adventurers

would explore and create a map of the floor, which could be sold to the guild. (But

as one goes lower, the size of the area will rapidly increase at an unimaginable rate,

thus, I've heard that there are many floors that did not have a complete map)

The meaning of alive, means that it would repair itself, the structures that were

destroyed in the dungeon would automatically repair themselves.

It was said that the dungeon was constructed by a material either higher-class or

lower-class than the Magic Stones. Only the construction of the dungeon was still

not understood by the scholars until now, it was stopped at the point of the

phenomenon occurring.

Also, because it was a material that was similar to the Magic Stone, even if

sunlight could not enter the dungeon, it was still very bright. Especially the first

floor, the area that could be considered as the ceiling would also emit

phosphorescence, thus no matter what time it was, it was bright to an absurd level.

Furthermore monsters. They were born within the dungeon.

Although this may seem like a joke, but in fact, they actually crawl out from the

walls, like chicks break the shells of the eggs. Many had witnessed this scene. This

was the reason why no matter how many monsters were hunted by the adventurers,

monsters would still endlessly appear.

However, each floor could only produce a certain number of monsters. Although I

heard that occasionally there would be monsters that run up from the lower floors,

or monsters from the upper floors headed downwards, but normally, the monsters

would be fixed to the corresponding floor, which they had appeared from.

Incidentally, the rule was basically: the lower the floor, the stronger the monster.

The location that connects the upper and lower floors would sometimes have stairs,

sometimes large down slopes, all in all, there was a lot of possibilities. But no

matter how many possibilities there were, there would not be an absurd thing like

instant movement. But this should be logical, because even Gods could not do such

a thing. The monsters are the same, the could only rely on their own legs to move

around in the dungeon.

The monsters are only created within the dungeon.


Thus, if we are able to manage the dungeon well, we should not be threatened by

the monsters.

Therefore, the management authority (Guild) was created early during the ancient

times. Although I personally believe that the reason for the guild's existences was

mainly due to the benefits it could obtain from the dungeon.

Once, when I was still very young, I was almost killed by a , now that I

think about it, that goblin should be the descendant of the monsters that came up to

the earth before the guild was created. After leaving Orario, in the surrounding

areas or the distant parts of the world, you could also see these monsters.

That also means that monsters have reproductive behaviors.

Although this was a terrifying vision, but I really could not believe that this

dungeon is the same existence as the Gods, which created the Lower World

humans and races.

Of course, even if had the guts, needless to say I would not dare to say such words

to anyone, including the gods.

'' Ah!''


I gave off a flying kick and dealt a strong blow to the standing directly in

the middle of the path.

The attack hit its big belly. The goblin's fat body was twisted to 60 degrees, and

widened its eyes, that nearly made others feel that they would pop out, to the max.

I sent him flying.

The hated green fellow that gave me a trauma, is now instantly fodder to me, who

has obtained Kami-sama's . But this was strange.

Right now I feel that the time when I first entered the maze, trembling at the sight

of these fellow, was a thing of the past.

''Ah, more loot.''

This time, it was


After the recovery was complete, I had to carry my backpack, that was heavy to the

extent of making others feel worried. As if the weight could be heard from my


Ah~, Although according to the capacity of the backpack, it could carry a

lot...But this would most likely hinder my actions, right?

But if it were monsters like the earlier goblin, those should be located



''Uh! ? Ah, Nnn! ?''

Correction! I must first think of a way to fix my backpack!

Although it was a surprise attack, it was not an unavoidable attack!

I did not know whether it was hiding in the shadows of the walls, I place my vision

onto the constantly intimidating goblin that was revealing its fangs and placed the

backpack on the floor.

Right, I can't be hasty. Even if I do not take risks, the dungeon is still filled with

dangers. Didn't Eina also say many times that thinking of ''Well, so be it'' was the

most dangerous thing.

I should first take a trip to the ground. It wasn't too late to come back after

exchanging my battle rewards for money. I shouldn't think that it was too


Didn't I say that I would form a good relationship with Wallenstein? Although I

don't know exactly what I should do, I know that the current me is completely


I suddenly remembered the face of the golden-eyed and blonde savior. I cannot

help but feel the accumulated desire that seemed to be burning my body.

Because today I still have to go to Seal's shop, I must earn an income that was

more than usual. Until the promised time, I will insist on doing the same thing over

and over again to earn money!


I must earn enough.

''But first ...I should give back what I take with interest!''

''BUEBEEH! ?''



Bell Cranel

Lv. 1

Strength: I 82 >H 120

Endurance: I 13 >I 42

Dexterity: I 96 >H 139

Agility: H 172 >G 225

Magic: I 0

[ ]

[ ]



At sunset.

I, who had finished today's exploration of the dungeon and came back to the

hidden house within the church, couldn't help but widen my eyes.

Because from the paper, that recorded my updated , which Kami-sama

passed to me, the recorded proficiency growth was so incredible that it was


''K...Kami-sama, This...did you copy it wrong or what...?''

''...You think I cannot even do simple reading and writing, is it?''

''N...No! I did not mean it that way...But...''

But...It seems like I have just seen some amazing numbers.

Placing that somewhat ironic reply from Kami-sama aside, I began to carefully

look at the paper.

Today, I really attempted to become strong. There was indeed a confidence

compared to my past struggles.

But, aren't these figures too much...The total proficiency went up over 160, is

this a joke?

I actually achieved this much in one day, then where has all my effort gone to for

the past half a month...

''K...Kami-sama, there must be a mistake! ? See, here, the category!

I only received one enemy attack today!''


The only damage I received was from the sneak attack from that goblin. I easily

dodged all the attacks afterwards. But even just this, my actually

increased by 29...The stat had tripled in 1 go.


I defeated a large amount of monsters until today to receive the previous stats, no

matter how hard I worked, it was impossible that being attacked once would

increase my proficiency by this much.

''So I said there must be a mistake...T...That, Kami-sama?''



Kami-sama had a terrible mood. Extremely terrible. Terrible to the extent that it

was scary.

The small face frowned, and using half an eye to stare tightly at me. This pressure,

as if I could hear Kami-sama saying ''I'm angry''.

W...Why? What did I do wrong?

Just because it was the first time I encountered such a Kami-sama, I began to be at

a loss.

I, who was sweating from my forehead, trembled like a powerless goblin.



''A...About this, how should I say it...''


''W...Why...Did I suddenly grow...this....''

''Who knows!''

Kami-sama pouted and ignored me.

In this situation, I couldn't help but feel, ''Wow, so cute!'', did I really have a


It was Kami-sama's first rebellious act.



Kami-sama turned her back towards me and silently headed to the closet at the

depths of the room. Her twin-tails constantly bounced as if it was trying to

intimidate me.

Opening the door to the closet, Kami-sama, who was shaking from side to side,

tried hard to reach for her special-made jacket. Wearing that jacket that could even

cover her petite body's unbalanced boobs, she passed me, who was frozen stiff.

''The place I work at is hosting a whatever party, so I'll go out for a while. You

should also occasionally relax by YOURSELF, and eat a luxurious meal in a


BANG! Under this sound, the door was slammed shut.

Until the very end, Kami-sama didn't look at my face. Only leaving a mystery

about the party her workplace is hosting.

...W...What exactly happened?

I feel that it must be me that was wrong at first, but I couldn't recall what kind of

mistake I made.

Just because of the fact that I made Kami-sama angry, I depressingly left the

hidden house. And sighed at the same time.

Ah, I must cheer up before I reach Seal-san's place...

The sun had already been setting to the west.

The loss of the light from the sun, what came forth was the dark blue evening and

faintly shining full moon, and countless laughing sounds.

The laborers that ended their shift, the adventurers that came back safe and sound

from the dungeon as if they were ending today, were all immersed in wine. The

prospering voices rushed forward from the bars, followed behind by roaring and

laughter. Together with the orange-colored lights from the opened shops, multiple

figures jumped onto the paved road.


(I remember the place where I met Seal-san this morning was indeed somewhere

close by...)

Walking on this endless main street like a lost child shaking his head left and right.

The surrounding scenery was completely new, it was completely different from

how it was in the morning when a single figure could not even be seen, which

made it very difficult for me to remember the location of the shop. It was

impossible to imagine that here was the same place as it was in the morning.

With the night bars as the selling point, the busy road exuded a passionate

atmosphere everywhere, making even the demi-humans become happy. The

hobbits, known as the representatives of small people, and gnomes were singing on

the roads while holding each other's shoulders, the dwarfs, that were famous as

mighty and tough warriors, also gave off a hearty laugh and entered this circle.

Since there were female beastmen with animal ears and tails wearing bold outfits

attracting customers, and there were also Amazon, who were wearing outfits even

more outrageous than theirs, constantly ignoring the surrounding gazes and

walking with a faint smile. I hurriedly turned my gaze away from their bodies.

Through the stringed and wind instruments' melody, the crowd streamed over from

the surroundings to the performance, the sound of the fine music touched the


The main street had completely put on its night appearance.

''...Should be here, right?''

As I finally found the familiar coffee shop, I stopped in front of the shop.

It was constructed by stone just like the other shops. This building that had a depth

of two floors was perhaps the largest around in the surrounding night bars.

The night bar that Seal-san works for, .

I was thinking deep down that this was a really amazing name, while staring at the

sign, then I quietly peeked inside the shop from the entrance.

What I first saw was a well-developed female dwarf serving food at the counter

It should be the boss Then, I saw a little of the kitchen, where the female


cat people with animal ears and tails were busily working, and the waitress that

takes the orders, it seems like it should be all females here.

Or what I should say is, all the workers in this shop are female.

...I think I know where the name of this bar came from.

(However, this, isn't it too difficult for me...?)

Seeing that the shop employee was also mixed with a prideful elf, I could not help

but feel surprised, then I swallowed. Until yesterday, although I thought it was not

possible, but the dream garden with beautiful women and beauties that I wished for,

was actually in front of my eyes. Of course, excluding the boss.

Although it cannot be considered as a glamorous and suspicious space...But to

me, who has no immunity to these situations, just the fact that the shop employees

were all female, was enough to make me blush.

The shop atmosphere was extremely bright. The shop employees were filled with

energy and sounds of laughter could be heard everywhere. Although there were

many adventurer customers that viewed the shop employees with perverted eyes,

basically everyone was simply drinking and laughing, the cooking seemed to look

very tasty as well.

The interior also seems to be very stylish compared to the other stores, but even so,

the peculiar impression of a bar still exists. From the point that there was a café

shop next to entrance, it could be seen that this shop followed the fashion carefully.

Anyways, why did the guest's vision focus on me from earlier.

Looks like there aren't only male guests, female guests also like this shop.

But I really want to immediately retreat from here...



It was extremely swift, once I looked, I found that Seal-san was standing beside me.

I forcibly made a smile to conceal my twitching mouth.

I should just admit it...


''...I'm here''

''Yes, Welcome''

Seal-san, wearing the same outfit as this morning, welcomed me.

Entering the wide entrance, she shouted with a clear voice.

''We've got a customer!''

(...Did the night bars even have to report this! ?)

I was whispering within my heart that I did not want to do such a thing that would

attract attention! While entering the shop and following Seal-san.

I took on a shrinking posture. I could not help but laugh at myself in this situation.

I really am a good for nothing.

''So, please have a seat''


I was led to sit in front of the counter.

How can I say it, but I was sitting right where the counter turns in a right angle. It

was located right at the corner of the bar, if I lean backwards, I would touch the

wall. Because it was a corner seat, so there was no other seat next to me, and thus,

no one would come over here to sit. It feels like sitting by yourself facing the boss

at the counter? Looks like it was specially arranged for me, who was a newcomer,

by Seal-san.

This way I wouldn't have to consider about the other people's gazes and could

enjoy my meal at my own pace.

Seems like she takes care of me quite well.

''Are you Seal's customer? Haha, Although you're an adventurer, you look kinda


Leave me alone.


Facing the female dwarf boss at the counter, I used an out of character, depressing

gaze and looked at her. Originally, I was struggling with this problem...

''I heard that you are a big eater that would make us grief! This old lady would

continuously serve you dishes, you can relax and continuously hand out your



Hearing the words from the female boss, I was suddenly shocked.

I immediately turned to face Seal-san, but I did not imagine that she, who was

staying beside me, would have actually turned her face to the side.

She looked away! This person looked away!

''W...When did I become a big eater! ? Even for me, it was the first time I've

heard this!?''


''What Ehehe! ?''

I will not be fooled anymore! This person is a demon!

''About this, I told Mia-mama that I wanted to serve an guest I've just met, so

please help me treat him with hospitality....As a result, the situation became like


''It is intentional, right! ?''

''I will cheer for you!''

''First, get rid of all the misunderstandings okay! ?''

She was a devil! Who said that she was a beautiful woman on the streets!

''I absolutely cannot eat and drink that much!? In the first place, my is

very poor!''

''...The hungry me cannot use any power!...It must be because I forgot to eat



''Please don't say such a script without any emotions okay! ? Anyways, you really

are despicable!?''

It was obvious that you forcibly gave it out, now you've also forced me to repay

the debt of one meal, what kind of fraud is this!?

''Ah ha, of course I was just joking around. I only expect a little effort on your part.

Please enjoy the meal at your leisure.''

''...A little, huh?''

How experienced...

I tried to hold back my sigh and faced the counter. I carefully placed the menu into

my hands, ignoring the content and first looking at the price was the main point.

Today the amount of money I exchanged was 4400 Varisu. Due to the fact that I

defeated more monsters that my previous record and that it luckily dropped

consecutive loots, today I earned a much bigger revenue than before. I usually only

average around 2000 Varisu.

Although a single meal that cost 50 Varisu was enough to fill yourself...But

adventurer's equipment and items were rather expensive. Just even a health

recovery potion would be priced at least 500 Varisu, so until now I have not

purchased a new weapon. And weapons, itself, also include a reparation fee.

The current dagger I use also cost me 3600 Varisu. And it was purchased through

asking the guild to lend me money. Although I have finally finished repaying all

my debt including the defense gear, adventurers must consider the circumstances.

After all, I do not want to spend a lot, and save up money.

In the end, I just randomly ordered pasta. But even that cost 300 Varisu. Ugggh.

There were lots of tricks and fashions for cooking. Although it was my first time to

eat at a bar, but perhaps it was because the shop had carefully cooked it well, so the

price was slightly expensive.

After the female boss's question of ''Wine?'', I thought for a while, and then

rejected it. Although I would not say any childish excuse such as I'm still underage,

but after all it would cost a lot of money.


But I did not expect that the female boss would actually ignore my words and place

a glass of brewing wine onto the table.

There was no meaning to asking...

''Having fun?''

''...Completely lost to the boss''

After eating half of the pasta, Seal-san came over to see.

I told the somewhat stingy feelings I had to her.

Her light-colored hair swayed left and right while she removed her apron, then she

took a circular chair from the side of the wall and sat next to me.

''Don't you have to work?

''The kitchen is very busy, but there are enough waitresses. And right now I have

lots of time''

Can I? Seal-san used her gaze to question the female boss.

The female boss also lifted up the corner of her mouth as if she consented.

''Um, Anyways, I am really grateful about the matter in the morning. The bread

was very tasty.''

''No problem. This way I also gave you means to work harder.

''...I'd feel that you've worked harder to sell is more correct.''

Facing the unexpected expensive dinner, I could not help but complain a bit.

Seal-san gave out a wry smile while she said ''Sorry'' and apologized to me.

Hopefully, these were really her true feelings.

Then I chatted with Seal-san about things about this shop.

This was single-handedly built by the female boss Mia

(I heard the shop employees all call her mama), and she was once an adventurer as

well. She currently is in a semi-active state with the she belongs to, it


was said that the God had given permission. I couldn't help but sigh because there

was actually such a person.

She only accepted female employees. It was said that people with various

situations all gathered here, and the female boss would not care about what their

circumstances are, and generously welcome them.

Then Seal-san was the same? So I decided to ask for a bit, but she replied with

''Only because the work environment looks nice.'' I thought that as long as it was

with the same gender, the work should be relaxing and so I believed her.

''This shop, because it is popular among the adventurers, it is very busy. And the

wages are also good.''

''...Seal-san likes rich people? Unless''

''Of course it's a joke, a joke. And there are many people that gather here...''

After saying this, Seal-san raised her head from the counter and looked around the


The dwarf that was making a pass at the shop employee and a waitress that easily

handled the situation. Not only were there people smacking their lips at the elf who

delivered the dish, but also Hobbits, who pushed the tables together, making a


Everybody was very passionate, lifted their glasses and smiled with their red faces.

''If there are a lot of people, then many would notice...that my eyes could not

help but begin to shine and feel happy about it.''

Seal-san narrowed her eyes and said this sentence.

Suddenly noticing my gaze which had been staring at her from the start, she

blushed and deliberately coughed a few times.

''Anyways, it is like this. To have contact with strangers gradually became my

interest and hobby... How should I say it, I feel somewhat touched.''

''...It is unexpected that you would actually say such a thing. However, I also

understand this feeling.''


I also understand. Because when I came to Orario, I was also very excited.

Making new discoveries, this may be a privilege to the people here of this city.

Thus, when I was resonating with the words Seal-san had mentioned, suddenly a

group of ten people entered the bar. Perhaps because they reserved it early on, they

were directly taken to the large space that was directly diagonal of my position.

This group did not seem like a divided group of adventurers, looks like all of the

members had amazing strength...

(Unn )

My heart suddenly jumped.

Like a sudden strike, what entered my vision was a blond hair that was shining like


The detailed, fine and beautiful outline, giving out a feeling that it will shatter if it

was touched, was almost more like an elf or fairy that appears in the stories instead

of a perfect human doll.

The huge presence of her golden eyes was clear as a crystal, to the extent where

people could not help but swallow.

Her upright eyebrows did not move at all, bring a calm expression to the beauty

that was walking leisurely.

Within the multiple powerful individuals that entered the shop, the person that my

heart longed for to the extreme, was indeed mixed inside.

I absolutely couldn't have been mistaken.

Aizu Wallenstein...!


''Ohho! A beauty!''

''Idiot, not that. Look at that emblem''



Once the surrounding customers knew that they were members of the

Familia>, they began to cause a completely different commotion.

The placed their faces together and quietly whispered as if they were having a

secret talk.

''That is'' ''...The giant slayer '' ''Isn't this all their top members''

''Which one is the legendary ''

All the sounds that entered the ears in waves all incorporated a sense of fear.

Including, there were many people who whistled when they saw Wallenstein and

the other female members.

As for me, I obviously couldn't calm down.

I had never imagined that I would actually meet up with the person that I long for

in this fashion.

W...What should I do?


I should go deliver my thanks...nonono, if I apologize under the current

situation, it would be viewed as a video material. And I should prepare what I

should do in front of her. Should I say ''I love you and please go out with me''?

Calm down, you idiot. We are currently still strangers, how could you say such a


I decided. I'll first observe.

Anyways I didn't know what the best thing I could do was. My brain had shortcircuited.

''...Bell-s an?''

Placing my red, blushing and heated face onto the counter, I observed the

Familia>'s movements. Just like a hunter staring at a trap in the grass. Seal-san

tried to converse with the me, whose behavior suddenly changed, but unfortunately

I did not have the time to bother with that.


Wallenstein's position was directly facing me. I heard the sound of my own

beating heart, and directly locked my gaze at her.

''Alrighttttt, good work on the dungeon expedition! Today is a feast! Cheers!''

One person stood up and took the lead. Because of my position, I could only see

her back and could not see her face.

Afterwards, members of the began to party. , they used

the beer-filled glasses to have a toast, then placed the food and wine into their

mouths. Wallenstein is a small eater, she unhurriedly enjoyed her dinner. Once the

entered into a festive atmosphere, the other customers also just

remembered and continued to enjoy their food and drinks.

'' The are regulars here. This is because this restaurant was liked

by their goddess Loki-sama''

Seal-san, noticing that I was watching the with eyes filled with

curiosity, placed her face close to mine, used a hand to form a wall and quietly told


I understand, I absolutely won't forget it.

If I come here, the chances of meeting Wallenstein will increase.

I, who had opened my eyes to the point that it was bulging, was completely

immersed by Wallenstein's words and gestures. At times she would give a wry

smile to the wine glass that was pushed to her, at times she would converse with

the vibrant female colleagues sitting beside of her, and also at times she would be

like a small animal, using a napkin to wipe her mouth....

Although this sort of hiding and peeking behavior was very disgusting, I, who had

never known the multiple expressions Wallenstein makes, could only have my

eyes staring at her.

Talking like that, smiling like that.

This led to my first time experiencing a weird sensation where even my heart was

dyed red.

''Right, Aizu! Tell us about that story!''


''That story...?''

Whenever the name Aizu comes out from their mouths, my body will

automatically stiffen up.

Looks like the young beastman sitting diagonally two seats away wanted to make

her talk about something.

He was quite handsome and also had that feeling of a man...Even I, who was

the same gender, also felt that he was very cool.

''About that, when we were heading back and accidentally let a few minotaurs

escape! That last one, didn't you kill it on the fifth floor! ? And also about that

tomato boy!''

Under a completely different meaning than before, my heart lost its calm.

Taking that and updating it, my brain stopped its activities as if it was frozen.

''Minotaur, was it the ones that suddenly attacked us on the 17th floor then

immediately retreated once we counterattacked?''

''It is those ones! It miraculously ran hard towards the upper floors, causing us to

desperately chase after them! They really aren't considerate, we were exhausted

because we were just heading back~''

If you have to use your own legs to enter the dungeon, then logically you would

have to use your own legs to leave. Because there is no convenient way to head

straight to the destination floor, whenever we, adventurers, add an additional floor,

we would have to walk pass the same places multiple times.

Therefore, in the situation where you would head to a very low floor, you must be

prepared for when you are heading there and for when you are heading back.

Because if you head straight without preparing and as a result used up your

strength, causing you to be unable to come back, it can't even be a joke. For the

that head to the low floors, wealthy members and individuals and also a

leader to accurately predict when to come back is extremely important.

That was the summary of the information that I have heard.

to the deep floors, the .


When they were returning, they carelessly allowed the Minotaurs to escape.

Chasing after them, and finally forced the last one to reach the fifth floor.

Wallenstein defeated it.

Then, at the scene that person was

''Then, there was a weak little rookie adventurer there!''

That was, me.

''That scene made me wanted to laugh while holding my belly, it was just like a

rabbit being forced to a corner! Then it was pathetically trembling to the point that

its face was still twitching.''

My entire body felt as if it was on fire.

To the extent that the inner heat could not find a single location that was not heated


''Eh? Then, how was that Adventurer? Did he survive?''

''Just when it was about to be finished, Aizu sliced the Minotaur into pieces, neh?''


Under the situation where even my teeth could not grit tightly enough, my nerves

were already about to burst and was completely facing that person.

That person, frowned slightly.

''Then that fellow, was completely covered with the smelly cow

blood...becoming a dark red tomato! Hahaha, I laughed to the point where my

stomach is hurting...!''


''Aizu, you must have did it on purpose ,right? Right? Please tell me you did it on

purpose ...!''

''...No, there is no such thing.''


The beastman youth tried to hold back his tears of laughter, and the other members

could not help but laugh uncomfortably, the others, that had listened to the story,

also clenched their teeth to prevent from laughing.

''And? That tomato guy, actually screamed and immediately ran away...Haha!

Our family's princess actually let the person, who was saved, escape!''


''Ah ha ha ha ha! It was great work! Aizu-tan, who made the adventurer afraid, was

really moe!''

''Ha.... Ha...ha ...S...Sorry, Aizu, I can't stand it anymore...!''


''Ah ah ah eh, don't put up such terrifying eyes! That cute face of yours would be

destroyed, you know?''

The that was surrounded by laughter.

On the contrary, the place where I exist at seemed to have opened a large hole.

That place and here, it seems that the world has been isolated.

''B...Bell-san...?'' Although I heard a female voice beside me, but the sound

went straight through my mind.

Then they began to bustle again.

''Anyways, I haven't seen such garbage for a long time, causing my mood to

become extremely poor. He was undoubtedly a man, but he was weeping and



''What a piece of garbage. What do you guys say, if you were going to start crying

then you should not have become an Adventurer. It was really disgusting, isn't it,




There was a feeling that my brain was cut off.

''It is because of these kind of people that our appreciation has decreased, I really

can't stand it.''

''Enough is enough, close your annoying mouth, Bert. Letting the Minotaur escape

was our fault. We should be apologizing to that youngster that was involved in the

unfortunate event, and we do not have any right to treat it as a conversation topic

during our meal. You really don't know any shame.''

''Yeah, Yeah, as expected of elf-sama, really prideful. But, what use is protecting

that incurable fellow? Isn't this just self-satisfaction to cover up for your failure?

Why is it wrong to call garbage, garbage?''

''Stop it. Bert and Riveria. This way the wine would start to taste bad.''

Gari Gari Gari

''Aizu what do you think? That kind of garbage that could only tremble in front of

your eyes. That rubbish could still claim to be Adventurer like us?''

''...Under that circumstances, I believe it is normal''

Gari Gari Gari , Gari Gari Gari

''What, pretending to be a good person...Then I'll change the question. Between

that kid or me, if you have to select a partner, who would you chose?''

''...Bert, are you drunk?''

''What a pain. Hey, Aizu, choose quickly. Which side would you wag your tail to,

which side do you want to be played with?''

Gari Gari Gari Gari Gari Gari Gari Gari Gari.

''...I, can only say that it is absolutely impossible with Bert.''

''How shameless''

''Shut up old hag...What about this, if that kid says I love you in front of you,

would you accept it?''



Gari Gari Gari Gari Gari Gari Gari Gari Gari Gari Gari Gari Gari Gari

Gari Gari Gari Gari.

''Ha, of course it's not possible. Since he is weaker than you, a wimp and also

incurable, as a garbage, he completely is not qualified to stand next to you. This is

a point that you must admit.

''As long as you're garbage, you are not qualified to stand next to Aizu


I kicked my chair and suddenly stood up.

Ignoring the gaze that immediately flew to me, I rushed out of the shop.

''Bell-san! ?''

Running past the people on the street and leaving the surrounding scenery, even

the voice shouting my name was left behind

I rushed through the night streets.


''Bell-san! ?''

A figure burst through and disappeared outside the shop, and there was only one

female shop employee that chased after the figure.

The majority of the people at the bar did not understand what had happen at that


A confused croak spread through the crowd.

''Ah ah? Could it be a run and eat?''

''Uwah, he actually dare to run and eat at Mia mama's place...He really has guts.


Looking sideways like the other surrounding individuals like Bert, Aizu stood up


Her trained dynamic vision accurately captured the figure that rushed through like

a projectile.

White hair, slim body.

The drooping bangs that were bright, and the dark crimson,red eyes that were the

same as the ones as yesterday.

(At that time...)

Walking to the entrance of the shop, she lifted her hand on the pillar and looked


In the direction of her right hand, the female shop employee's silhouette

disappeared at the end of the main street.

The boy's trace had long disappeared.


She placed the name that the female had shouted on her tiny tongue.

Compared to the calling sounds of her companions, that boy's name resounded

more in her heart.

''Hoi hoi, Aizuuuu. What are you doing ?''


The female, who led the banquet just earlier, stood behind her, and placed her

hands onto Aizu's abdomen. Placing her body close to the point where even her

breath could touch her, and pressed her pubis onto Aizu's hips.

If this supernatural being wasn't 's goddess, no, if it wasn't

the same gender, she would have sent her flying, but in the end, she could not lay

her hands on her.

Although this kind of thought surged through her brain at that instant, but

Aizu had a disturbed expression and pulled off the hands around her abdomen,


then an elbow strike, after waiting for the other to retreat a few steps, she went and

slapped her face.

''Hey, didn't you completely lay your hands on me...! ? Your expression and

actions are completely not synchronized Aizu-tan...! ?''

''Please don't do such a strange thing''

She pressed onto her cheek that had been imprinted by a red left hand, crying and

trembling, then at a blink of an eye, she resurrected and shouted ''The cold Aizu is

so MOE!!''.

This made Aizu want to turn her gaze away from ''that''.

''Well well, don't give me such an expression. If you do not want to drink at the

same space as Bert, I will request Mia mama to hang him outside.''



Looks like she guessed wrong about the reason why Aizu walked towards the


After a glance, a young beastman shouting ''Guooooooooooo! ?''was tied up with a

rope on the ground through everybody's hands.

His head was stepped on by the elf that had quarreled with him.

The other customers seeing this created a large commotion.

''Well, let's go. Aizu-tan, help me pour some wine''


While in the process of being dragged away by her shoulder, Aizu once again

looked outside.

The Magic Stone Lamp lit up the end of the main street, you could no longer see

the boy's figure.

''Damn, damn, damn!''

Bell was running, he had to run. Tear droplets leaked from the obscure corners of

his eyes and flowed down behind him.

Passing through his head, was only the thing that had just happened.

Towards the lowly me, I could only feel shame shame shame, it was the first time

that I wanted to kill the weak me, that had become joke material and was laughed

upon, and in the end was sheltered.

''Idiot, I am an idiot! !''

That young man's every word and actions digged into my heart.

Weak, Poor, Frail, Fragile, Delicate, Spineless, Flimsy, Powerless, Vulnerable,


This is already not even a situation of trying to become closer to her, but

know what to do>anymore.


, I do not even have the qualification to stand in front of

a girl.

The killing intent that emerged was not towards the young man, and it was not to

the surrounding people that treated me as an idiot.

But towards the idiotic me that has not done anything, but yet still wished to obtain

a reward.


(Mortifying, Mortifying, Mortifying! !)

I was mortified about the weak me, who had to accept that young man's words.

I was mortified that I could say nothing about the powerless me.

I was mortified that to her, I was only a pebble along the side of the street.

What I was most mortified about, was that I did not even have even the slightest

qualification to stand beside her.


My crimson eyes glared far ahead.

The skyscraper facility that was built on top of the dungeon, opened the

underground entrance, awaiting Bell. His goal was the dungeon, the highest point.

Allowing the tears to accumulate within his eyes, Bell hurriedly rushed towards the

standing tower in the darkness.