
Dangerous Seductions mafia

Father Rafael was a young priest. Everything is normal for him, but a big challenge appears when he meets a young call boy asking for his help, to not be killed by the Chinese Mafia. What the priest didn't imagine was his life turned upside down because he was confused about his vocation and was nurturing a feeling for the male escort.

miyagilucianamm · Urban
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I want you

I stammered and suddenly he held my neck and felt his lips brush in mine in a seductive way, I had never kissed anyone, nor in my adolescence, and feeling the soft lips of Rafael was the unique feeling of being in heaven and in hell same time. After this kiss I probably had the body the whole mind in hell, before it was just the tip of the foot when ... when he sucked me like that and I went crazy. I soon felt his tongue ask for a passage and I knew that from there I was totally screwed, my mind thinking about God asked implored that I stopped, but my body did not correspond and let himself be opening even my mouth letting him enter even more, I felt my body shudder and already He was delivered to him, he was already addicted to his lips.

"Priest Rafael, Mr. Gabriel Dinner is ready. We were interrupted with Leonardo's melodious voice, it seemed like he was near the chapel, so immediately I moved away from him and left the chapel heading toward the kitchen, the brunette did the same following me.

We all were at the table eating the pasta that Leonardo had prepared and Gabriel delighted with him, was at the same time sexy and funny to see him eat, it seemed like a child who easily dirty the corner of the other mouth seemed like a hungry lion ready attack, seeing that I could not hold the laughter looking at him, for my luck Leonardo was too tired to realize what was rolling there, but Gabriel noticed and gave me a smile to kill anyone. In Priest Rafael's room the same was having a nightmare.

_ Here is his punishment Priest Rafael, for betraying the Holy Church and God, for having profaned, and having fallen into mortal sin, will be punished in the worst way that a religious can fear. Rafael was kneeling on thorns of roses, the blood that stained the pocket and the two hands together in prayer. He cried bitterly, feeling guilty for his sin, the sin he consumed to him, the Voracious Passion, Rafael trembled his lips, the body felt the weight of guilt, he looked once more to the archbishop with his brothers, Feeling embarrassed for betraying God and his own. The worst of the sinners were and began to cry begging for God's forgiveness.

'' Lord .... forgive me, my sins, guide me to your ways and mercy to move away from all temptation. I beg you '' The days, in that parish house, was different, tried to focus on preparing the classes of my class and closing the notes of that semester, besides being busy in college, also attended the confessions and prepared the Mass of the faithful. As we were in the time of Lent, the work in the matrix were arduous and we were in the mutirão of confessions, Carlos tried to help me from time to time in the confessions, for it was always full, and as many women had to tell their innermost sins, it was difficult to meet everyone, it was around 50 confessions a day or the people were sinning beyond the account.

I remember a special confession of a young boy who came to look for me, the confession was already finishing another black-haired boy with red wicks and a somewhat female trait face asked me to listen to that end at night.

"Priest I ... er I would like to confess.

"Sit down, my young man, we're just we can tell me your sins. The young man totally clinked, looked at the sides strange to confess there on the bench but realized that he would not enter a living soul and continued.

"Priest I sinned and the worst possible way, I do things with my body that I do not pride and if my poor mother knowing, she could kill him in disgust. "Continue my son, I'm here to hear him.

_ Priest the devil visited since he was a boy, I was always tempted for him, I let me take for lust and I ended up falling in love with a banned man for me, but from time to time I fuck with other guys just to satisfy me and I let the guys fuck me and use me, but I always think of him as if he had eating me, but priest I love this man, and I can not stop thinking about him.

When he said that, my heart began to beat up and what made me think of Gabriel, the situation in which I was with him, what was happening to these young people who fall in love with others and still suffer for being forbidden love.

_ My young man only asks a little respect Try not to use words so levian, we are in the house of God and something else, because you think this man in which fell in love is forbidden to you, is he married? The boy took a deep breath, trying to contain the tears that insisted on leaving, could see in his face the frustration and fear of not being loved.

"No priest is much worse than that, let's say he can not be mine, I can not have any bond with him, but when I saw him, I felt I could love him or to make him happy, but I know that if I insist on this love, I could have a major rival.

"Expect I can not understand what you mean, who would this man be?"

_ I do not know if I should tell who priest is, but I can only say that he is a man of God, or he will be, I do not know how to speak when a man is preparing to be a future priest. I widened his eyes with his confession, so I thought to myself, it can only be a seminarian. _ Seminarian? _ This priest, because I love this man who still does not have his commitment to God, I can still do it my man ...

_ My young man as can say such a thing, may be hurting and still wanting to distort this man who prepares to serve God, I pity you, Suffering bitterly. I answered a seriously and made me think about why the young man wants to take the other man from the ways of God, even went through my head, that he could meet Gabriel, that the two of them had a plan to end the celibacy of the priests in the area, if that was it, I would be very disappointed With him.

_ Who is this man? I can even know it, because I am also a trainer of seminarians.

"Priest, I feel, but I can not tell who it is, I'm sorry I just want to know what my punishment is for this sin, I feel better because I told you, I know I'm going to hell for loving this man.

I looked into his eyes and felt sorry for him, he was speaking truth, he was loving and suffered for this love. In my thoughts came Gabriel's face, which made me feel angry at myself, because I gave him to his charms, I felt a heat a discomfort when I remembered that Gabriel had sucked and felt my head spin and a heat under his pants, I needed me Calm down, I felt guilty for letting him do that to me and certainly would not let this young man ruin the life of this poor seminarian.

_ How do you call yourself?

_ Pablo!

_ Pablo pray 50 Ave-Mary and 50 Father Our, may God have mercy on you, young man, that you rethink about this feeling. And he leaves the absolution of his sins, the young man continued to kneel crying and I left him alone going to the sacristy.

Gabriel. I was very bored that night, despite having gotten a place to live, had passed a month since I got to live with them. I wanted to have fun distract me that Saturday night, I took my cell phone and looked at the list of contacts, still had the list of my clients and when I wanted to make a date and fuck for money, I know it could be taken care of, so I would not have to pay a percentage for the nightclub, in fact I was like a night bum, it was cool to stay there among the seminarians, and I was close to him all the time, ahhh as I wanted to have Priest Rafael in my arms, to be able to feel it, just settle for that kiss and that night we almost fucked It was not enough, and the fact that he was a priest and a virgin gave me more desire to make it mine.

So as my money was ending and I was no longer part of the nightclub, I needed to relieve myself and make money because I was already getting bored there. When looking for the names I came across one who was already very friendly and at the same time my lover, this topava everything, so I sent the message to him. "Pablo how are you? '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' 'Drinking and fucking until they fall' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' 'Church?' '' '' '' 'I just came to confess, nothing more' '' 'Okay then I'll go there until.' 'And I turned off the cell phone a little surprised, Pablo was in the same church where I met Priest Rafael, what he plotted I needed to know and of course I would not say anything that I was with the priest. As the parish house was close to the church, there I met him, when I go inside the church, I find a very different Pablo from the last time I had seen him, a little slimmer eyes swollen Filled with tears, when I approached the brunette I just heard him say very softly.

"Forgive me God, for loving your son Leonardo. I was silent and a little surprised, Pablo was in love with the seminarian Leonardo I think it was him, if it is the same guy who lives with me in the parish house, poor poor would suffer as I am suffering for Priest Rafael.

_ Hey, come on? Pablo stood up and cleaned up against tears, I think he did not want to show me that he was crying, but he did not help because I had seen, then we left the church and hopeless for Priest Rafael was not there or he would see the two of us, I He had not even warned him to leave, so we went out quickly from the church going toward a very famous ballad I knew in Shanghai.

When we arrived at the ballad, it was very crowded and excited, we danced, drank. Pablo did not even look like that sad guy who had found in the church, now he was also fun, a groups of men approached us and started dancing together, some kissed, they touched themselves without shame, and I and Pablo did the same, it was crazy There, he could swear he saw couples in another room, but to be there in there, he needed to be a member of the Love Rainbow club, there are many crazy orgies, so it was impossible for me to be associated with the high value that charged.

Pablo continued to dance with me and he was very sensual, he came towards me and stole me a kiss on his lips, Ahhh those fleshy lips of Pablo, until he had missed them, of course that did not compare with sweet and naive lips From Rafael, but I did not want to think about it, I was there to have fun and pluck all the money I could from Pablo and I know I could, because even though he was a program boy he came from a rich family in Argentina, and did that to provoke his parents.

Then he returns the kisses asking for passage to the tongue and the darned to provoke me dismanced the kiss and said.

_ How did I miss Gabriel, did you miss how I stump here? He whispered in my listening and stroking my penis that was already a volume inside his pants. I fell back my head back as he touched my hard cock, and looked at him smiling in a naughty way he loved and answered.

"You know yes, let's go somewhere else, I want to eat you all night, get ready.

_ I will love to remember the old days, remember that it was you who took my virginity Gabriel I want more of it. As we left the ballad, Pablo asked for a taxi and went down the parish house, for my luck I was with the key and I did not care to take Pablo and fuck him right there, I was crazy and needed to relieve myself.

I opened the door to the room carefully, and Pablo already took the body, with hiccets on my neck and quick caresses exploring every part of my body, looking like a hungry lion. We fell on the sofa in the living room, and we continued to kiss, I got up Delicately and the brunette settled on top of me and stuck his lips on mine in a wild kiss taken from lust and perversion.

What had given in me after all, in bringing a young man to be fucked where a priest and a seminarian lived, I was completely crazy. Pablo looked like a bitch, and he spoke of putarias in my ear, I loved it as he was naughty.

He would rape on top of me, seemed to like the feeling that my penis caused on him, and he was provoking me even more with the hiced guests who would surely look marks on my neck, that's when the brunette came out of me kneeling, gave that smile Passing his tongue on his lips, he opened his pants, pulling away my legs, taking away my thing that was already hard and began with slow movements masturbating.

When the brunette finally after a few minutes teasing me, and I tried to contain the groans, and the little one tortured even more, when I could not take the unfortunate swallowed everything, and felt his teeth scraping the fragile skin and the sucked became faster, only saw the movement of the head of Pablo rising and descending, his mouth was wonderfully hot and I tried to hold the groan when the small to tease me even more, it passes to accelerate the sucks making my penis turn red, when loose A curse in the air.

_ Ah ... fuck ... Pablo I will not take it.

While Pablo made his magic in me, I heard steps coming towards the room and suddenly the light is lit and we were surprised by Priest Rafael and the young seminarian Leonardo looking at us horrified. Rafael.

After a meeting between the coroninhas, I was very tired, and Leonardo we returned to the parish house and when I enter, I listen to some groans from the room, Leo lights the light and the somewhat shocking and embarrassing vision. I meet that boy, the same as if she had confessed to me that night, crouched over Gabriel's legs, watching that scene the young man held Gabriel's stiff limb, who immediately kept him inside his pants.

_ What is happening here Gabriel? I looked at the face of a sinic, who got up straight over his pants and could clearly see the volume over the same, Leo will be totally disconcerted, we knew very well what had happened there, we were not stupid, but since Gabriel can do such immorality And disrespecting us, I had never felt so much anger as I was feeling at that moment.

_ Ah ... rafael better I leave, then we talked. He interrupted the young man and threw a sweet smile at Leo. Leonardo went to the door to the room and opened to Pablo without saying a word. I looked in Leonardo and said.

_ Leo we leave alone please, lock everything and go to bed. I ordered serious looking at Gabriel. _ Yes priest... Good evening.