
Monsterphilia. (1)

Post dawn, South of Orario.

Folkvangr castle.

Built at the exact opposite direction of the Loki familia's twilight manor, this huge structure was home for one of the strongest familia in Orario; The Freya familia.

This place has a huge and beautiful garden that Freya frequently stays onto, everytime she visits. It also has a huge open field for the familia members' endless training and battle grounds.

It is a place where dangerous life and death battles happened frequently everyday.

Usually, this area tend to be very noisy day and night; sounds of blades clashing against each other along with the roars and screams of the familia members that are battling against each other echoes nonstop.

However, none of those noises can be heard right now. The place was unbelievably quite.

That's because the familia's patron Deity, Freya is here today and none of the familia members wanted to disturb her rest.

" Odr.... My Odr~ "

At the castle's biggest room, on top of the luxurious looking feminine bed, the goddess of beauty, Freya was lying sideways.

Embracing a soft long pillow between her arms, she keep whispering a name sweetly with her rosy lips.

With only a thin and see through night gown covering her exquisite body, the Freya right now can definitely make any men crazy.

Her allure was in full power!

Those impossibly flawless skin, seductive long pair of perfect legs and smooth thighs, this woman was really blessed with unparalleled charm.

Freya has this sweet smile on her face as she tried to calm her excitement down.

" I have to see him... My Odr.. "

It's already been two days, but the memories of the events on that night still plays nonstop inside the goddess's mind.

His voice, his smile, the brightness of his soul; these things are driving her crazy. And it only gets worser as day passes by!

Perhaps it is really a bad idea for her to approached the boy prematurely at that time. Now she cannot resist the urge to meet him again.

If this will continue, Freya's afraid she might do something she didn't want to do yet. Her plans would be ruined.

" No, it wasn't the time yet. Odr has to grow a bit more... "

Freya rolled to her left side without letting go of her pillow.

" But playing little games should not be a problem, isn't it? "

Like an in love maiden, Freya tightens her embraced on the pillow as she buried her face on it. It's unknown what she's thinking after that.


" Come on bell, move move. Hurry up! "

" I'm on it, I'm on it. It is still early anyways, at least let me put away all those things first? Please stop pushing me, Goddeeeeess! "

Early in the morning, the sun had just started to rise but it is already bright outside.

And unlike the past few days, the sky today was clear and bright. Signs of a good morning.

Hestia, this not so 'morning person' had unusually woke up very early today, much to Bell's surprise; and she's now pushing him towards the bathroom so he can take a bath.

Bell can only helplessly smile as he was being push forward like a cart of old potatoes by this goddess of his. Her two small hands are against his back.

Bell didn't even dare to resist at all as he was afraid he might accidentally hurt her considering that he's level two now.

" That will not do! You've promised me that we will go to and see the Monsterphilia today, didn't you? It's our date, daaaaaaaate, daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate! "


Hestia acted like a spoiled child that is determined to get what she wants.

" Leave those things to me, I will take care of them personally for you. They are only a few balls anyway. "

" They are not just any ordinary balls, Goddess. They are quite dangerous. "

" Hay, hay, I'll be careful. Now get inside! "


With a last push, Hestia heavily slammed the door of the bathroom with a victorious grin, right after Bell went inside.

Just like what she said, the two of them had agreed to go see the festival at the East Main today------------- The Monsterphilia.

Hestia has been looking forward to it and even wanted to talk about it to Bell these past two days but he was very busy. She rarely even saw him at home and when she did, he's always doing something most of the times.

And last night, Bell didn't even sleep at all. Hestia slept alone on that cold bed the whole night and she swear it's very uncomfortable without Bell.

When she woke up this morning, Hestia saw him still working in front of his tabel. Not wanting to disturb him, Hestia chose to go cook their breakfast first. Then after that, she took a bath.

However, even after she finished doing all of that, Bell was still there doing the same.

She had enough!

Using the Monsterphilia festival as an excuse, she forced him towards the bathroom. But in reality, Hestia simply didn't want to see Bell, overworking himself like this.

She then went to Bell's table to do what she's promised him.

' What are these balls anyway? For Bell to spent almost a day making them.... these should be important, aren't they? '

In front of her lies a little over a dozen transparent orbs that's around 3 to 4 centimeters in diameter.

Each of them has this different colored symbols inside them that Hestia cannot understand.

' Is Bell making his own toys? Hee-hee that's not possible. '

For Hestia, Bell is like an old man inside a young boy's body. He doesn't act the way his age at all but behaves very mature and reliable. There's no way someone like that would bother making a toy at all.

Then she saw his unsheathed sword silently lying beside these unique looking orbs.

Hestia helped and worked to the bones in making this sword with Hephaestus so she's very familiar with it. She easily found the difference.

" What are these strange patterns? "

Hestia went closer as she caresses the unique patterns of the sword that was freshly carved, no, freshly imbued on its surface.

These aren't hieroglyphs wasn't it?

These patterns has a similar color with the sword so they are not very prominent. But Hestia's keen eyes still spotted them very easily.

The more she look at them, the more curious the goddess became.

Hephaestus had once asked Bell before if he wanted her to imprint hieroglyphs on this sword. It is to make the sword stronger and also, to put some enchantments to it.

Surprisingly though, Bell refused the offer without hesitation.

But now, here he is putting some strange patterns on it. So what could it be?

" This balls should be.... put here, right? "

Hestia had long noticed this strange socket at the end of the sword handle. It's also one of the things Bell personally asked Hephaestus to make.

And with these orbs around, Hestia didn't need to be a rocket scientist to figure how it works.


As she'd guessed, the orb fit very well on that socket and buried half of it.

Then she wait to see what will happen.

However, even after a minute had passed, nothing happened. There's no changes at the sword at all, as in nothing.

Hestia can only put back the sword on its sheath and then pull all the orbital inside Bell's dungeon bag. She also did some quick cleaning before heading towards the dining table. There she'll wait for Bell to finish bathing so they can eat their breakfast.


East Main Street.

Today was one of the most popular festival of the city and plenty of people had come here.

At around eight, the street was already so full that it was difficult to move forward.

However, the abundance of beautiful fresh flowers and other decorations which are not normally seen on the buildings made it worth the hassle.

It's a sight to see.

Long ropes ran from rooftop to rooftop across the street above everyone's heads.

Flags bearing the official logo of the Monsterphilia and the elephant mask of Ganesha Familia hung down from them in such abundance that they cast shadows over the crowd while dancing in the breeze.

The food stalls in the middle of the road drew in many lines of customers with an appetizing mix of amazing smells and the sound of searing meat.

Juicy fried chicken, pork barbecue and fresh beef came off the flames of grills at a record pace, the vendors trying to keep up with the endless tide of ravenous fairgoers.

The Monsterphilia was in full swing!

All the people here has these similar smiling faces as they pave their path forward.

Some headed directly inside the coliseum to wait for the start of the main event while others, especially the young pairs of couples are still busy roaming around the place trying different kinds of what the festival offers.

" Aizuu-tan! Jyaga Marukun is waiting, let's go, let's go! "


Loki guided Aiz to a food stall that was serving fried potato puffs.

This food was actually one of Aiz's secret guilty pleasures. Even the name Jyaga Marukun made her normally emotionless eyes go wide with anticipation.

" Let's see, one original Jyagamarukun for me and… "

" Azuki sweet cream flavored, please. " injected the beauty sword princess.

" Coming right up! "

The cashier handed loki two of the freshly fried puffs a moment later. The one that she handed to Aiz was the original recipe with a delicious filling.

Loki asked her how it was, but the girl couldnt respond. Aiz's currently fully enjoying her food and can't be bothered with Loki.

Enjoying every second of the flavor flooding her mouth, Aiz only nodded to her goddess before taking another bite of her treat.

" Aiz-tan Aiz-tan!

" ? "

The blond girl looked up at Loki, a piece of the potato puff's flaky crust on her lip.


The goddess's teeth dove straight into her own Jyaga Marukun. She started chewing with her mouth open, brazenly licking her lips before smiling at Aiz. Then she thrust out the rest of the potato pastry in front of the girl's face.

" Say 'aah'... Aiz-tan. "

" No. " Aiz mercilessly declined.

" Eeehhh? Come on, I've been dreamin' about this for years now! Just once please, Aiz-tan? "

Loki kept on begging, trying to convince Aiz to take a bite. However, all of her attempts failed.

Even the infamous Heavenly Jester wasn't able to bend this girl's iron will.



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