
Danmachi- Madara in the Dungeon

"huh, gods.... how fun" Madara had just been killed by one, now he was in a world filled by them. With a fledgling circle of hatred brewing, will he try to stop it once more? Or will the old battle maniac just kill some monsters and be done with it? Can the warm world of Orario melt the cold hard exterior that has led the man down a path of mindless bloodshed or will it bring him to insanity? Find out next time on dragon ball z

JJstired · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs


She had learned just how strong he was the next time her and her Familia had ventured to the 49th floor, the deepest they had ever gone.

"Holy shit" Bete

"Good lord" Riveria

"I'm nutting" Tiona

"Intriguing" Finn with a very creepy smile

"Hhm, not better than captain" Tione

"HaHaHa" Gareth

Lefiya and crew stayed back on the lower floors, these levels were still unknown to the group so they did not want to risk there lower leveled comrads.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a boisterous laughter.

The boy had a wild grin on his face, his usual black eyes turned a bloody red as 3 tome's spun wildly.

His grin was feral as he landed a bone cracking kick upon the monsters left cheek sending it into the wall of its birth place.

Madara sprinted forwards, easily ducking the flame whip of the demon. He bent and spun forwards while landing a perfectly executed chin kick.

This sent the demon skywards as an air bullet sent it back once again into the walls.

"SHOW ME MORE DEMON, PROTECT YOUR POOR PRECIOUS MOTHER!!!" Madara goaded the demon, having already learned some beasts were sentient after dancing with them for awhile.

He had realized his Chakra was not liked by the dungeon. Maybe its what made the monster capable of emotions?

A large roar broke him of his thoughts as he smoothly rolled a punch off his guard and struck with a fist into its ribs.

The monster recoiled but tried to swipe at him with its tail.

Madara grabbed onto it and pulled, bringing it right back into a Chakra scalpel that dug deeply into its stomach.

The demon roared and hit Madara with its wing stunning the boy and forcing his fist out of its stomach. It than brought both fists together and slammed them into the boy.

Madara wrapped his hand around one of the demons arms and allowed the contact.

Sticking on with his Chakra, he dragged the demon through the ground while using his momentum from its attack.

He than made a single hand sign and all the rock surrounding the demon moved inwards impaling every single orface of its body.

The demon screamed in agony sending a black energy feild all around itself in defense, forcing Madara to let go and to move above ground, but it wasn't enough as the black energy made contact and sent the Uchiha flying.

He caught himself just in time to catch a large bloodied fist making its way towards his face.

He quickly brought his knee up, snapping the arm instantly, making the arm fall uselessly to the demons side. The monster wailed in pain but it didn't have long to cry before Madara sent a kick into its knee cap, making the bone crumble into dust.

It wailled in bone chilling terror as Madara's fist lit up with lighting and faster than anyone on the floor could perceive, his fist was through the demons skull.

He also set it on fire, cause fuck the dungeon.

He picked up the crystal and almost chuckled when he imagined his advisors face, almost. His body lit up once more, exactly like when he defeated the last rex but he blocked it, stopping his Chakra from covering his body, he felt some very strong signatures behind him.

"How did you get so strong" He turned his body around to find the half divine being once again.

He had researched her before he had made his way into the dungeon again, she was the Sword Princess, and she was located in the Loki familia, she or King Ottar would be the one he had a dance with, that was for sure. They both had a presence that seemed as if they would grow above there peers.

And if he needed to speed this up so he would have a good dance, he would.

This time he had actually chuckled, he was actually going to make this speech, somewhere somehow, he knew his freind was laughing

"Why do you fight?" Madara knew when he saw a kindred spirit, the blank look in her eyes mixed with the stoicism gave it away, it's not to much of a bad thing, but if he could save someone before they went to deep, he would, thats something he atleast deserves to do after all he did, on the same path.

The path of Vengeance.

"I fight to kill the one eyed black dragon" Her blank voice carrying a hint of absolute pure vitriol, her dull eyes lit with untold fury, how easy it would be to manipulate.

Her freinds behind her tensed, it seemed as if this was not public information. Or maybe she did not tell many people this. Eh who cares

"Ah, well that is why you are weak." He quickly sent a kick to her stomach sending her flying backwards.

The Elf started chanting.

The dwarf and the prum immediately pulled out weapons while the wolf, and the amazon's charged headfirst.

"STOP" a loud feminine scream wrung out, a ruffled sword princess was seen walking out of the rocky wall she was implanted too.

Madara chuckled and dissapered from view. He activated his sharingan and made eye contact with every single adventurer there, his Chakra almost dissapered from his body as his Genjutsu took hold.

He grabbed the taller Amazon by the wrist and slammed his foot into her face, he brought his foot down and slammed the girl into the ground, forcing her into the land of unconsciousness.

The sister screamed and charged once more but was met by a bullet of air, she was forced backwards into an axe kick that Madara ,somehow behind her, brought onto her head, immediately knocking her unconscious.

The dwarf and the Prum on the other hand were alot more fun.

The dwarfs large axe was countered by swift and fluid blocks to its flat side. The Prums knife was fast and effective with there team work on par with the legendary sannin

His grin never waverd.

Finaly he was able to find a chink within the armor of teamwork when the wolf came barreling ahead with a large kick, his orders to stay back going in one ear and out the other, he only ruined his superiors flow.

His foot was easily grasped and thrown at the prum.

The proficient way that the dwarf moved changed to a brawler type style.

"When the lesson is over, I will ask for a more proficient spar" Madara's monotone was heard only by the dwarf, before a large dragon made of water crashed into him at full speed.

Finaly after 7 seconds of battling, the elf was ready to cast her spell but was quickly met with a foot to her face. Out for the count.

Madara than looked to the side where Ais stood, wide eyed, remembering something from a time long ago.

"Come Sword Princess, show me all of this vengeance you hold, if I do not find you adequate, all of your friends will meet their end" His sharingan circled ominously.

Finn looked on, carrying a knocked out Bete from behind a jagged rock with a sad smile. Some how the boy was able to cast an illusion to warn his whole entire team what he was going to do.

Finn didn't really believe him, but his thumb had not ached, and he had just went with his instics and just let it happen.

He had allowed Bete to mess up his and Gareth's rhythm, Tione and Tiona were not knocked out that easily, but they were definitely not feeling 100%. If he had really wanted to beat Madara the battle would have been different, but he really didn't want to know how different.

Aiz quickly, with the most emotion he had ever seen on her face screamed in fury and in terror.

Her sword met a green palm but that didn't stop her.


Her blows grew stronger, as black wind surrounded her being. She slashed with renewed vigor as her power grew with each passing moment.

Madara toyed with the girl, slowly and meticulously dismantling her every move. His eyes glowed with excitement.

An over head slash would be met with an even quicker kick to her hand. Knocking the blade away, and allowing Madara to land a solid knee to Aiz's chin.

She immediately recovered and with a sword made of wind started slashing with an even stronger fervor.

Her power skyrocketed, the air around the 2 growing heavy as Madara's smile turned melancholic.

Not registering the face her enemy was making she, not even knowing what she was doing, sent a huge gust of wind crashing into the man.

Only to see him stand still as if he was just on a nice breezy beach. Her power grew further, her desperate desire encompassing any vengeance she had ever had, she just wanted her freinds to live.

Her serious stoic face turned to rage as she imagined Riveria or Tiona or any of her freinds dying. Madara blocked, now 2 blades of wind with a Chakra scalpel in each hand.

They battled for minutes, Madara's melancholy growing to a genuine smile. The emotion in the women's eyes reminding him of a freind from long ago.

Finally after she was completely exhausted, her body filled with blue and purple bruises, her perfect blonde hair frayed and strewn about from high winds, her air blades disappeared and she fell to her knees.

"Please don't" She couldn't go through it again, watch as the only people she cared about died, she was so tired, her bones weary and creaky from the strain from even a small amount of movement. But she went to stand up once more.

"That power you just now showed was stronger than anything you will ever accomplish through vengeance" His tact showing through, he was not a Ashura reincarnation, he was not going to give her a 10 minute speech on kindness and love.

"Protect what is your's and that, will be how you find happiness, vengeance shall only bring you further into agony, your enemy would be reveling in the pain he is causing you, stop being idiotic."

As she looked up to the boy that was only a year older than her, she could only see a bigger and more imposing man, with crossed arms and red armor upon his shoulders behind him, almost as if a ghost. He finally realized he was smiling and rained it in, goddamn Hashirama.

"Get stronger, you are weak, maybe you could dance with me further in a few years" He than walked away from a now blushing Sword Princess.

The heat in her cheeks from embarrassment and from his smile quickly dissipated as she looked to her freinds. Only to see her captain staring at her with a gentle smile as Riveria was tending to an irate Bete.

"He used me as a goddamn baseball bat and your telling me, that was your fucking plan you white haired, knee level, scheming, sleazy son of a bitch!!!"

Tione's eye twitched dangerously.

Bete's screams as Tione rained hell fire upon him made Madara chuckle as he walked to the 50th floor. He than fell to one knee, and with some very deep breaths, he finaly allowed the glow to encompasse him.

That was the best fight he had, had in this world, his Chakra was almost thoroughly depleted.

His gods presence surrounded him as did his Chakra just like before. Monsters on all sides did not come close. Blue and purple swirled around his being.

Madara Uchiha was now level 3.