After pulling several overnighters, he falls down a broken elevator shaft and gets reborn. Chosen for a purpose by a goddess who by chance plucked up from cycle of samsara. He tries to live a grand life but for such a life hardship is sure to come to him as fate has plans for him The original author gets all the credit You can find this on Scribble Hub I take no credit towards this fanfic, just wanted to put it up on here so a lot more people know about it. If the original author wants me to take it down, I will
Looking at the size of this monster made Cirrus' heart sink. It was completely absurd how this monster was even sealed, let alone born.
The idea that an animal needs to eat and drink more in proportion to its mass was thrown out the window for this monster. In a world of gods and magic, this was the one truly absurd thing.
The more he looked up at the monster, the more the feeling of vertigo and fear took root.
He gripped Brilliant Nightmare tightly. He took a deep breath and slowly calmed himself.
"Nox, are you and the rest safe?"
'We are for now, but that thing is too damn big! I don't think you can take it on your own.'
"Well, I'm going to. If not, this bastard is going to mess up the region and landscape. Hell, I'm scared to think what it could do to the world. Once you make sure everyone is safe, I'll summon you alright."
Cirrus walked to the edge and looked around.
'You better be alright when I get there, you hear!'
"I'll do my best. No promises."
Cirrus puts his hand to his face.
As the armor disappears, Cirrus's face is covered by his hand as his magic circle appears behind him.
"(Exousía, Adorn: Stymphalian)!!!"
The bird armor quickly equipped itself for Cirrus, but the magic circle didn't leave.
'I need to attack quickly before it regains its clarity and, hopefully, strength!!'
"(Sword of Damocles, sing your vespers.) [Dia Dikastí̱s]!!!!"
The dance of electricity covered and cleaned up the rusty-looking armor, giving it a cleaner look.
Cirrus then kicked off, causing the footing where he kicked to be completely shattered as he shoots through the sky at speeds comparable to thunder or lightning.
With each flap of his electrically charged wings, he broke through the sound barrier as he charged into the monster.
The Hecatonchires could hear Cirrus coming and felt the danger he posed. With its many arms, it swung and covered itself with its several arms. It was as if it had made the night and had come down on him.
Cirrus then drew his Brilliant Nightmare and activated it.
Cutting into the arms as Cirrus dodges the attack by a narrow margin. Thankfully, it was still sluggish from just being unsealed.
'Its skin is too thick!! The poison will not work if I can't get it into its blood!'
With no way to keep cutting in the same spot, Cirrus had to go for the next vulnerable spot, right in the eyes.
With the cuts inflicted on it, the Hecatonchires swung all of its arms from the left side of it.
Cirrus could only see a massive wall of hands coming at him. The strike was actually getting faster as it approached him.
'Did my attacks actually help it wake up more? Fuck!!!'
Trying to get out of its range, the Hecaton found its mark and slapped Cirrus into a mountainside.
B A M!!!!!!!!!!
'Ah, the ants are back—'
He gathered what little will he had and shouted to regain some focus.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!" (Damocles)!!!" he used his magic on his own armor and helped pull him from the mountain.
It gave out another roar as its once gray skin got more of color. Red began to break through the gray.
"Ugh… fuck… fine, then I will not keep playing around!!!" Cirrus took out a potion along with a magic potion and drank them both down at the same time, then kicked off again.
With more clarity, the Hecaton then threw several faster and harder strikes. Cirrus kept narrowly dodging them, all the while attacking with Brilliant Nightmare. He tried to get close to it but would get stopped by another hand.
'This really reminds me of the 1st and last boss in Asura's Wrath!! Is it really going to make me use my final armor?? No… not yet. I need to push forward more!'
"(Sing your Vespers, Swords of Damocles) [Dia Dikastí̱s]!!!!"
Up above, in the dark clouds above, the Hecaton was Cirrus's magic circle, and from it, 3 mighty swords of thunder fired down upon the Hecatonchires.
The three swords of thunder impaled the monster, and its body got charred and spasmed.
Cirrus takes this chance to quickly get past the arms and into its proximity. Cirrus winds his blade for a powerful strike when he spots one of its arms fall off and then.
Impaling the hand's thick skin, it sent Cirrus back to the mountain's side but stopped his impact by flapping his wings.
"Huff!! Huff!! Huff!!"
He looks at the Hecatonchires and sees that as it's ripping its arms and new ones taking their place, the once charred and grey skin is now a bright red.
'Why am I so hesitant to use it!? It's my only choice besides… fuck… it would be so much easier if she hadn't televised this fight to the world. If that armor isn't enough, then using her full magic is my final trump card.'
"…Fuck, Nox."
'I'm helping Artemis and the rest out! I'll be ready as soon as I am able! '
"Not that… it seems I have to use my last armor. "
'!!' Nox was a bit stunned to hear that. 'Are you sure!? You know how dangerous that armor is! And given the area, you're in—'
"Get the potions at the ready, as well as start absorbing magic from the air."
'Wait no—'
Cirrus cuts Nox off as he lands back on some footing, covers his face with his left hand, and disengages his armor.
For a brief second, he could feel the cool air brush past him. He took a deep breath with his eyes closed. Once he breathed out, he opened his eyes and his magic circle appeared behind him.
"(Exousía, Adorn: Chimera)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
The armor of pure white quickly wrapped itself around Cirrus, having various mismatched parts. The helmet, pauldrons, and chains of the Cerberus, the snake scale scarf of the Lernaean, the shaggy arm and leg pieces of the Erymanthian armor, the torso piece of the Stymphalian armor, and wrapped around holding them all together was the Ceryneian armor. When they covered Cirrus, they didn't lose their holy appearance.
Cirrus got into a stable stance and pointed his blade at the Hecatonchires. As he focused, a faint white glow covered him and his magic started to recover.
"Fuu~," he let out a deep breath. "(Swords of Damocles)!!!!!!!!!!"
His sword was covered with electricity.
The chains of the armor are wrapped around his body to further maximize his movements as he gets into a throwing stance.
"(Sing your Vespers.)!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
A magic circle appeared before him. He gathered energy from the ground around his hip and his arm, and he threw his spear with sound-breaking force. The spear went through the magic circle and the moment the half of the spear passed through, threw it—
B O O M!!!!!!!!!!!!!
—Slicing through the air with the might of a supercharged rail gun.
It screamed out in pain as the attack penetrated through several of its limbs, lodging itself deeply into its collarbone. If not for Artemis' archery lessons, that attack would not have been as reliable as Cirrus would have liked.
"Gah! Fuck!!!" The attack destroyed his own arm from the force of it.
Crack!! Squelch!! Krank!!!
As his armor set his bones back into place. He took out potions from his bag and drank them down without reservation, pouring one over his arm.
Cirrus paid the pain no mind as he quickly kicked off the foot with earth-shaking force and flew with far greater speed than did the Hecatonchires, throwing their powerful and mighty fists at Cirrus.
Cirrus grazed past its onslaught and slammed into where his spear was.
"I'll take that back!!!!!!" he forcibly drew it out and kicked it off again before the Hecatonchires could rain down more of their fists.
Thud!! Thud!! Thud!! Thud!! Thud!! Thud!! Thud!! Thud!! Thud!! Thud!! Thud!! Thud!! Thud!! Thud!! Thud!! Thud!!
When he got some distance, he could see it had gotten slower, but it still wasn't enough to stop its impacts from shattering the landscape.
'Nox, you better fucking hurry!'
He kicked off again, chipping away at this 8-mile-tall monster (counting the arm's length into its height).
Many onlookers thought the Hecatoncheires were striking away thunder, but the thunder kept bouncing back. It was truly a sight to behold as the thunder moved around the sky, attacking. The Hecatoncheires then grabbed some mountainsides and threw them at Cirrus.
The thrown rocks were like miniature meteorites coming at Cirrus. He slashed through them as he flew at top speeds, and the small fragments of rocks that hit Cirrus were quickly healed.
This battle could only be called an epic as thunder crashed against a mountain as many gods and Familia's were watching it unfold.
They were watching a hero being born before their very eyes—one spoken of in myth and legend.