
Danganronpa: The Tale of Hifumi Yamada

Transmigrated into the Body of Hifumi Yamada after he accidentally choked to death on some hard ramen our hero is thrown into the World of Danganronpa. Shinigami: BOO! Yamada: Ahh?! A ghost!…. Wait Shinigami? What are you doing here? This isn’t Rain Code! Shinigami: Kyahahaha! Don’t sweat the small stuff, I’m here to help you out in your life in this world after all! Yamada: What are you talking about? I’m in Danganronpa! The world is already screwed in a few years time! How the hell am I gonna Survive this hell hole?! I don’t want to be thrown into any death game like this! Shinigami: You need to learn to Relaaaaax, Just let Shinigami help you survive, but don’t worry the lady that sent you here altered the world a bit so you don’t need to worry about all those events in the original world, besides those wouldn’t work with all the new characters brought from V3 and several other worlds into this one after all! Yamada: …. Say what now? ***** There will be Multiversal world hoping along with his world being a hodgepodge of different stories as well just so you know. Danganronpa Alternate Universe includes Trigger Happy Havoc, Danganronpa 2 & V3, Saiki K, Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid, Daily Lives of Highschool Boys, K-ON!, Lucky Star, Komi Can’t Communicate, My Dress up Darling, Working!!, Nichijou, Classroom of the Elite, The Devils a Part-Timer, Monthly Girls Nozaki-kun, Kakegurui, Fate, Mangaka-San to Assistant-san, More TBD Other Worlds Traveled Too: One Piece, Kill la Kill, Akame ga Kill, League of Legends, Panty&Stocking, Cyberpunk: Edgerunners/2077, Demon Slayer(Current)

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Would you just Shut the Fuck Up?!

Panty, Stocking, Scanty, Kneesocks and everyone else were stunned about this epic clash happening between the two and this newly monsterously transformed Suit.

"Well if this a load of bullshit if I've ever seen it." Suddenly they turn and see a small purple egg shaped ghost with horns and a crown holding a bucket of popcorn as she watched the fight ensue.

Though Panty took out her gun and pointed it at her head, "And who the fuck are you then?" But Shinigami was unpreturbed as she kept eating her popcorn as she just side eyed her.

"You, my sexy looking skank, can call me the cute and adorable Shingami! But more importantly I'm a close friend of Hifumi's, oh and before you try to burn out that tiny brain in your head, Suit and Jacket are both Hifumi, just his good and bad halves respectively, you can even ask the guy with the Afro over there as he's the only other one that new about his plan after all." As She said that she tossed the popcorn and gave a cutesy twirl before getting close to Panty's face before pointing over to Garter who was also confused about the fight happening.

Hearing what the ghost said and being able to tell that this wasn't actually a ghost but something more than a normal one, Garter came up to them all, "She's right you know? Back when Jacket joined us he made another version of himself to act as a spy for the demons to keep an eye on what they were doing, but it seems that Suit has gone rouge and wants to be the primary version of himself and be the main personality."

"Wait! Wait! Wait! What are you cretins on about?! Your saying that our beloved Suit was all just a lie I-" Scanty said as she went over and grabbed at Shinigami and began shaking her back and forth but-

*SLAP!* Shinigami gave Scanty a heavy smack across her face making her let go and grab at her cheek.

"You think everything was a lie then your dead wrong, as even when he was whole he saw both you and your sisters as his ideal women, and I'll be honest I was more surprised that he actually caved and gave into being with Stocking, but as shes not a slut like a certain someone and can be wholeheartedly loyal to her boyfriend she got a pass in my book to become a part of his ever growing harem of girls, but you should all know that I'm girl number one as I'm the one who has been with him the longest! Kyahahahahaha!!!" She began to laugh out, but then the background music of the epic battle going on just stopped as both fighters turned to look at her.

"Who the fuck are you trying to fool? We don't have that type of relationship you lazy bum! You never even once been around in your true form before as thier aint know way I'll fall for an egg shaped ghost! I ain't that down bad!!!" We both shouted out as we pointed at the shameless shinigami for spewing some bullshit like that.

"Would you two Shut the Fuck Up?! Aren't you supposed to be having an epic battle or something?!?!" She got more pissed off that we denied her in front of everyone, but she had a good point.

"Oh right! Your not going to win Me! Because I'm going to win!!! Oi stop copying me fuckface?!?!" We both said simultaneously together which just pissed eachother off before we began to rapidly punch at eachother as our hands smashed into one another.



"Haaa, they really are kids if their fighting like Jotaro and Dio with each other, well at least one looks the part, anyway like I was saying, he likes all of you, except Panty because she's a whore." Shinigami said as she shot fire at Panty again.

"Oi?! The fuck did I ever do to you bitch?!" Pissing of Panty even more.

"Oh? And don't you spread your legs for every Tom, Dick and Harry in town and up in heaven, if that doesn't make you a hoe I don't know what does, only the nerd back there can over look you being a whore and still want to be with you." She said before pointing over at the out cold Brief laying in the back of the See-Through almost naked with only his underwear on.

Meanwhile back at the fight.

"UGH! You crushed my organs you asshole!" Suit/Dark Hifumi said as he was kneeling while grabbing his bleeding stomach.

I wasn't much better, but I was able to stand up first before him, "Heh *Cough cough* you know…. Something just came that I should mention." I say before pulling out a file with some information in it.

"The Autopsy just came in and you know what it says?" I say giving him the eye brow before tossing it at his face, making him lose sight of me for a second.

"AND IT APPEARS YOUR THE DEAD BODY HERE!!!" I said before giving him a crushing lariat across his throat and sending him crashing to the ground.

"Now how about I send you straight to hell!!! Urrryaaahh!!!" I say before pulling him up and driving a heavy front kick straight into his guts making him cough up blood and bend over.

"Now witness my full power!" I say before pulling him over my shoulders before doing a huge spin jump onto the air.

"No Mercy! No Remorse!" I shout out as I let him go at the peak of the jump before grabbing him again before pulling him into a downwards spinning piledriver.




"UUUUGAHKAH!!!" Suit screamed out in pain as he felt several parts of his spine break as he lay there beaten and broken on the ground as the battle, at least I think, finally ended.

"Haaa…. Haaa…. Haaa…. Why'd you do it Huh? We were supposed to fight the dark side! Not join them!"

"Fuck you!!! My hatred for you knows no bounds!!! Go ahead and take my power! My life! Away from me! Just know I will always be their in the darkness of your-"

"Blahblahblah can you two just stop with this pointless fight already? What? Are you trying to make this into some serious battle or something like that when you both are messing around? And what's with you huh? You trying to be some edgy dark lord chunnibyou that will become his dark side or something like that? Because really you both are just acting here and I can see through the bullshit as it is." Shinigami said as she poured some rain on our parade that we were having.


"…. Man why'd you go ruining all the fun, I even had more lines I was going to play out with someone who would match myself with them, Jotaro vs Dio, Obiwan v Anakin, but now I can't do that unless I look even more stupid than it is." I say rubbing the back of my neck as Suit fixes his spine and crack his back into place before standing up.

"Well your girls kinda want an explanation as to what the hell this all is about, I gave them a bit of a rough explanation, but you got to do the rest." She said while looking at us both.

I sighed before walking over to Suit as I extended my hand as he reluctantly grabbed it before a black and green spiral sphere covered us both before I reappeared out of it before grabbing my glasses and putting them on as I turned back to the rest of them.

"Looks like I got some explaining to do." Looks like this is gonna be a long night still.

*Mission Complete!*


And that right there folks will be the official end to volume 1 of this story!

Now time to start volume 2 the Winter Season with it all ending in the beginning of the start of the 78th Class of Hopes Peak Academy!