
joining the Loki familia

alright fellow losers, you are probably wondering why the f*ck is Bell joining the familia of the flat chest goddess instead of the best girl Hestia Familia.

no, it's not for the girls. While they are cute/ beautiful and all, thousand other girls in Orario are probably just as, if not even cuter/beautiful than the ones in Loki Familia.

Bell doesn't care about girls at this moment.


why Loki familia? why not Hestia who would welcome him with open arms, no questions asked?

because Hestia is poor. simple as that.

Did he feel guilty about just leaving the goddess who wants a familia just because she wants a true family that will care for her and she for them? yes, yes he did. Bell watched the anime, and while Hestia had her flaws, she was a good goddess, and he will admit that her character grew on him.

'I'll make it up to you Hestia. I swear I will find a good family for you.' he promised silently.

but why Loki familia?? because they are the closest to him at this given moment from what he managed to gather by asking random pedestrians. If it would be Hephaestus familia or Ganesha familia that were the closest to him, he would join them, not Loki. Simple as that.

What can he do? he is a lazy bastard by nature, so why would he fight against his nature? his instincts? by going to the nearest familia he doesn't waste any more steps or time than necessary! see!? it's all part of the magnificent plan he created in order to preserve his precious energy!

no for real...

... definitely...

...he isn't lazy I swear.

The walk to the twilight manor wasn't long, it took barely 5 minutes, but when he finally stood up in front of the large front doors, he felt nervous. What if they don't let him join? what if his newly acquired magic skill is not good enough? Bell already run some tests on his spells, and he was able to cast them.

Tier magic works...rather simply, Bell didn't know why Ainz couldn't figure his magic out. But in the defense of bone daddy, from what he understood from the light novel Ainz casts his spells because his character body has them programmed in it. Bell, on the other hand, had the Knowledge of the spell put into his head, something that Ainz didn't have and didn't need to use a spell.

(a/n: warning, I don't know how the mechanics of tier Magic work and wiki didn't help either, so I'm making up my bullshit)

Tier magic, is simple.

All you need is a mental image of a magic circle and knowledge about the runes in it. After you have that image in your head, you "push" your magic into that image in your head, and magic happens.

The more clear, detailed, and symmetrical the image is the better the spell will work.

In the danmachi world, people cast magic with their "mind" (bell likes to call "Mind Mana")and thankfully this can also fuel the spells for tier magic. Bell had no idea how he awakened his "Mind Mana" because he does remember that the original Bell didn't have it awakened until he read a grimoire. But the most likely option is that the knowledge of tier spells along with his system somehow awaken it, as he felt it for the first time when he cast his first spell.

it's such a surreal feeling... Energy in your head. Not literally inside his skull, but inside his thoughts, his imagination, his MIND! it's not something he could describe by using words, it felt impossible.

like trying to explain what a sixth sense would feel like.

Bell shook all negative thoughts away, if they don't want him here, he is sure another familia will take him in...he hopes. And if not, he will just beg Bone daddy Ainz for more spell lottery tickets to make himself more valuable!

His hand rose and knocked on the large doors.

'please don't be bete! please don't be bete! please don't be bete! please don't be bete! please don't be bete! please don't be bete! please don't be bete! please don't be bete!' Bell repeatedly chanted in his head while praying to whatever God was willing to listen. He can deal with anyone, EXCEPT Bete fucking Loga! He felt bad for the guy, sure. But his tragic backstory is no excuse to be a fucking asshole to everyone he meets!

His breath hitched as the doors opened. It took him 2 seconds to realize that the one who open it was...he had no idea who the fuck this guy is...

'well Loki familia Is large...and at least it's not Bete!' he thought.

"Yeah?" the human male around his twenties asked when he saw Bell not saying anything.

"Bell Cranel, a Magic caster who hopes to join your familia sir, nice to meet you!"

a single eyebrow was raised from the man when he heard Bell's introduction. "a magic caster, huh? mind showing me some spells?" the man said as he crossed his arms.

In response, Bell excitedly nodded his head and pointed his hand up into the sky. "{Thunderlance}" he chanted and imagined the magic circle needed for the spell.

A thunder rang in both of their ears as lightning in the shape of a lance shot out of Bell's hand and into the sky. While Ben winced at the sound, the older man only nodded in satisfaction. He wanted to confirm for sure that Bell is, in fact, a magic caster. And if he was, he also wanted to make sure his spells were noteworthy enough to give him a chance.

"I still know two offensive spells, two support spells, and a summoning spell. should I show them too?" the white-haired boy asked, uncertain if this was enough.

"you will show the rest to Lady Loki, but if the other spells are as strong as the one you showed, then I don't see why she wouldn't take you in.

A sigh escaped Bell as he followed after the man. They walked through the corridor and entered...a cafeteria? how do you call a room where a lot of people eat, again? meh, it's not important.

as they walked through the tables, Bell soon saw Loki drinking booze while Aiz, Riveria, and Lefiya were eating.

'it's barely past 10 am' Bell thought while watching Loki down a whole bottle of alcohol.

the goddess and trio of beauties sitting around her noticed the man and Bell walking up to their table, and set their eyes on them making Bell nervous once again.

when they arrived and were only 3 or 4 steps away from the goddess who was comfortably sitting on the chair the man who led Bell here spoke.

"Hey Adrian! what the matter?" the goddess started tilting her head curiously.

"Lady Loki, this boy is a magician who wants to join our familia." he started while gesturing at the nervous Bell. "I already checked his claim and confirmed that he can use magic, but while I think his magic is good enough I'm no magician so I can't be entirely certain." he finished making the goddess and the three girls beside her look at the boy in question.

"oh? a natural human mage?" she asked herself curiously as she eyed Bell. "hey, boyo, answer honestly. where did ya' learn magic?" her question made Bell flinch slightly, but not because of her making him nervous. No...it was because she reminded him of something unpleasant.

{curse of Truth}, the curse he gained after his second lottery spin.

'i can't lie even if I want to!' Bell yelled in his head, frustrated. 'well it's not like lying would help here.' after all, humans can't lie to gods in danmachi. The god/goddess will always catch on a lie from a mortal.

"I was lucky enough to get this magic from a very powerful Magic caster who took pity on me. I don't know where he is now, and I believe he is very far from Orario right now." yes, he was Lucky, after all, the lottery operates on luck, so he said the truth. He "got" the magic, he didn't learn it, so this was also the truth. Ainz is literally in another world, so he is VERY far away from Orario... another truth.

<the king of death is impressed by your clever use of truth>

'thanks, Bone daddy' Bell mentally thanked Ainz as he felt somewhat proud for impressing him.

"Hmm, interesting" Loki hummed. "what was his name?" she asked genuinely curious about Bell's magic teacher.

"Ainz Ooal Gown, but he also goes by Momonga," the white-haired boy said, and immediately felt the need to facepalm.

<the king of death is worried and curious about how you know his true user name. He wonders if you are one of the Yggdrasil MMORPG players>

Ignoring the pop-up for now, Bell looks at Loki who hummed to herself for a moment before she stood up.

"Alright, I'll give ya a chance, fallow me" she told him and started to walk away. "you too Riveria" she added when she passed the seat of the elven princess.

They were soon standing in a training area of the sort, a bunch of dummies standing in the distance, Bell in front of them while Loki, Riveria, and Lefiya (who decided to follow them) were standing a couple of step's away from him.

"alright brat, show mommy what ya got!" Loki declared and signaled him to start casting his spells.

Bell didn't know how to feel about the fact that Loki called herself "mommy", but he ignored it for now and focused on the mental image of the magic circle needed for {Acid Arrow} while aiming it at a random dummy.

"{acid Arrow}" Bell declared and shot an arrow-shaped green fluid.

the lack of a chant did raise an eyebrow from the spectators, but it also made Loki grin. After all, a magician who doesn't need to chant is a magician who can fire spells quicker.

the green fluid splashed against the wooden dummy and started to "eat" away at it while letting out sizzling noises and some smoke.

Bell didn't wait for any comments, he just moved to another spell.

"{thunderlance}" the lance-shaped lightning shot out from Bell's hand and hit another wooden dummy. The wood burst into splinters, leaving a large hole in its torso with noticeable burn marks on it.

"{thunder Arrow}!" another spell left his lips.

now some of you may wonder "I don't remember him having such a spell." and you would be right. Bell didn't get such a spell...he made it.

the process was simple. The spell for {thunderlance} had runes that generate lightning, and {Acid Arrow} had runes that manipulates the element to form an arrow and shot it forward. It was a simple matter of copying the pieces he needs and putting them together.

copy and paste, basically

but those are simple 2 tier spells, so it's nothing noteworthy. Bell doubts he would be able to do something like this with more complicated spells from the 6th or upper-tier spells. Hell, he doubts if he would be able to do that with 4-tier spells!

but he hasn't learned any 4th tier or even 3rd tier spells, so he doesn't know how complicated the magic circle is needed for those.

so who knows? maybe he would be able to do it?

The {Thunder Arrow} projectiles are not as powerful as {thunderlance}, but it's still a new spell, and one he made himself! He wants to show it off! plus, with this spell, he can fire more than one projectile. His maximum is 3.

3 shots hit the dummy in random places of its body, with one of them barely making it by grazing the dummy's left hip. the holes were less deep, but it was still a lethal wound.

<the king of death is confused about your {Thunder Arrow} spell. He doesn't remember you acquire this spell.>

Ignoring the notification, Bell turned to the three ladies who stared back once they saw him stop firing spells.

"hmm? that's all?" Loki asked while tilting her head with a smile.

Bell quickly shook his head.

"no, it's just...my other 3 spells are not offensive ones. 2 are support spells, one buff strength, while the second dexterity and my last spell is a summoning one." the white-haired boy explained making the green-haired princess speak for the first time.

"Y-you know summoning Magic!?" she yelled, bewilderment clear in her voice.

Beside her, Lefiya made a look that was a mixture of shock and doubt.

meanwhile, Loki just let out a whistle and started laughing.

"not only do I get a natural Mage, but he also knows lost magic! hah, score!" she yelled excitedly, making Bell confused.

'lost magic?' he repeats in his head, wondering what they are talking about.

(a/n: dear readers, I'm using the lack of summoning Magic in the original story, and lack of any mention of it in the wiki to make up some bullshit, don't look too much into it.)

"he is lying! t-there is no way he has that... r-right?" while Lefiya did start speaking with some heat, it slowly died out along the way, instead replaced by uncertainty. Her goddess didn't say anything, and gods cannot be lied to by mortals...so, can this boy truly use a summoning spell

"You wound me Lefiya." Loki spoke with a mock hurt voice, making Lefiya's eye widen.

"s-so...he really...?" the words didn't want to come out due to the sheer shock she is experiencing at this moment.

"can you...show us?" Riveria spoke as she looked at Bell unblinking.

The boy squirmed a little, but did ultimately nod and focused on the magic circle necessary for the spell.

"{Summon Angel 2nd Tier}" this time, the magic circle manifested in the real world, an identical copy of the one in Bell's head. The magic circle lit up, and soon an Angel Guardian exited from it.

it looked different from the one shown in the anime, instead of wearing the full-body robotic-looking armor, it wore robes and didn't have any visible weapon on him.

(a/n: no image or description on the wiki, I'm once again taking the liberty to make some bullshit)

*image here.*

Loki just started to laugh like a madwoman, meanwhile, the two elves were looking at the angel, like it was about to make a triple backflip and they didn't want to miss it.

"Alright kid, lose the shirt, you're in! I'm giving a' my falna right here and now!" the goddess said cheerfully as she walked up to Bell who was already striping.

"lay down on yer stomach." she said and he obeyed, the hard cold floor making him feel goosebumps all over his body.

Loki bit down on her finger, drawing out her blood, her Ichor. She sat down on the boy's back, purposely doing it as gently as possible so she doesn't hurt him by pushing him into the floor.

her bleeding finger found its way on his back, and she could hear him hiss at the falna slowly marking his soul. She guided it to make the process smooth and to make sure there will not be any complications.

It was done, she marked him. This boy from this day onward is officially a part of her familia, one of her many sons.

"huh?" she said as she saw something in his status. Her eyes opened in shock as she stared at his magic stat and skills that would make all mages rip their hair out from jealousy

all his stats were normal for a fresh 1st level.

[ I- 0 ]

on all of them

but the magic stat was...

[Magic: SS- 1000]

She wasn't surprised about his Magic stat already having points, that's normal for a mage, just as it would be normal for an experienced soldier having stat points in his strength, and endurance. No, what surprised her was something different.

'SS? D-did this kid break the limit of his magic status?' the goddess thought dumbfounded by this revelation. There was never any stat that went over 999 points, it was thought to be impossible! and yet, here he is, lying on the floor, waiting patiently for her to say something.

Loki for the first time since she could remember was completely and utterly surprised.

and those skills...

[Boost Magic: It can elevate the tier and power of the spell depending on how much Mind the user puts in it]

[Twin Magic: Unlike the original spell which can only create one object, this magic allows the user to create the same object twice from that spell without casting it again.]

[Widen Magic: It increases the range or area of effect over what the spell would normally possess.]

Loki's lips were quivering.

This boy broke the known limits to one of his stats as soon as he got his falna without the need to dive into the dungeon once! not only that but he already has 3 skills that all magic users would kill to have while he was still lv1! this should be impossible, but it's not apparently.

"Riveria! bring me a paper so I can show your new brother his status!" the goddess called out to the elven princess making her reluctantly stop inspecting the summoned angel and go fetch some paper.

"can I get up?" Bell asked.

"Nah" Loki replied.

she looked down on his now marked back and back of the head. She smiled genuinely and run her fingers through his white hair. She felt him flinch as he did not expect the sudden act of affection, but that didn't stop her.

She looked at the impossible boy, her impossible boy, her new son.

She loved all her children, no matter how much of a pain in the ass they could be sometimes. She has 147 of them and she knows them all by name. And while she isn't supposed to have favorites that didn't exactly stop her with Aiz.

And it will not stop her from favoring Bell.

speaking about children, some of them will soon leave the dungeon if she is not mistaken, so they will probably need a status upgrade.

"tch, where is that Riveria? doesn't she know it's not nice to keep her mother waiting?" Loki said to herself and made herself comfortable on Bell's back.

The boy could only sigh.