
Dangerous Attractions

Krisztina_Haga · Teen
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2 Chs

Second Chapter

The night stretched out endlessly, like an infinitely dark corridor. Eventually, the rays of the new day pierced the night's veil, illuminating the faces of Ethan and Evelyn as they found themselves back within the walls of the police station. The previous day's confrontation had taken a toll on both of them, and the tension they carried still hung in the air, as if invisible threads connected them. As they entered the office, contradictory emotions and thoughts were almost suffocating. Evelyn analyzed the photos she had taken during the previous day, while Ethan studied the witness statements, interrogations, and crime scene reports. Eve tried to handle the situation with a professional attitude, pointing out her observations, hoping to get closer to the impossible. However, Ethan's rigid posture and cold gaze immediately emanated distance and contempt.

Eve shot a sly glance at him. She had noticed earlier that he stood out among most police officers. Tall and sturdy, his appearance exuded determination and authority. His dark brown hair was cropped short, giving him a charismatic look. His eyes were green, like freshly sprouted grass, behind which intelligence and determination shone. Beneath his arched eyebrows, there was always readiness and attentiveness, indicating he was constantly alert and able to notice details. His straight posture highlighted his confidence and determination. His dress was generally professional and elegant; he often wore suits, befitting his position and authoritative personality. Ethan's appearance was serious and commanding, although sometimes condescending; he exuded the aura of a man who always achieved his goals.

"What are you staring at, Dawson?" he asked loudly, his shoulders tense, but he didn't look at the woman, as if he could feel her gaze.

"I apologize, my mind is a bit tired... I think I need some coffee," the girl replied hesitantly, then quickly and hurriedly left the room. Ethan raised an eyebrow, watching the scattered woman leave; he didn't quite understand the current situation. He decided to support the idea and also introduce some caffeine into his system, realizing by looking at his watch that they had been working for hours. Just as Ethan stepped into the cafeteria, his chest suddenly felt a burning heat. He looked down and a huge brown stain adorned his shirt. He lifted it up, and at that moment, his angry, blazing eyes met Evelyn's frightened and frozen gaze.

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't notice in time, I'm really sorry!"

"It would be better if you paid attention to where you're putting those pretty legs instead of constant rushing, Dawson!" The man only realized later what he had described the woman's body part as. Some people in the cafeteria started to whisper, but he never cared much about others' opinions.

"I really am sorry..." Evelyn lowered her eyes, then sidestepped the man as inconspicuously as possible.Ethan sighed with frustration as he watched Eve walk away. He paid for his coffee and headed towards the gym, as he always kept spare shirts there. Even in the hallway leading to the gym, he heard someone vigorously pounding the punching bag. He pushed open the double doors and was surprised to find only one person inside, and that was Evelyn. The detective didn't notice anyone else being in there with her, as Metallica tunes blared in her ears. She was immersed in her workout, moving with focus and determination. Her technique was refined, showing her understanding of body anatomy and exercise science. She skillfully applied boxing techniques, alternating between straight punches and hook movements.

Ethan continued to stand by the door, his critical eyes following every punch and kick. He was surprised to notice that every move and sequence was precise and flawless. He loosened his tie, then went to the locker room and decided to release some steam himself. He changed into workout clothes, wrapped his hands with bandages, and walked back into the gym. By then, Evelyn was on the rubber mats, performing karate moves. She flexed her body gracefully and powerfully, executing high kicks and quick punches in the air. The sophistication and precision of her technique were remarkable. Seeing this, Ethan approached the girl with a sudden idea.

She didn't sense the presence of the other person; instead, she executed a beautiful yet deadly spinning kick, which Ethan managed to block only thanks to his reflexes. He caught her foot inches from his face, then lifted it higher to meet her eyes. Evelyn's face showed alarm, and her flushed face revealed her exhaustion.

"Could you be more careful, Dawson! If I were a rookie, I'd be lying on the floor now. Unconscious," he scolded her with a raised eyebrow, and the girl jerked her foot, signaling him to let go. Ethan didn't release her; instead, he lowered her foot slightly, careful not to cause her pain.

"I observed your exercises and became curious if you could handle a worthy opponent," the man declared with a challenging grin.

"I think I can, Lieutenant!" Evelyn replied defiantly, then brushed back the sweat-soaked strands of hair from her face.

"Let's see what you're capable of in a real fight."

"Alright, but I won't hold back."

"Don't worry, neither will I," he said, finally letting go of her foot. They stood facing each other at the right distance. They bowed to each other as required, assumed their basic stances, and waited for one of them to initiate the attack. The room filled with silence, only their quiet breaths were audible as they watched each other like hawks. Evelyn focused intently on Ethan before suddenly launching her attack. After a quick step, she raised her leg high and initiated a spinning kick that changed direction to deceive her opponent. The speed and precision of the kick were impressive, but Ethan dodged, then swiftly counterattacked. With his right hand, he swept Eve's leg aside like a falling leaf, then pushed her chest with his left palm, causing her to fall backward. Seeing her spread-out body, guilt welled up inside him, but it vanished in that moment as the girl sprang back like a cat, assuming an attacking position again.

For the next several minutes, a series of combined punches and kicks ensued, but in most cases, Eve ended up on the floor, until she employed a move she hadn't used in a long time but was all the more dangerous for it. She initiated a spinning kick, which Ethan parried as usual. However, this time, she didn't give him the chance to counterattack. She used her other leg to gain momentum and ended up sitting on his neck, pulling him to the ground with a swift motion. She squeezed his windpipe with her inner thigh, waiting for the seconds to pass until he would surrender. However, the man was not known for surrendering. He got up with her still on his neck, then unexpectedly ran back, slamming her against the wall with his back. They hit the wall hard; for a few moments, Evelyn had no idea where she was. Ethan released her legs when he felt them loosen and the girl fell to the floor like a ragdoll. She took shallow breaths, and tiny black dots filled her vision. As darkness engulfed her, the pain from old wounds returned in an instant. The memories she had tried to forget for a year resurfaced. Her heartbeat accelerated, her hands started to tremble, and suddenly, she was back in time.

"Get up, you filthy little wretch!" someone shouted.

"I can't..." Eve sobbed, "please... it's enough... it hurts so much!"

"I don't care! You can endure it!" After this statement, he kicked her spine violently, causing her to cry out in intense pain. "Does it still hurt?!"

"Eve... Eve, are you okay? Can you hear me?" Ethan asked her, but the past blurred with the present for her, and she couldn't dare to respond. She blinked at him, feeling confused.

"Hear me, Eve, please respond!"

"I'm okay... really... it doesn't hurt... not anymore... just don't hurt me!" After these words, she suddenly leaned to the left, like a sack of potatoes. The man caught her just in time; he didn't want her head to hit the floor. He quickly checked her pulse and breathing, trying to bring Evelyn back to consciousness. He noticed her phone on the floor and didn't hesitate to dial for an ambulance.

The paramedics arrived quickly, examined the girl, and suspecting a spinal injury, they placed her on a stretcher and took her away. Ethan explained everything to them. After they left, he sat down on a bench and clasped his hands on the back of his head. He stared at the floor, overwhelmed with guilt as he saw the girl's blood on the mat. He might not have liked her, but he shouldn't have lost his temper. He stood up, went to the locker room, showered, changed, and headed to his car. He drove towards the hospital.

Upon arriving at the building, he went straight to the patient direction desk, where they told him where the girl currently was. When he reached the hospital room, he was surprised to see the girl smiling at someone.

"Everything's alright, Evie! Luckily, your spine wasn't seriously injured; you just got a couple of bruises. I understand that you're tough, but you shouldn't pick fights with men bigger than you. You know what happened last time."

"I wouldn't be tough if I let these big brutes think the world of themselves," she replied with a grin, then looked ahead, her expression suddenly turning serious. "And don't bring up the past; you know I was there. Alone."

"Okay, Evie. We'll talk later. Rest up," with these words, a short nurse stepped out, visibly startled when she saw Ethan.

"How is the detective doing?" she asked, looking back at the man.

"Better. She hit her back a bit, but she'll be fine; she's made of tough stuff," he replied with a slight, proud smile.

"I noticed," she murmured, then glanced back at the girl, who was resting with her eyes closed.

"How do you know her?" she asked, looking back at the man.

"Evie spent quite a bit of time with us a few years ago."

"What happened to her?"

"I'm not the one to tell you that. If the lady decides, she'll fill you in," he replied, then smiled and left her alone. Walking down the hallway, Ethan pondered on what might have happened to the girl before she ended up at the police station. The night's secrets slowly unfolded in his mind as he approached the girl's room. Despite the tension in the air when they looked into each other's eyes, Evelyn smiled faintly. Her eyes were tired, showing signs of reservation. Ethan sat on the edge of the bed, attempting to be kind to her despite his aversion.

"If you want, I'm willing to listen to what caused all this," he said. The girl's eyebrows reached her hairline, her mouth formed a circle, and she stared at him in disbelief. When she realized he was serious, she spoke.

"Forgive me, but you slammed me against the wall like a teddy bear!" she retorted angrily, her eyes flashing.

"Yes, and I truly regret it. I let my anger get the best of me, but that's not what I meant. I meant the fact that you screamed and cried when you were with me," he barely finished his sentence when he felt he had stepped into a war zone. Evelyn's eyes darkened, and she turned her head toward the window, speaking.

"Please, just leave me alone."


"I don't want you to be concerned, Donovan! You've been obstructing me everywhere, and we've only been partners for two days. Don't act like I suddenly matter to you!" she almost whispered, feeling tears welling up in her eyes. There was silence for a long time, then Ethan suddenly grabbed the girl's hands and said,

"I'm sorry, Dawson! Just so you know, I'll be here if you want to talk. Get well soon!" With these words, he raised his head to her, but he was already gone. In that moment, both of them were thinking the same thing: they better approach each other with more caution from now on.