
Lone Warrior

Eric sighed as he watched his Goddess gaze into the Divine Mirror while blushing like a teenage girl. It would have been wholesome, if not for the fact that she was stalking the object of her affections through an illegal artifact.

"Isn't he wonderful Eric? His soul is completely transparent, lacking any taint at all. I want to make him mine!" Freya beamed as she gushed on about her new toy.

Eric merely raised an eyebrow before activating his skill, looking past the frail exterior of the boy on the screen and seeing into the depths of his soul. The transparent soul that was contained in the body of the child looked fragile like glass, but he guessed that was why she was so obsessed with it.

Though, he much preferred the golden color that was Ais Wallenstein's soul, but that might just be his preference. His experience when it came to judging souls was lacking compared to lady Freya and her years of experience.

"If you want him so bad. why didn't you just take him? Given his absence of basic knowledge, Bell Cranel should be new to the city. Our Familia is the strongest, so he would have easily joined if you just asked." Eric questioned as he pointed out his observations.

Freya pouted as she took her eyes of the screen before directing her hand towards the chair next to her, prompting Eric to take a seat.

"I wanted to have him all to myself, but his soul wouldn't shine in my Familia. Only someone like Hestia could bring out the best in him. Plus, I like Hestia, so I will let her keep him for now, so I can take him back later." The Goddess explained as she went back to watching her mirror.

"That actually makes sense, considering how our Familia is. I would have given it a week before Allen, or the Gulliver Brothers killed him for taking away all of your attention."

Eric was honestly impressed that his Goddess actually thought everything through instead of just acting on her whims. They loved the part of her that was so free, but also hated it. Most of the Familia wanted to keep her locked up in her own golden cage, admiring her while keeping her safe from everyone.

The only exceptions were Eric and Ottar, with Ottar understanding that a Goddess of Love has no boundaries, and Eric not being in love with Freya in the first place.

"Why are you even here Eric? You usually don't come here so often, even though I wish you did. You're such a polite child, and it makes me want to spoil you" Freya said in a motherly manner, completely ignoring the lewd undertones of her sentence.

Eric shivered, but not because of what his Goddess said. As a Goddess of Love and Beauty, most of the things she said could be interpreted as inappropriate, and Eric had already learned to ignore that. The reason he shivered was the exact reason he was currently in Freya's room.

"Ottar is standing near the training grounds pretending to be watching when he is actually waiting for me. I came up here, so I didn't have to fight him again." Eric answered as he went up from his seat.

He groaned as he thought about the various spars they had together. The training grounds of the Freya Familia was more like a warzone, as they actually aimed to kill each other to grow stronger and eliminate competitors for Freya's love. That is why Ottar disliked training with others and would seek out Eric to fight.

Eric was only an Executive, but even Allen reluctantly admitted that he was stronger than him. He just didn't want to have the responsibility, as Eric had a life outside his Familia. Which Ottar clearly did not understand, as he took up all of Eric's time with fights.

It wasn't even that he didn't enjoy it, as he loved to fight, but it was hard for him to fight Ottar as a Level Six while holding back. Though he was confident he could match the Boaz if they went at it with their full strength.

"Oh goodness, my sweet Ottar is acting so cute? What a sight! But now that your here Eric, I have a job for you. These are your orders." Freya declared as she looked directly into his eyes.

"Find out everything you can about Bell Cranel and his past. Try to integrate yourself into his life and watch over his activities. I already have Ottar watching over him, but it would show my hand if the [King] suddenly interfered. Become his friend with your charm and report back to me." She ordered, her relaxed tone suddenly becoming regal.

Eric could only get on one knee and answer her the way everyone in the Familia did when a Divine Commandment was proclaimed.

"Of course, my Goddess."