
Danganronpa V3 Supreme Theory

How did Team Danganronpa appear and what is their purpose in making A killing game? Two new characters appeared in v3, Why and How did they appear? will they Change the story ? how will the cast deal with them? All these question will be answered through the story And they will change but Who will die and who will Live?! That is the Mystery for you to see . Hope you will like my Murderers Cases! this is my first time writing a story! if you saw another version it's just my older version with poor writing See you guys in the story~ and I don't own any characters or the anime and it belongs to its creators i only own my ocs

Saad_Mussad · Video Games
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22 Chs

ch 1.6 the motivation

Monokuma said with a malicious tone

""Upupup well Isn't it obvious we will announce the first motivation

Then I will make Monodam destroy me""

Tsumugi was confused and said

""Why are you going to do that? ""

Monokuma said

""Simply To make everyone relax a bit ,so Shuichi can do his plan to capture The mastermind more easily""

Tsumugi was shocked and said

""To capture the mastermind ?! ""

Monokuma said

""Shuichi Will discover a door for the mastermind. and that door will be a trap

And of course, someone else knows about it upupup

Shuichi will set a trap to capture him.

When I will appear again , it will be the time when Shuichi's trap is finished.

furthermore I will say there a time limit ,and if they don't kill, then I will kill everyone that is forced to Participate

So the Other person will take the risk to see what this door leads to then he will get captured.

Shuichi will catch him in a spot with someone he told about his plan, so he can say I'm innocent and that the mastermind and everyone will trust him because he has someone to confirm what he said

Well Unfortunately there is a time limit

Everyone will get nervous, there will be a fight about the other person being innocent or not

however, there is no time for them to discuss it with him UPUPU

Then someone will sacrifice and kill him and that will be Ryoma because he doesn't wish to live

But unfortunately, it will be obvious""

Tsumugi made a sinister smile and said

""Haha this is good,

But what about manipulating Led to do that

Led's mind soon will break

To see the world destroyed and not knowing anything about his beloved ones

We only have to say

"Led I don't want to die

I want to live"

He will simply kill the fake mastermind out of duty

So the first motivation is a free chance to kill to go outside

He will not make anyone see the outside world

He will sacrifice himself and refuse to take the free kill so he will kill secretly

And do a class trial to use his life to improve Shuichi's skills and be his successor

Pfffffttt he will know later that the one he kills isn't the mastermind and will fall in despair

Our toys are fun to play with, don't you think? ""

Led was so angry that his veins showed

'I think I heard enough I need to run to the bathroom as fast as possible'

Tsumugi was about to get out of the classroom

Led showed skin from his left shoulder and hurt himself with his knife

And ran to the bathroom

'Thank god it was Tsumugi because she will be in the girls' bathroom and may meet her there by a chance'

He arrived at the bathroom

'I hurt myself so the adrenaline will keep me awake, however soon enough it will go and i will probably faint from exhaustion. well I got a backup plan.

Even running make me exhausted! I became pathetic'

Led went to the sink then put his knife in his jacket and entered his finger in his mouth then vomited

Tsumugi came close to the bathroom and saw that.

She entered and held Led's shoulder so he doesn't fall

She said with a worried tone

""Are you okay??! ""

'Impressive act'

Led said

""Don't worry and bring something that can change my breath's smell Keke, and bring Kirumi and Gonta too""

Tsumugi nodded

Led put gum in his mouth

Red Led aka suck said to him

""So what will you do? ""

Blue Led aka Kid said

""You fucked up your body

I recommend resting today""

Led said

""Well If I have free time I will rest .however I don't. Keke

I will try to know who is the other person they mentioned and hope I will find him

If the time limit reached near the end I will try to kill Tsumugi and make it seem as suicide but the problem is that Shuichi, Ouma, and Rantaro will probably discover me

AHHH fuck I deserve a vacation""

Suck said

""What about making someone kill her and make it look like a suicide.

With that, you will have someone to help you.

Probably you can use Miu, or kill her by yourself ""

Led sighed and said

""I will try to figure it on my own""

Kid said

""Good choice to bring Gonta.

you need someone kind ""

Kirumi came With Gonta

Gonta said with a really worried tone

""Are you okay? ""

'Not really Gonta

I don't know what to do

Kill or be killed isn't my problem

What my problem is I miss my people,

I want to see them again to comfort me'

Led shucked and said

""Yes, I'm just ill, but a good friend to take care of me will be nice keke""

Then Gonta lifted him and hugged him

""Don't worry Gonta will protect you!

Gonta heard a hug help make people relax ""

His hug was gentle and kind

Led felt lonely and sad inside

'I really miss it,

I want to cry please let me cry

I want to be a kid but I can't

Thanks, Gonta for this kind hug'

Led said with a smile

""Thanks, you truly are a good friend ""

Gonta said with a smile

""No need to thank Gonta

Gonta did what gentleman would do ""

Kirumi said with a smile

""Let me help him by giving him medicine and something to eat ""

The smiles made Led at ease

Led said with a bright and gentle smile

""Thanks, guys""

'I promise you all I will end this killing game

And I will live and have a happy life with you all

Because I love myself and want a happy ending for myself

I'm a selfish and greedy guy keke'

""And Gonta accept the graduation from me,

Because You deserve it and we are friends so I thank u and you thank me""

Gonta got confused and said

""Is that so?

Gonta didn't know

Thanks, Led! ""

Led smiled and said

""you're welcome bro keke""

Led took the medicine and ate snacks that Kirumi bought

Led said with a smile

""Can you hold me till we reach the dining hall""

Gonta said with a smile

""Sure! ""

'Well thanks to Kirumi, she didn't say anything.

She definitely noticed my wound'

They went to the dining hall

Led let go of Gonta and opened the door and found everyone there including Monokuma

Monokuma said with a smile

""Well I was just about to bring you here.

You woke everyone early, thank you Led!

Shall we say the announcement? ""

Kaito was angry and said

""Say what you want!

But we will stop you!""

Rantaro said calmly

""What is the announcement? ""

Monokuma said

""I thought a motivation for you guys,

so someone can kill with ease upupup ""

Monokuma gave a sinister laugh and said

""the special motive I've prepared is called the first blood perk.


For the first murder will be occurred, no class trial will be held!

Can you believe that?! ""

Maki said

""You're not going to hold a Class Trial? ""

Monokuma laughed and said

""Even though I stressed the rules so much… I decided to not have a class trial for the first killing!

Therefore, if you had any doubts that you might get caught and executed…

Push those worries aside and kill to your hearts' content! The first one to kill gets the prize!""

Led said

""Then can you kindly fuck off pretty please?

I see what you want

You just want chaos that can put the idea of killing.

Don't panic guys

I will not say calm down ,but imagine it,

If you killed someone

You become free here ,but then will you be free outside?

Kill congratulation afterwards, he will probably send the video about you killing someone

Remember what he said, in the beginning, he wants a despair

So he will give it to the killer,

a despair!

See it doesn't matter"

'If fear you will use ,then so will i'

Monokuma angrily said

""Who said I will do that!""

Led Sarcastically said

""Then you will give hope to the killer what a wonderful thing, and here I thought you want a despair""

Monokuma was about to say something but The Exisal crushed him

Monodam got out from his Exisal

He looked silently at his dad then said

""There was only one spare for him""

And Monodom left suddenly

Most of them were confused

Led smiled

""Ignore that guys

Let's talk about why I gathered you here""

'I will make a plan to stop anyone from killing

Don't underestimate me Monokuma

After all, I'm the ultimate leader

The one who leads to everything'

The next chapter

Ch 1.7

The massage

sorry guys, I was busy with my life lately.

Don't forget to tell me your opinion! hope you love this chapter

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