
Danganronpa V3 Supreme Theory

How did Team Danganronpa appear and what is their purpose in making A killing game? Two new characters appeared in v3, Why and How did they appear? will they Change the story ? how will the cast deal with them? All these question will be answered through the story And they will change but Who will die and who will Live?! That is the Mystery for you to see . Hope you will like my Murderers Cases! this is my first time writing a story! if you saw another version it's just my older version with poor writing See you guys in the story~ and I don't own any characters or the anime and it belongs to its creators i only own my ocs

Saad_Mussad · Video Games
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22 Chs

ch 1.4 New Begin

Ryoma said with a calm tone

""Yeah it's cool what you did.

But it's not cool to faint after that,kid

You look like you will fall and faint *hmf*""

Led said with a tired smile and face


Thanks for the advice ""

Ouma entered the dining hall and Astra was behind him

Astra looked like she was looking for someone

Ouma looked at Led and went to him with a sarcastic face

""Nishishishi I predict you would die because of scolding but did I arrive early before you d.. ""

Astra pulled Ouma back aggressively

Astra said with an angry and calm tone

""Don't Annoy him, he is tired and sick

So stop your playful mode or I will stop you myself

You see I'm quite strong so I can deal with you""

Ouma said with a sad face

""But I was just worried about my precious Kohai

Why do you treat me as a bad person that's not fair wahhhhh""

Ouma then changed his expression to a confident look

""Okay I shall stop but so what all of you are going to do?

Playhouse together and him playing as the grandfather and give his final scolding and die

We are all in a killing game when will you all get serious and stop the lovely house you are doing

By acting like that you will make it boring -for the watchers-

So when will you all realize we are in a killing game""

Kaito said with an angry tone

""I will not let anyone kill!

I will stop this killing game .that's right ""

Kaede said with a cheerful tone and face

""That's right!

We will not play this killing game! ""

Led's face turned a little dark and said

""But still, we are in a killing game

Anyone can kill ""

Led smiled with a confident look

""So I will not let anyone kill I PROMISE""

He looked at Kaede with a smile

""After all I'm a leading freak, Isn't it Kaede?Keke""

Kaede smiled

The rest of the classmates entered

Rantaro said with a serious tone

""Just as you say. we are in a killing game

So what's your plan? ""

Miu said with an angry tone

""What the fuck is happening?!

Are you guys planning to start the killing game?! ""

Ouma said

""shut up cumdumpster ""

Miu looked horny


Led smiled and say

""Kirumi can you bring me a cup and paper with pen""

Kirumi nodded

Miu looked more horny

""everyone ignored me and continued to talk

i never felt this insulted before ""

She brought what he asked

Led yelled little


Everyone was surprised

Monokuma came immediately

Monokuma was in a curious position and said

""What does my dear student need me for? ""

Led said in a cold tone and expression

""There is a limit to how many victims to kill


Then answer me how many? ""

Monokuma looked depressed and said

""what's wrong with this cold treatment?

You make me sad ""



Monokuma said

""Two victims are the max""

Led said

""Go now""

Monokuma said with an angry tone

""Don't treat your headmaster like that!

Tsk no respect for the headmaster but okay, I will leave""

Monokuma left

Led asked with a polite tone to introduce themselves to him then said


I'm sorry to ruin the mood a little

But we need a night guard

Well some of you think if we bonded together there will be no killing

I want to believe that but

Without being logical and lessening the danger,

It's just sweet words

So I plan to put in every night three guards

The guards will be picked randomly

So even if one guard wanted to kill he doesn't know when or who s/he will be with

I hope some of you would volunteer for this

I'm sorry again for ruining the mood

And I can't be one of the guards even if I got picked sorry ""

Kaede said with determination and cheerfulness

""Don't worry about it Led!

Leave it for the rest of us""

Miu said with an angry tone

""who is the fucker that said I will do it

I will not!

I have better things to do""

Led said with a smile

""Yeah you will stay with me always

Because I need your brain

I know it's not appropriate to make a lady stay with me but I need a lot of stuff to make ""

Miu became flustered and said

""A handsome boy invited me to his room

Of course, I'm a genius yeah yeah I'm a popular girl

Will I be fucked by something other than my life? ""

Everyone felt weird

Tenko said with a little calm tone

""Miu you shouldn't accept something like that maybe he will do something to you!""

Miu said with a flustered and angry expression

""Shut up bitch!

You're jealous because a handsome boy wanted me so Shut up! ""

Tenko looked troubled

Led had shivered and looked grossly at Miu

'This will be a headache'

Led sighed and said

""Anyway besides me and Miu anyone else doesn't want to guard? ""

Tenko said

""All the girls should rest I will take their roles""

Led said with a tired tone

""Anyone agrees with her? ""

No one responded

Led said


Anyway, shall we begin? ""

Tenko looked annoyed

The night guards were

Shuichi Saihara

Tsumugi Shirogane

Rantaro Amami

Rantaro said with a cheerful expression


I will go now guys see ya later Shuichi and Tsumugi at night""


'I think Rantaro wants to talk with me'

Led almost fell but Kirumi held him

Kirumi said

""He fainted…

I will take him to his room and take care of him ""

Gonta said

""Gonta will help! ""

Ouma said with a sarcastic expression

""He should be ultimate Fainter, not Leader Nishishi""

Astra pulled his ears and said

""Stop being the ultimate clown ""

Ouma then had a little dark expression

""What's wrong with you?

Why do you show that you care about him?

You are a usually cold person with us

Why him?

Are you his girlfriend? ""

Astra said with a calm tone

""Let me correct you I'm not a cold person I'm an introverted person

If you come to me I will let you talk to me and answer, I simply hate social stuff

And why him?

Simple, because I Pity him

He is injured

But still, fight

try to think about us

What is good and what is bad for us

He overworked himself for us

how can I dislike him? ""

Ouma said

""Is that so?



I was just joking around that's it

Ultimate proclaimed Introvert""

Astra left him and went to the door and said goodbye

Kaede said

""You shouldn't talk with Astra like that""

Ouma cried and said


I Just asked what you were supposed to ask

And here you treat me like a bad person waaahh

I'm sad""

He changed it to the malicious look

""anyway I will go and investigate the place

Goodbye ""

Ouma left

Kaede said with a cheerful expression

""Let's fight together and investigate this place together""

Kaito said with determination

""That's right! ""

Everyone went in their separate ways

After some hours

Led woke up

He found himself in the bed with Kirumi

And said

""And you said you didn't change my clothes, didn't ya? ""

Kirumi said with a calm tone

""You don't have to be shy with me it's my responsibility as maid ""

Led said

""All you need is someone to take care of me right?

Then bring Miu

I need her anyway, furthermore she is easy to convince about letting me change my clothes by myself

You could come in the meals to feed me and give me the medicine if you are that much worried about me ""

Kirumi seemed troubled and said


She left

After sometime Kirumi came but Miu looked through the door like a maiden girl

Led had a shiver in his body

'The fuck'


'Will fuck? '


'Oh my god help me please handle her stares'

Kirumi said

""Did you change YOUR mind? ""

Strongly and undoubtedly wanted to say yes


'You're a leader Just do it! '

Led said with a hesitant expression

""No, I didn't ""

Kirumi said

""Then I will leave and will come in the meals and if you need anything let Miu call me""

Miu said with a confident look

""He doesn't need you when I'm here bwhahah""

Kirumi left

Led said with a warm smile

""Miu you are the ultimate Inventor

So you have a great brain so help me by making some stuff will ya? ""

Miu said with a confident expression

""Well duh I'm the most genius person in the world

I can make anything so easily because my brain is made of 100% inspiration bwahahahah ""

Led whispered to Miu and said

""Can you make those cameras not see us or hear us so Monokuma can't know what we are doing without getting suspicious""

Miu Flustered and said in a whisper

""I see yeah

He must not see us doing it""

Led had a confused face and said

""Huh? ""

Miu said

""Huh? ""

Led said with a tired expression

""Miu we need to defeat Monokuma first and end this killing game *sigh* ""

Miu said

""Then after we defeat it? ""

Led sighed and said

""Well I don't have a girlfriend nor a girl I love

So suit yourself and try to win my heart *sigh*""

Miu laughed and showed a confident face

""I'm the great Miu Iruma!

Of course, I can win you over bwahahah

Wait I will just get something and I will be back ""

Miu left and came again with some kind of sensor

And put it in front of him

Led was confused said

""What was this sensor for?""

Miu said

""that's a hookup counter

It shows how many times you fucked someone or how many people you fucked""

Led was surprised and confused and said

""Huh? ""

Miu said with a smile

""Well to think you are virgin bawhah""

Led was surprised, confused, and said with a little red face

""Huh? ""

Led became angry and said

""Get out of her! ""

Led kicked Miu


'Shit I feel embarrassed as fuck

I will just go to sleep'

In the night

All of them went to their bedrooms except the three guards

Shuichi Saihara

Tsumugi Shirogane

Rantaro Amami

Rantaro said with a serious tone

""Shuichi what do you think of Led? ""

Shuichi hesitantly answered

""Led had quick reactions and have leadership skills that people love to follow

I believe he has strong body and can fight very well but due to his weak conditions now he needs to be taken care of

That's it ""

Rantaro said

""well you will not say anything about his personality? ""

Shuichi said

""He is a good person

A person that loves and cares about others ""

Rantaro said

""well it seems he made you trust him

Ultimate detective ""

Led felt something heavy above him

Led opened his eyes and found Monokuma

Monokuma has sinister look

And moved from him

Monokuma said

""upupu good morning""

Led's tone was shocked and had a serious face

""Why are you here?

And what do you want? ""

Monokuma put both of his hands in his mouth and said

""Uupup I came to make a deal with you""

Led said with a serious tone his eyes glowing

""A deal?

What is it? ""

Monokuma had an evil and sinister face with a smile

""Be the new Mastermind and help me end the old one""

Led said

""what?! ""

The next chapter

Ch 1.5

Monokuma's deal