
Danganronpa: Digital Daze

Bera Haikiko, the Ultimate Tailor, has had a tough life. Born a girl, Bera had Gender Reassignment Surgery at the age of 14, to transition into becoming a boy. However, after Bera's transition, his father refused to buy Bera new clothes, forcing his mom to teach Bera how to mend and sew his old girl clothes into new boy clothes. He mended his long black skirts into hakamas, and shortened his capris into shorts, among other things. Now, Bera is trapped in TUTEC with 15 other students, many of whom have a secret of their own. And, once again, Monorakun is running the show, and seems to know them all. Some of these students will hide their secrets. A few will confront them. Others, however, will kill to keep their secrets, or take them to the grave. Which fate shall befall Bera within TUTEC? This is Part 3 of the TUTEC Quadrilogy.

VycDarkshadow · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Artificial Flavor

Lunchtime arrived, and we all showed up in the Dining Hall. Theo was contemplating what to make for lunch, considering either an Italian or German dish for lunch.

"I fear we eat too much American-style food, and I would like to show what else I can create," Theo commented.

"Food is food. No difference to me," Kenchikka commented.

"Perhaps for you, dear lass," Theo replied back. "For me, food is a near and dear part of my life."

"Yeah, I've noticed that, Theo. If I didn't know better, I'd say you might be the Ultimate Cook," I commented back.

As the three of us arrived at the Dining Hall, still contemplating what to make for lunch, we were surprised to find that someone already made lunch for us.

Not only that, but it was Monorakun who made it.

Monorakun was standing on the table, next to ten boxes, stacked in two piles of five. One side was marked "Fish", and the other was marked "Chicken".

"Bento Boxes for everyone!" Monorakun announced. "Fish or Chicken, your choice. Got five of each."

Celeste cocked her head, equal parts confused and leery. "Whatever possessed YOU, of all creatures, to prepare a meal for the likes of us?"

Monorakun shrugged. "Eh, figured you would be tired of Western-style meals by now, and would like a taste of home for a change."

Each of us students looked at each other dubiously. Were we going to trust the contents of these boxes?

"Fat chance, dumbass! You probably poisoned these, or laced them somehow," Kaito challenged.

"Ah, don't worry about any of that," Monorakun said. "I didn't poison or sabotage the meals. I'm not allowed to kill you, remember? They're safe, you have my word on it."

Leon passed us as we stood inside the Dining Hall, grabbing a Bento Box. "Ah, screw it. I'll try one! You can't scare me!"

Leon grabbed one of the Bento Boxes and sat down. He opened it up and started eating some of the fish within.

"Hey! This is pretty damn good!" Leon declared. "Dig in!"

The rest of the students eventually came in, and we each grabbed a Bento Box of our own. Each one contained fish or chicken, as well as rice, steamed broccoli and carrots, some apple slices a salad, and some sushi.

Several of us exchanged glances as we began to eat Monorakun's lunch, and as I sat down between Chiaki and Leon, I opened my fish Bento box and began to eat.

To my surprise, the Bento box was really good, considering they came from Monorakun. The fish was done well, the broccoli and carrots were steamed to perfection, and even the apples were crunchy, and not too tart.

Several other students also seemed surprised at the quality and flavor, as well.

"Hey! This is really good! Thanks, Monorakun!" Makoto complimented.

"Better than military rations, I'll give it that," Mukuro responded, with little emotion in her voice.

"Considering the situation we're in, this meal is acceptable," Celeste offered.

Monorakun nodded, accepting the praise. "Thank you, thank you! Just don't get used to it, alright?"

"Hell, I'm just thankful you can't poison us," Kaito shot back. "Otherwise, this box is going in the trash."

"I concur," Theo responded. "Would there be any chance of malicious intent with these Bento boxes, I would discourage their consumption."

After the impromptu lunch, I headed back to my room, working on a design for a kimono. I had the basic design down, but couldn't decide on a pattern. Flowers? Sun and clouds? A serpent circling around the chest and waist? No design at all, just a focus on colors?

Unable to decide, I started drawing one of each, before I get a message on my E-Handbook from Chihiro.

Chihiro Fujisaki: Hey, Bera! Sorry if I'm interrupting you while you're busy, but can you come to my room? I want to show you something.

Curious, I sent a response back.

Bera Haikiko: Sure! I'm trying to figure out how to style a kimono, and I'm stuck on a few ideas. I'll head on over, maybe it'll clear my head.

I put my drawings up and left my room to go to Chihiro's, which was right next door to mine.

There, Chihiro was sitting at his desk, with his computer turned on. On the screen was Chihiro's face, likely the AI he was working on. Alter Ego, was it?

"Hey, Chihiro," I greet as I shut the door.

To my surprise, it was Alter Ego who responded, looking at me on the screen.

"Bera Haikiko? Hi! I'm Alter Ego. Remember me?"

I looked at the screen, surprised. I wasn't anywhere near the computer, yet Alter Ego was staring right at me.

Chihiro scooted to the side and eagerly greeted me, then explained.

"You see, I'm managed to connect Alter Ego to the webcam on this computer, so he can see anyone who comes into this room. This way, he can get to know my friends better."

"Interesting," I comment. "Any luck with... the other stuff?"

Alter Ego looks down. "No. Sorry. This computer isn't connected to the mainframe, so I can't see through any security cameras, or access the electrical systems in this place. I'm sorry."

Chihiro adds, "I'm still working on it, though. I know there's got to be some sort of connection in this place, but so far, it seems to be a closed-circuit one, only available to the security cameras, the monitors, and, most likely, Monorakun himself."

I nod to myself. This made a lot of sense; a serious effort was made to separate us from the outside world, and that would likely include any online communications as well.

I complimented Chihiro on the progress he's made with Alter Ego, then left his room, unaware of what else would be in store for us later tonight.