
Danger Ahead

Hidden Secrets.... Lost in Memories....... "I wont stop until i find the one who killed them" Will she accomplish her goal before time runs up? "I WAS THE ONE WHO KILLED YOUR PARENTS!" or Will fate find it's way? "I love you" Every path you choose......... Every step you take.......... Lies a sign that says "Danger Ahead"

MidnightXAssasin · Teen
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: NewClub


I stayed silent after reading the note.....so....this is really just a prank? I am now being send to the principal's office because I skipped class. But it's impossible, so it just means .... one of the teachers has a plan, and I know who it is. I wasted no time and immediately went to the Principal's office. I swallowed constantly until I was in front and all I had to do was knock and enter. I sighed and wished that my suspicion was correct, I knocked on the door and went inside.

I bent down when I entered and closed the door, I sighed again and then I stood up properly. My eyes widened as I saw Lawrence and Sir Holems looking at me. Ahhh, so it's not about my book, it's about what Lawrence did to me ?? Well, very good ..... the guy who made it even harder for me to solve clues than just call him here. There is no hope, I do not intend to report Lawrence nay an ah..I do not want to waste time here just about things like this. I mentally rolled my eyes and the expression on my face became bored.

"Hahahahaa based on your faces, I wasted your time coming here just for what Lawrence did to Lorraine, I even made it difficult for you to solve codes just for what Lawrence did" Sir Holems said laughing, so what does he need us for? I'm sorry if I'm getting rude but can't I be straight to the point?

"Ok straight to the point, I made you solve the codes, so I know who will be the vice and president of our new club QND CLUB which means Quezon National Detective Club" my face gradually lit up at what he said, there will be new club and detective yet. but why me? I just transferred ah? Why not Vicky.

"You are the leaders I chose based on your record card from elementary to high school, you have the highest so I thought I would challenge you, who will be the first to solve the clues he will be the president and the other one will be vice" so it means, I am the vice and Lawrence is the Pres. Amazing .....

"I know you love detective stuff like me, so I know you can never refuse the offer I will give you ..... so ..... are you accepting my offer ? " he asked the two of us. Most likely, I will not hesitate and I immediately nodded. But the problem is, I don't want to work with this guy. I just need to keep my distance from him starting now. I noticed how close we were to each other so I moved away a bit. Sir noticed that so he laughed softly.

"How bout you Lawrence? Are you up to the job?" Sir and I both looked at Lawrence as if deep in thought, about a minute or so he agreed.

"Nice, so your club will consist of 4 members. Since your 2 you only need 2 more left, it's up to you who you choose. And your clubroom is in our president's dorm room since he is your president .... any more questions? "

"Why is it necessary in my dorm? Is there any available room here in the campus?" Lawrence asked

"Unforetunately there is no vacant room here, so we thought that their clubroom would only be in the dorm of the future president" Sir replied.

"Anymore questions?" I didn't have to ask anything so we remained silent.

"If none, tomorrow is the opening of your club, which means by tomorrow you will have 2 members in the group, since you are two and so that there is no quarrel each of whom you want to choose .. ok you may now go to your next class "and the two of us turned around to go out, I preceded him so that I might be added. When he came out, I also went out but I remembered something so I went inside again.

"Uhmm .... Sir, by any chance, did you take the-" before I could finish he was holding a book and he spoke.

"Your book? Yes sorry but it is necessary. You love Sherlock Holmes" he said and handed me the book, I just nodded and I just smiled at him. I went out of the office and hugged my book .... I thought it was really gone, it's good for Sir. I put the book back in my bag so it wouldn't disappear. I was walking down the stairs, until I was suddenly tripped. Fortunately, I was caught on the railing so I didn't finally fall down the stairs, I might be bleeding now if not. I sighed before looking at the man who tripped me, I just stared at him and went down the stairs carefully.

"I really thought you would already have fallen down, you have good reflexes but you better watch where you are going" he said as he went down the stairs, I just hurried down so he wouldn't catch up with me but unforetunatly he touched my bag so I stopped walking. He put his mouth to my ear and whispered to me.

"I hope you already heard this, but you caught my interest and when I had an interest in someone .... i never stop bugging them. So I'm warning you ........ this is only the beginning "he violently let go of my bag so I sank, fortunately we were downstairs so I wasn't hurt too much, the problem was just dirty. I feel that many are looking at us but I have no use, when he really went down the stairs then I just stood up and shook myself. I looked at him again and now he was facing me and smirked. He turned around again and walked away, I just rolled my eyes at him and shook myself again. I started walking to my next class when my left arm suddenly hurt so I was caught in it, I was trying to move it but it still hurts. I remember where I hit it but all I remember is when I sank down the stairs, maybe it was done since the first thing that hit the floor and hit the side of the stairs was my left arm. I looked at the clock and it was past 2:00, specifically 2:30, I was 30 minutes late for my Chemistry Class and my teacher would definitely not miss it, whoever it was.

I just continued walking while holding my left arm, it's a good thing the left one was hurt not the right one, I was writing on the right. But that doesn't mean I want to get hurt, I'm just thankful I can still write.

As I walked I still tried to move my arm but it hurt even more. Until I entered I was still holding my arm. They looked at me and I looked at our teacher, she was writing something on the board so she turned her back on us. I hurried to my seat so that I would not be caught suddenly.

"Maam someone is late!"

We all looked at the speaker. And I am not surprised to who it is ..... Lawrence. He told me this is only the beginning but I still thought it was in pain but also because of the mistakes I made. I just closed my eyes and faced ahead, we met my teacher's gaze. She looked at me from head to toe until her eyes stopped at the arm I was holding and everyone looked at what she was looking at.

She slowly approached me so I slowly moved away, I looked at Lawrence and saw him smirking at me. I turned my gaze back to my teacher who was still getting closer and closer until she stopped and grabbed my left arm and I immediately frowned in pain. I looked at her face again and now her expression immediately softened.

"What happened to your arm?" she said in a worried tone. Her expression was very different as she approached me earlier than now, during the processing of my brain I could not answer.

"Did Lawrence do that?" he said while massaging my arm, so the pain was a bit gone. I glanced at Lawrence's direction and until now he was still smirking, what was his problem and he always smirked, could he have heard what maam said ?, he expected to be able to report it to him, but as I said I have no use if he is reported or not, I just don't want my older brother to come here just because of this, his grades are important to him and I don't want to be an obstacle to him.

"No, I just stumbled on the stairs earlier in a hurry" I forced a smile and scratched my head with my right hand while Maam continued to massage. I'm a little embarrassed here so I try to snatch my arm from her, but she still tries to give it back to her so I have nothing to do.

"Eh the one in your nose?" she said seriously, I glanced at Lawrence again and now he turned his back on us. I just didn't answer her and she lowered my arm, I moved it and it still hurts, but it doesn't hurt that much. I just smiled at her.

"Don't move your arm too much and don't carry heavy things, it might get worse. And be careful next time, go to your seat" he smiled at me and went back to the front, while me, slowly walking towards the seat next to Lawrence. I first checked to see if he had put anything in my chair and then I sat down. I glanced at him and now I was facing the front while he is leaning against the wall. I sat down properly and listened to maam.


"Ok class dismissed" said maam and we left. This is our last subject today until our class is only 3:00. I walked to the parking lot where my older brother would wait for me while still holding my arm ... it still hurts even after being massaged. I'm thinking of an excuse for my older brother why I have a bandage on my nose, it's easy to hide the pain in my arm but my nose? .... I still need to find a reason.

I just kept thinking and walking slowly, until something tickled me. I looked behind me and saw Cam and Vicky.

"Where are you going?" Cam asked me

"In the parking lot, you?"

"In the parking lot too, we'll just get something" Vicky said. I just nodded at him.

"You? Why are you going to the parking lot?" Cam asked me

"My older brother is waiting for me there"

"We'll go with you, since we're both going" Cam said a little excited. Why is it? is it cuz of my brother ?.

"You just want to see Lori's older brother" Vicky said. Ahahah my suspicion is correct, I admit pogi si kuya eh but I don't know if he has an interest in having a GF.

"No !!!, I just want to go with Lori and meet her older brother ...." Cam said

"It's the same" Vicky said

"No, since she's our best friend we should know her completely ... or WHAT? Do you have a moan? You thought it was just because of his older brother" she glared at Vicky and crossed her arms. Vicky said nothing because we had reached the parking lot, I looked for where my older brother was and I immediately saw him standing outside the car and using his cellphone. I immediately ran to where he was standing, and Vicky and Cam immediately followed. I glanced at what he was doing on his phone but before I could finally see he immediately removed and hugged me.

"Rain, I'm sorry if I didn't pay attention to you this morning, you know me, right? "He hugged me even tighter. I hugged him and then he let go and looked at my face.

"What happened to your nose?" He touched my face and looked around my nose, I removed his grip on my face. Hala! I have not yet made an excuse for why my nose is like this .... What can I say ????

"She's so clumsy so her nose and her arm are like that" we both looked at the speaker and I forgot that Cam And Vicky were even here, I smiled at them both as a thank you.

"Huh? Miracle you became clumsy, what did you eat?" my older brother said to me.

"Maybe I changed the way I thought about what you did this morning" I said bitterly and he scratched his head.

"Hahahah sorry, who are they?" and he pointed to the two women with me.

"Ah they are the ones ...... uhmm my friends" said k okay brother

"She's Victoria Gillera, my classmate and-"

"Class president niyo ... Nice" I looked at my older brother badly, because he did not finish what I was going to say because of his deductions. Vicky looked back at us and just smiled at us. I turned to Cam.

"And she is-"

"Camille Fabillo you can call me Cam" at the same time she offered her hand to my older brother to shake hands, my older brother was a bit awkward so he hesitated to shake hands with her. Vicky and I looked at each other and rolled our eyes at the same time. They finished shaking hands and until now Cam is still trembling and older brother is still scratching his head, maybe these two have feelings for each other that fast ... or should I say love at first sight. I first approached Vicky and looked at the two crazy people, stunned by each other and looking thrilled.

"Hahahhaa love at first sight" we said together. We looked at each other and then laughed, we both had the same thing in mind.

"I deduct they will be together, then they will keep it a secret from us" she told me.

"We' just have the same thought in mind" I said, I'm going to my older brother's place so we can go home and dress up when I suddenly remember something.

"Vicky do you want to join-"

"I guess a new club has opened and you are the vice or pres so you ask me"

"Hahahaa right, there is a new club which is QND CLUB which means Quezon National Detective Club and I am the Vice president and we need 2 more members and you are the one I chose"

"I will probably join, I have been waiting a long time to have a detective club here at school and now is the time!" she said to me with great joy, I just smiled at her.

"Who is the President?" she suddenly asked me. I looked at my watch and it was 4:50 that we were alone here in the parking lot.

"What time is the curfew here?"

"Uhmmm ... It's still 8:00, but all the students should be here by about 6:00, why?" I just looked at her with an "obviously" look and she immediately understood.

"I'll tell you tomorrow promise"

"Why tomorrow? Maybe later"


"In your dorm ... Cam and I will come later to help you get organized" I just smiled at him and then nodded. Vicky and I went to Cam and Kuya and we pulled our companions away from each other.

"WAIT !! WHAT'S YOUR NAME?!?!?!" Cam chased as they were a bit far away.

"YOU WILL ALSO KNOW !!!" my older brother shouted back and I could see Cam pushing here until they were completely gone, I rolled my eyes at both of them and then got in the car ......