
Good Morning Night City! 2075

Heywood, the Latino centric part of Night City a lot of the poor live at with Shanty towns here and there while under the main control of the Valentino Gang.

While not the worst gang that exists here in Night City as that is saved for the Maelstrom, Tiger Claws and especially the Scavs that are spread out across the city they were still a gang nonetheless.

Gun smuggling, theft, assault, grand theft auto, drug dealers, prostitution and illegal gun and vehicle modification to name a few of the things they do.

"But for now it's best we get ourselves chromed up Briar." I mention to her as she kept following my back as she looked at the sights around here.

"Hifumi this city doesn't look much different from Tokyo was, well except those flying car things going around here and there." She mentions to me as she looks at the AV's flying overhead.

"That's an expensive way of transport that the rich are more likely to use than your average car after all, but c'mon we need I place to stay for now." I mutter as I look over the system as I instantly install the basic syberware that most people have now adays in this world to talk to one another and transfer funds wirelessly.

It was only a little bit intrusive but nothing much and it merged perfectly with my body like nothing happened.

"Ah here we go, this should work for now." I say as we see a rather seedy looking hotel with a few Valentinos outside but besides looking at us they don't say much and keep their conversation going as before.

I soon come up to a receptionist with golden chrome like hands and gold chains around her neck wearing red and gold Tanktop with the Valentinos V on the front as she was sitting back while in the middle of a BrainDance, basically videos that let you live in the moment as the viewer did.

Seeing as she wasn't paying attention I hit the bell on her table with a *Ting* to it.

"Hmm?" She pressed a button on the side of her braindance set to pause it before pulling it down, "Oh? You looking for a room?" She looks at me with an rather uninterested look but a bit annoyed I got in the way of her braindance.

"Yeah, room for two for the night, also got any with computers in them? Kinds got to get on the net for something Is all." I say with a shrug.

"Hmph, those rooms are premium, one room for two for a night will cost a thousand eddies." she said a price that was basically highway robbery for this shitty side of town.

(N) Eddie's or otherwise known as Eurodollars is the main form of currency in the cyberpunk world that is globally used, though in Japan there's still Yen or th USSR which is still a thing in this Verse, rubles are still used as well but Eddie's are accepted everywhere and are the primary currency of the world of Cyberpunk.

"Haaa…. Fine." I sigh and place my hand on the scanner as I watch the thousand Eddie's I had gotten from the system disappear as I appeared broke at the moment with the system generated bank account.

"Hmm, room 415 is yours, enjoy your stay." She says tossing me the keys before pulling her braindance rig back on and going back to watching whatever she's watching.

"C'mon Briar, let's go." I wave her over as she follows me up the stairs before arriving at room 415 before heading in and locking the door behind us.

"Hifumi…. I think someone died in here…. I smell a lot of blood lingering around in the air." While the room was mostly clean there was a clear dark stain on the brown carpet that was most likely from a lot of blood being spilled.

"Try not to think about it to much Briar, we're just here for the night as I need to gather info about what's going on around us right now, get us an actual place to have as our own, and get us suited up with some preem cyberware to really fit into this world." I also had to get used to the world lingo so I don't stick out even more like a sore thumb for not getting phrases and words people say.

"Alright! I wanna see what cool gadgets this world has got in store then!" She said all excited like as she looked at the cyber ware as I made it possible for her to interact with my system store.

"Let's get you the basics so you can get in contact with me and anyone else as well." Briar wasn't part of the Chat group as she didn't have a system for her at the moment.

So I installed the basic cyber ware that mostly everyone has in the world into her body which integrates flawlessly as it is.

And since it was so basic it was only 100sp to install it, oh and Eddie's are a 1 to 10 ratio for SP so 1sp is 10 Eddie's so the 1000 from early was 100sp.

"This is going to be a big SP drain but we're all going to get the best we can buy for cyberware." I mutter to myself and only have top of the line stuff which ranged anywhere from 500,000 to 1,000,000sp to install by the end of today with all 6 of us since my other self is a separate person for the duration of this mission I could see about 100 to 200 million SP spent on the best cyberware for all of us just so we don't get screwed over by some of the most basic of Netrunners(Hackers) fucking with our Cyberware.

(N) I'll make a Auxiliary page as to who has what and what cyberware does in the Auxiliary Chapter, but I will say specfic types in this Chapter as to what everyone has in them just not everything.

Hifumi Yamada- Electric Mantis Blades, Black-ICE, Militech 'Apogee' Sandevistian

Shie Yamada(Hifumi 2)- Thermal Gorrlia Arms, Black-ICE, Militech Berserk

Briar - Rippers Monowire, Black-ICE, Militech Berserk

Scanty- Thermal Projectile Launch System, Black-ICE, Net Driver Mk. 1

Kneesocks- Thermal Mantis Blades, Black-ICE, Net Driver Mk. 1

Mikan- Black-ICE, QianT 'Warp Dancer' Sandevistan

That wasn't what everyone ended up getting but those were the more important ones of note especially the Black-Ice everyone got basically made it impossible for any of us to be hack at all as there is no back door protocol for anyone to get into as a result.

And yes by the end with all of the chrome in us we used well over 200 million SP for all the upgrades to us all.

"Oooo…. My head, ugh my body feels heavier than it used to…." Briar complains as she lays down on the bed as she looks at her arms to see the changes to them that were pretty obvious along with the Berserk now wrapped around her gem that controls her rage naturally but her having Berserk actually made her natural rage even more potent as a result.

I grabbed at my head and the back of my neck as I felt the Sandevistian in place of my old spine making my body ache all over as I rapidly feel all the changes within me as I laid my head on my desk while I made a call before it was picked up.

"Shie…. You got yourself a place to stay…. Oh god my back…." I groaned out mid call.

"Yeah…. Got the apartment at Corpo Plaza before we got our chrome…. Mikan is laying down as she lets her body get used to her Sandi while Scanty and Kneesocks are also resting their heads…." He sounded tired as well.

"We're staying at a motel for the night but we bought an apartment in the Glen to be where we will live out of for the time being." I say to him as I lean back in my chair.

"Good, best you start earning rep as a Merc meanwhile I'll used some more of our SP as capital before making a fake shell company before we make it a real one." He tells me.

"Good, and you know what must be done right?" I ask him as the pain fades as our eyes glow with a cybernetic light.

"Yes, turn that HellHole of Pacifica into our turf."

"Then that means the Voodoo Boys, Barghest and Animals have to go before Pacifica will be completely ours, and soon the Eddie's will come rolling in, so you guys focus all on that, use whatever you need to make it possible as the cost will be much less than the profits we will gain after all of this." Even if i go broke with the SP we get if we can gain an entire district under our control and own multiple stores the SP gain will be immense overall because NC is one of the most visited cities in the world and if we remade the shit hole that is Pacifica into a dream destination of the rich and powerful then the Eddies/SP we will rake in will be immense.

While being under 800,000,000SP I think we have enough capital to take a piece of the pie all for ourselves, but tomorrow is when we really start our work in this world.


That's right! I give you guys all another chapter only 5-6 hours after the last long ass chapter so you better pray to me like the god I am!

Now then I'm going to work on that Auxiliary chap as to what everyone's Cyberware is and what is does and when i release the next chap I'll tell you to go to that one to know who has what as well as what type of character each of the Six will be, though most would be hybrids between a few with specialization in other areas specifically.

So check you later Chooms!

Next chapter