
Chapter 1: A new beginning

Next day came and i felt my eyelids a bit heavy as i felt the sunlight straight at my face. I felt my entire body in pain as if i got hit by a truck and grunted trying to get up. As i looked outside and saw the forest i tried to understand what happened. Then i got my wake up call. Everything about last night came back and i started getting angry again, but i was too tired to even make an expression on my face. I had to accept everything as facts and there was nothing that i could do to reverse it. With that in mind i started walking away from the forest into the city but as i left the cabin my attention was pointed to a clearing that i knew was never there.

As i approached and saw the clearing it seemed like a monster ravaged the place. There were at least 23 trees destroyed or ripped from their roots. When i got a closer look at one of the fallen trees i witnessed that there was a mark of a fist on it and i stretched my hand to feel it. Suddenly an image of me punching it came into my mind and as i pulled my hand away, i had only one question on my mind" Did i do all this destruction?". However, at the distance sirens of firetrucks and of police cars could be heard and it was pretty close from my location. Silently approaching the sounds, i took a peak at the scene.

I couldn't believe my eyes. The entire house was on fire to the extend that the smoke could be seen from the city. I wanted to approach the officers and ask what happened but then all Mukuro's efforts to protect me would be in vain and Junko would knew that i was still alive. So, despite all the sadness i kept a straight poker face, turned around and left the forest. I knew that i couldn't waste any time if i wanted my vengeance against Junko but there was that image of me punching that tree and that was my first priority for now.

In order to understand that, i called our family's doctor and hoped that my sisters hadn't contacted him yet. He wasn't any special doctor but my family and his were the best of friends. He answered the called and i could hear his voice a bit worried:


"Doctor J, it's me, Yusuke Enoshima."

"Yusuke, thank god you are alright. I just watched the news. Are your parents okay? What about your sisters?"

"Doc, I'm sorry to say this but mom and dad are gone. Listen, i need you to listen to me very carefully! Are you at your office?"


"Good. i am close by. If my sisters come to you, tell your secretary to explain them that you haven't arrived yet and tell her to get creative with her story. I will tell you everything myself when i get there."

"Alright, i will be waiting for you! But why should i not tell your sisters about you?"

"Long story short, they are responsible for what happened to my parents. As i said i will explain everything once I'm there. See you in a bit Doc."

"O-Okay I'll be waiting."

I reached the doctor's office as careful as i could. When i entered the room, the secretary saw me and i asked her as quickly as i could" Could you lock the doors and come at the Doc? You need to listen to this too." She nodded and after that, she joined me and the Doc at our conversation. The incident of my family's beach house was all over the news so they both knew for what i was there to explain. There was a small silence in the room for a few seconds and then the Doc broke it with the obvious question" So Yusuke, what did really happen over there with your family?"I told them everything from the beginning about my sisters and i even played for them Mukuro's recording so they could get a better grasp of the situation.

When it ended both the Doc and the secretary were in awe, eyes widened and tearing up for the loss. I had already shed my tears and the only option left for me was to stop sulking and prepare myself for my revenge. A few moments later, with a straight face i said:

Yusuke:There is something else i have to tell you.

Doc J:What is it?

Yusuke:Last night something happened to me. I let all my frustration out and screamed in pain because of that incident. At that moment i felt my entire body burning like hot lava from the inside and lost control of myself. It was like, i was a savage beast.

Doc J:Okay and...Wait are you telling us that...?

Yusuke: I'm not sure yet. That's an other reason why i called you. I want you to help me verify if i really have unlocked my own talent.

Secretary:Alright. Just thought to make sure what triggered you to turn like that?

Doc J:Wait. Yusuke all the time we were talking, you only mentioned Mukuro's name. What about Junko?

Yusuke:"grunts in frustration"

Secretary: There's his trigger. Wait, Yusuke, your eyes!

Yusuke:What about my eyes?

Secretary:Here, take the mirror!

Yusuke:What the...!?!


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