A young man is reborn into the World of Danmachi and inherited a hatred for a certain monster..See what happens next. OC character will ruin cannon This is most BS because I love the anime but I don’t know everything about it but I’ll try to keep it as realistic as possible Slow updates!!! DISCLAIMER: I do not own Danmachi just my OC and I do not own the cover I found it on google
*3rd POV*
In a pub in the city of Orario, various adventurers have gathered to drink and be merry after a hard day in the dungeon. They gather daily to brag or gossip about the happenings of their day to day.
"You hear the news 'bout that loner yet?"
"You mean "The Goblin Slayer"? "
"Aye thats the one… 'parently the boy stated in the guild yesterday he's considering joining a familia finally"
"Hoho, really now? 'Bout time innit? I reckon he's been killin' those slimy gits for what, two years now?"
"That's about right.. remarkable really if ya think about it though.. you had to have seen him? The lad moves so quickly and packs such a punch without bein' in a familia. Can't be a normal bloke.. what do you reckon is under that helmet anyways?"
"Oi, no one knows, gotta be some kind of deformity though, bein' as nobody's seen his face and all.."
"Who the fuck cares?! He's just a weakling that's never gone past the first floor! I don't get why everyone's so interested in that plebeian!"
"Nobody asked you Bete! Why don't you stay on your side of the bar!"
"Why don't you make me you weakling fuck!?"
This is just one of many conversations in just one of many bars and pubs around the large medieval city with the tall tower in the middle reaching for the heavens.
'Tomorrow.. Tomorrow I go see if all those offers I received to join familias are still good.' I mused while sitting at the entrance of the first floor of the dungeon sharpening my short sword.
See I'm not originally from this world but I know it well nonetheless. You guessed it I'm a reincarnater. This world was just a fantasy in my past life, entertainment in the form of manga and anime, although I only watched the first season and part of the second. I woke up in this world after my untimely death at the hands of…. Bathtub-Kun… Yup, fell asleep in the tub and drowned. Who I was isn't really important anymore, other than I was a bit of a nerd. I guess I was lucky enough to be introverted and not have a lot of friends so I did watch anime and read some manga, other than that my only accomplishment was that I was and avid practitioner of all forms of sword fighting, which really helped me out in this new life. But the body I inherited upon awakening left me his memories, which I will be grateful for, even if they're sad and a bit depressing.
The boy was 15 when he died in an alleyway from starvation. He was the son of two adventurers who weren't very good at adventuring. They died at the hands of goblins on the second floor. Then he spent his life begging for spare valis or food until his eventual death.
As I received his memories and feelings I also received his deep hatred for goblins. Since then I have been methodically creating my image as this worlds Goblin Slayer. A popular character from another anime and manga, and one of my favorites I might add. Helps that I look just like the MC from that show. I have medium length shaggy white hair, deep crimson eyes, a few scars from living rough and my first scrapes in the dungeon, and a body that has been tampered in the fires of the dungeon.
Now you might ask why wait two years before joining a familia? Wouldn't that be an easier way to get stronger quicker with a falna?
Yes it would, but I have two main reasons for not doing so.
1. When I received this bodies memories and emotions we became the same person. That means my hatred of Goblins is so high it's nearly blinding, even now I struggle with suppressing the urge to continue my massacre of the little bastards. I have all these memories of how happy I was with my family in this world. It's not like I can just forget that and be the me from my past life. I'm not that person anymore, not entirely. I'm the equal blend of both. I gave myself a deadline to satiate my bloodlust for the bastards and honestly that was up a year ago.
2. I wanted to test a theory. I wanted to push myself to the peak of physical condition before receiving a falna to see if it will boost my stats or if I'll end up with the base stats of I-0 regardless. Either way my experience this last two years I believe is quite invaluable. I've learned to kill. I've learned the best ways to do it as well along with adapting this new body with the all the knowledge of the sword that I learned in my past life. Well as far as goblins and kobalts go anyways but I'm sure most of it applies to most monsters anyways. I've forged myself into a machine, my purpose? Monster slaying! And I'm damn good at it. I wasn't in the dungeon for more than a few months before various familia members would happen by and invite me to join their familia after watching my movements. But I declined for my theory's sake and I wasn't ready to move on yet.
Now though I'm seventeen, and yesterday, I saw a young boy covered in blood screaming and running from the dungeon. So it's time for the story to start.
I don't plan on joining Hestia's familia. Bell's growth depends on the hardships he goes through and his desire for Ais and I don't plan on really messing with that as I believe with me there it would make things significantly easier on them, and honestly I don't want to be their third wheel nor do I have any desire to be apart of Bell's love life. Besides I think we may be related… we look very similar other than I'm tall and muscular and he's short and scrawny. I don't know if I should confront that or just leave it be so for now I'm considering the Loki, Hermès, or Hephaestus familias. I don't really think I'd have enough room to grown in any others and I'm all about the gains baby.
(AN: I'm not set on any of those familias it might be a completely different familia)
'Well I might as well head back to the inn. Mrs Bourni will be happy that I'm not staying the night in the dungeon again.' I mused as I gathered all my various weapons and stowed them back on my person. Mr and Mrs Bourni are a Dwarven couple that own the inn I rent a room and a storage space at. One of the perks of the inn is long time residents get a personal vault in the basement to keep their valuables in. I have a couple large supporter bags stored in there full of back up weapons and monster cores and other drop items I've picked up that I haven't turned in. I only turn in enough to survive off of, everything else gets put into savings. I was always a bit of penny pincher in my last life and that has carried over it seems.
Anyways the Bourni couple have somewhat adopted me since I've been staying at their inn over the last couple years. Probably the only people in Orario that remember my face, as I've taken up a bit of a Mandalorian lifestyle "this is the way" with my recreated Goblin Slayer armor and weapons. Another reason I love the couple and the inn is Mrs Bourni is an amazing cook. The saying "the way to a mans heart is through his stomach" isn't just for show ladies, it's a real thing. And that lady's spaghetti can give Mama Mia a run for her money… just don't tell Mama I said that please.
And yes I've spent many meals sitting at the Hostess of Fertility. Only on the nights Ryuu Lion works though. Our quite natures match up like that. She sets me up in a corner where I can pull up my visor to eat without being seen, and I provide quiet company on her breaks. We do occasionally make small talk but mainly we enjoy each other's silence. Honestly I have a huge crush on the petite elf but I don't have high hopes for her reciprocating my feelings. Elves are a fickle species that way.
As far as friends go I don't really have many as I'm still pretty introverted. I have plenty of acquaintances as I'm pretty famous as the Goblin Slayer, and I've helped teach some of the newbie adventurers on the first few floors about the art of goblin slaying. I even taught Bell for a time when he started about a year ago. Poor kid nearly got himself killed many times after losing his cool after a weapon breaks. Had to really beat it into boy's head to always have back ups and to make use of the goblin's and the kobalt's weapons if they have them, which many do once you're past the first floor. That's something I try to pass on to all of them, "always be prepared, use your surroundings to your advantages, always have a plan and a backup plan and backup for your back up plan, be ready to adapt when the plans go wrong". These were my commandments of sorts. I really just learned a lot from the Goblin Slayer anime and mixed it with "constant vigilance " from Mad Eye Moody.
"Well it's good to see you made it back Orcbolg!" Mr Bourni shouted as I stepped inside the doors of the inn. That's what many of the dwarves and elves have taken to calling me. Orcbolg was actually a famous sword, forged by the dwarves and gifted to the elves. The sword's sole purpose was for killing goblins, kinda like me the last few years, hence the nickname.
"He has a name dear! Eric! It's good to have you home! Come sit and eat!" Mrs Bourni shouted from the kitchen.
"Yes ma'am " I replied making my way back to the backroom where I take my meals away from the rest of the guests.
"Made your favorite spaghetti today Eric, enjoy!" She said placing the plate of food in front of me with several sticks of garlic bread.
"Itadakimasu!" I said bringing my hands together in a classic Naruto fashion. Hey I may be quiet and introverted but I am cultured and polite.
As she walked away I lifted my visor and began shoveling food into my face hole. It was delicious! She makes it just the way I like it, sautéing the onions and peppers with the ground meat before adding it to the sauce, buttery noodles, and piled high!
A short time later I'm sitting there letting my bulging stomach settle, my visor back down when she came in to collect my plate. "Gochisosama!" I thanked her for the meal leaving some valis on the table as I made my way up to my room for a bath and some sleep. 'Tomorrow is going to be a long day..'
(AN: I received a comment that said something along the lines of goblins are really weak in this world tho.. and I agree! So later I do plan on having the dungeon spawn some stronger ones and a special lil something so just keep your peepers open!
I want you guys to vote on a familia for Erik to join!
Give a +1 on what you want or if you want a different one comment who you think I should join in the "other".
Thank you for reading!!!)