
Dangerous Ceo's Wife: Behind The Mask

Min Jung quickly took cover behind a tree as she caught sight of some men with a cars in front of her house, this wasn't the first time they visited this month but they had never come at night and tonight, they were carrying weapons some of which she had never seen before Her first instinct was to hide "I can't give you the land, I've told you before, it's a family inheritance" Min Jung could hear everything they said, she looked at the man in suit in his 40's he looked like the boss and he had talked with her father without an ounce of respect "You can't give it, you or you won't" I'm sorry Sir, I would appreciate it if you left my family and my property alone, we don't want any trouble, Min Jung's father said with a shaky voice, the looks of the man and the men that came with him were enough to make anyone pee on their pants "Too bad we won't be having this conversation again" "Really?" Kim Ju Won asked with excitement as his eyes widened holding the hands of his wife firmly. If they ever said not giving up for what you strongly believe yields good results, he felt he had seen it first hand He couldn't help but feel excited "Yes, dead people tell no tales" Park Kija said as the smile on the face of Ju Won died immediately "Whaaat do...you mean by that?" he asked stammering "Kill them" he ordered Jong Si Woo stepped forward with a small dagger, slowly walking towards Kim Dae, Min Jung's mother, "No, No please don't kill me I beg of.. You.. Before she could complete her sentence he slit her throat as her blood kept gushing out with her life slowly sipping out "Haaa" Min Jung exclaimed holding her mouth immediately so she won't scream out loud as hit tears dropped from her eyes "Haaasaaaaaaa, Haaaaaaa" Ju Won screamed in anguish Holding his wife that was almost lying helplessly on the ground, "Its okay, you won't be alive to grieve for long" Park Kija said with an evil smile "I hate you!!!!, you are going to die a slow and painful death, you will die miserable, you will die!!!!!!" He screamed in pain, "Dae, Dae open your eyes, open your eyes please Dae don't do this to me, Dae!!!" She managed to speak but all he could hear was Min Jung, she was worried about Min Jung Kija looked at him on the floor holding his wife whose life was slowly sipping away "You shouldn't have said that, you shouldn't" "Throw them inside the house" Jong Si Woo and Li Seok carried pushed them both inside the house "What...what are you doing" "I am giving you your family's inheritance, perhaps you could live here forever, you need to feel what it's like to die a slow and painful death" "Hyaaah you can't do this, we did nothing wrong" he screamed in tears Min Jung was faint in fear, as tears and sweat formed a good mixture on her face, with her hands perfectly covering her mouth as she watched everything from behind the tree, her father taught her better than expose herself in the face of danger "You did everything wrong by not giving up this place which is a good thing as you would have to live here forever" "Burn this place to the ground!!" he ordered as Li Seok walked quickly to the boot of the car to get gasoline Min Jung eyes widened as more tears flowed freely down her cheeks, her heart rate tripled, if she was calm enough to listen she might have heard her own heart beating Soon a huge fire was all Min Jung could see as she heard her father screamed Let me out, help!!! Somebody help, she looked at the man under the bright moon light in disdain His crooked teeth was hard to miss, and the tattoo in the arm of the two men that accompanied him was equally hard to miss, it was exactly same just in different areas of their body. Chairman Park walked away from the building slowly as he felt a sudden movement behind the leaves "Check!! someone's there" Its a little girl, should we kill her He looked at her, she was all sweaty and scared. "Knock her out we've shed enough blood for one day"

Shu_Lee · Urban
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13 Chs

Dark Fox

Min Jing could feel the stares from the window of her apartment, she knew them, she knew they always did that, stared at her from the window, she wouldn't blame them tho, and she knew she was quite irresistible.

If she didn't know those guys stared at her every morning she wouldn't consider herself a good agent, she smiled and looked at the window, as her eyes met with the eyes of Cheong, she had ample amount of information about all the tenants that lived in her apartment including the owner of the apartment, but she couldn't care less about how they saw her or if they adored her, that was not her main concern, what she wanted was how to get Heol where the Kang Mansion was, that mansion was one of the most complicated in the country, it was massive enough to carry out all her activities and house the hardened criminals that carried out the underground jobs even for the reputable men of the country, but they weren't without rivals, and the Gwan empire competed with Mr Kang for drug deals, arms deals and the other businesses they did, she had first-hand experience handling them but she didn't want to be consumed by the jobs she did for Mr Kang and forget her sole purpose in life.

The taxi stopped in front of the crib, and she quickly got down from the cab, she walked straight into the crib with the men present bowing their heads in acknowledgement of her presence,

"Good morning boss"

"Good morning Fox"

She turned to see who had called her fox, very few people in the empire called her fox, those who had known her for long called her fox.

"Hi scorpio," she said with no expression on her face

"You know you wouldn't be less of what you are if you smiled?"

Scorpio teased which made her chuckle a bit in sarcasm,

"It won't hurt you if you just smiled a bit"

She straightened her face immediately,

"You wish" she responded coldly

Scorpio looked at her in admiration, she had grown to be more dubious, cunning than any one of them who had been working for Mr Kang before she did.

Most people were comfortable with her position and power in the empire except Snake who felt he should be second in command and not her, he had done a lot even if he couldn't deny the fact that she was the best at what she did, he had assisted in training her but she had become better and worse than him.

Still, he felt he deserved the position, she slid her card across the sensor on the elevator unlocking it, very few persons had access to that part of the mansion, just 5 persons among the 100 persons who worked from him.

Min Jing inclusive, she waited patiently in the elevator as it took her to the floor where Mr Kang sat on his favourite armchair.

The elevator door opened as she walked briskly towards Mr Kang.

"Good morning Mr Kang" she greeted still putting on the cold expression on her face,

She hadn't been to the crib for 7 days, all she could perceive from the building was blood and death, and that was the usual smell that emanated from Mr Kang, every single person who had dared to come close to him cowered in his presence, except Min Jing who had overcome that fear, even though she was his favourite, she still had to obey the rules governing him.

"My little Fox," he said with a smile that revealed his tobacco coloured teeth which were slightly crooked.

He was a slim man with a little grey hair at the left side of his hair, he had brown eyes with wrinkles around his eyelids

Those eyes had seen gruesome things, things too heavy for the mouth to speak.

She walked and stood upright in front of Mr Kang.

"Have a seat, he said as she took her seat directly in front of him"

"Fox, you are now too big to acknowledge my presence" snake said with a slight frown in between his brows.

"Safe to say I didn't see you" she responded with a firm expression on her face, she didn't like Snake and he was positive that she didn't like him, but she could not care less what he thought.

"Are you trying to say I am so insignificant that you can't see me?" he said this time slightly raising her voice

"Stop it!!!!" Mr Kang said raising his voice

"I can't deal with having 2 of my best agents fighting amongst themselves, not when we have the Gwan empire to deal with... And you Fox have a very important job in just a few minutes from now, I'm getting old and I need to know that my legacy would be upheld!" he said with his hands and lips trembling

"Sorry boss," Min Jing said

Her apology was immediately followed by the apology of Snake

"Sorry boss"

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