

The sudden death of her father made Kimberly seem to lose the will to live. Especially her mother, who loves her husband so much. Because they are not strong with grief after the departure of their family head. Kimberly's mother decides to move from the capital to a small town far enough away to start a new life. Kimberly hopes to start over again in this new city from scratch. However, she instead met Nathan Drigory. A bad boy who always makes Kimberly's life hit by endless misfortune. In fact, Nathan is the son of a mafia boss who deliberately lives in a small town to start a mission plan for revenge for the death of his first child by another group. Nathan and Kimberly's closeness made Nathan's father, Moreno Drigory. Feeling Kimberly will change the nature of her son, who should follow in his father's footsteps. Take revenge on the sworn enemy of the Drigory family. In various ways, Nathan and Kimberly try to survive during the onslaught of Nathan's father's burning desire for revenge.

YuiSakura · Urban
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

3 New Campus

Kimberly looked at her mother without saying anything. She turned and walked into the campus.

The beautiful scenery spoiled Kimberly's eyes when she entered this campus. Of course, there were a lot of students and college students passing by. Some were engrossed in reading a book under the tree. A few more were gathered together, laughing incoherently. She doen't know what they're talking about right now.

Today Kimberly had to meet someone in the university administration. She had to submit some of his files. Kimberly had quite a bit of trouble finding where the administration building was. This place is so big, and she didn't know who to ask.

Having fun walking. Suddenly, there was the sound of a motor rumbling. Her voice was genuinely ear-splitting.

The college students turned their heads in the direction of the voice. So is Kimberly. Seen several groups of young people wearing all black clothes and black leather jackets. Just like thugs. Walking on campus streets. The students cheered them loudly like cheering for a national hero.

"What?" mumbled Kimberly.

However, Kimberly's indifferent gaze immediately changed when she saw a man in the crowd of noisy motorcyclists.

"He?" Kimberly remembered the figure of a man and a woman having sex in an apple orchard not far from behind her house. "He studies here?"

Kimberly looked restless. Yesterday's experience was embarrassing for him. She wished she would never get involved with them like this. And without Kimberly knowing. Kimberly bumped into a man in front of her.

"Hey!" shouted the man.

"Oh, sorry!" said Kimberly, who was so surprised. She was too focused on the man on the motorbike to pay attention to her steps.

The man who was hit by Kimberly seemed to grumble incoherently. He cleaned his clothes. It's not dirty at all, though. Kimberly just bumped into him. Not cursing him with dirt.

"Use your eyes right!" rebuked the man.

"S-sorry. I didn't mean to. I was…."

"You're looking at Nathan's mob, right? I know you like him. But please pay attention to your surroundings. Why is everything about Nathan so annoying!" he grumbled without wanting to listen to Kimberly's excuses.

"Nathan? Who is Nathan?" Kimberly asked.

The man with glasses and curly hair, looked suspiciously at Kimberly. His gaze was so sharp.

"Why?" asked Kimberly nonchalantly.

"Are you a freshman?" the man asked.

"Yeah, I'm new to this campus," said Kimberly.

The man's angry face immediately changed. He smiled. But somehow. That smile has many meanings.

"Introduce me; I'm Noah," the man said, holding his hand.

Kimberly also welcomed the outstretched hand. "Kimberly," she answered.

"Can I just call you Kim?" Noah asked.

"Yeah, whatever," Kimberly replied.

"Why don't you smile?" asked Noah, who had just realized that from Kimberly.

Kimberly didn't answer. She even said something else. "Where should I submit my file?" Kimberly asked.

"What?" Noah didn't immediately understand Kimberly's question.

"I have to collect some of my personal files. Do you know where they are?" Kimberly asked again.

Noah was silent for a moment. He realized that Kimberly was taking the question away from him.

"Where you first signed up," Noah replied. His expression was a little disappointed that Kimberly ignored him.

"Okay, thank you," Kimberly replied. Kimberly just left Noah. Then he headed to the administration building, where he registered first.

In front of the building. It turned out that the motorcyclists were there. Kimberly didn't want to meet a man named Nathan at all. Seems like it would be very embarrassing for Kimberly.

With quick steps and looking down, Kimberly passed the crowd of people. She didn't want to have any problems with them.

The girl arrived at the administration building; Kimberly immediately asked about the information section.

"Excuse me, I want to collect my portfolio files. Where should I go?" Kimberly asked.

The information officer looked at Kimberly. He then pointed to the second floor. "Go up. Enter Miss Smith's room," said the officer.

"Okay, thank you." Kimberly immediately went upstairs using the stairs. She headed to the room Miss Smith was in.

On the front of the room was clearly written Lily Smith's name. Her name is lovely. Maybe her figure was very gentle. Kimberly knock on the door. She was startled by a woman's voice from inside the room.

"Why are you absent for more than two weeks? You think this university is your place to play. School properly! The other family's kids wish they could go to college. Why did you throw away those poor kids' dreams!"

Kimberly fell silent. I don't know what it is. Looks like someone just got scolded. This is only the beginning of the semester. Why are you talking about absenteeism?

While waiting at the door. Suddenly the door to the room opened. Kimberly gasped in surprise when she saw the figure who had just opened the door.

"Get out of the way!" said the man harshly.

"Oh, yes...." Kimberly stupidly agreed to the words of the man, who was none other than Nathan.

Kimberly immediately turned her face away. She didn't want Nathan to remember her face. She didn't want to be embarrassed. Especially seeing how curt this man is. Kimberly didn't expect anything to be involved with him.

"Hey, Miss! How long will you be standing at the door?" said a voice from inside the room.

"Sorry." Kimberly rushed into the room. She took out some files and handed them to the woman.

"Are you Miss Smith?" Kimberly asked.

"You don't see the nameplate up ahead? Should I read it to you?" said the woman.

Instantly Kimberly realized that a name was just a name. She had misunderstood Lily Smith's name.

"Sit down," said Miss Smith as she took the file Kimberly had given her.

Lily Smith looked at Kimberly. She looked at Kimberly from top to bottom. "Why are you wearing a hoodie?" asked Lily Smith.

Kimberly noticed the hoodie she was wearing. "Is there any problem?" Kimberly asked. "I feel cold in here."

"You really are a townsman. You'll have to get used to living in the valley. Otherwise, Miss Watson, you'll get sick a lot," said Lily Smith.

"Um, okay," Kimberly replied.

After checking Kimberly's file, Lily Smith let Kimberly out.

"I'll call you again if there's something important. Today you can ask the lecturer for your schedule," said Lily Smith.

"Okay, thank you," Kimberly replied.

Kimberly immediately left the room. She rushed to find the head of the department she was able to ask for a class schedule.

"Hey!" someone called when Kimberly was just coming out of the room.

Of course, Kimberly looked. There was only her. If not her, who else was called? Kimberly was shocked to see that Nathan had been waiting for Kimberly in front of the room.

"Why?" asked Kimberly trying not to be interfered with by Nathan.

"You're the peeping guy, aren't you?" said Nathan.

"What do you mean!" said Kimberly. She looked calm. However, she was actually scared.

To be continued...