
DANDELIONS. "I scattered in the hope they'd find you along the way."

What if the butterfly effect were real? What if an action as simple as the flapping of a butterfly's wings could cause a tornado elsewhere? ... Astrol Mirae Hae is the only daughter and heir to the Hae empire. She is smart, kind, adorable and bright; all of which changes when she loses her parents at the tender age of five. Chaos soon ensues afterwards as she grows to hate her own kind and realizes that what seemed to be a freak accident, was actually a murder in disguise. Things get even more complicated as she encounters the rich, handsome and charming prince of the Kim empire. Wishes are made, lies are told, lives are taken. The world as they knew it comes crumbling down, and everything hangs in the balance of a wish upon a single dandelion fluff. Their fates might be more twisted, their destinies more entangled than they could've ever imagined. His fallen star, his redemption and his ultimate destruction... [Warning : This book contains some mature content and foul language. Most suited for readers of 16 and above! ]

chizitelu_ujah · Urban
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43 Chs

I Hate It!

Nanny Yu and Astrol had moved to Country Z and settled there. Nanny Yu was very glad that she had succeeded in rescuing Astrol, and just in time too. The young miss was in a horrible state when she met her again. Her crystal clear blue eyes no longer sparkled, they were just like lifeless gem stones, and Astrol's overall appearance was just horrifying. She had bruises almost everywhere, her eyes were red and swollen, she'd lost a lot of unhealthy weight, and her skin was so pale she looked almost comatose. She could only pray that things got better for the young princess from then on.

Nanny Yu struggled a lot but still managed to send Astrol to a proper school where she could continue her studies. Astrol was also smart which helped a lot in lessening the burden of her fees. At school, Astrol soon became the target of bullies. She was picked on by mostly royals and high class societal people. Even the first friend she'd managed to make in grade three - Deah- had turned on her and made her school life even worse. Some guys bullied her because she bluntly rejected them when they tried to hit on her. The girls however, bullied her because they were so jealous and envious of her beauty, and the fact that she could turn heads wherever she went despite her age.

She wasn't shown mercy at all, and Astrol's hatred for royals and anything royalty only grew more and more. To her royalty brought nothing but envy and hatred amongst the royals themselves. The royals as well didn't waste a single moment to oppress the ordinary with their power and status. After they moved, Astrol had to start answering Nanny Yu's surname 'Ming' to avoid unnecessary attention and suspicion. This was because in their empire, the surname 'Hae' had long evolved to 'Go' . However, it was only the royal family that retained the surname 'Hae'. It was one of the unique things about the Hae empire. So, anyone who heard her answering such a last name would instantly be intrigued to know how come she got to answer such a last name.

Astrol's bullying situation only got worse and worse and she finally confided in her math teacher - Mr Cha. Mr Cha was the most adored teacher in the entire school. After Astrol had told him what she was going through at school, he promised to help her with it. For the first time in a long time, Astrol felt relieved. Mr Cha had actually put in much effort and helped improve her situation. Things were going on just fine between them... until the day Mr Cha attempted to rape her. He had performed the kabe-don inorder to trap and intimidate her. The act triggered bad memories of some of the horrifying encounters she had with some of the male servants back at the mansion. She reflexively kneed him hard in the balls, which was a part of the moves she normally used to escape such situations. This sent him doubling over in pain and she managed to free herself from him. As she continued running, she could hear him yell and accuse her of seducing him with her looks.

Mr Cha eventually got fired days later from the school after thorough investigation. Astrol was one of the school's brightest students after all, so they didn't take well to Mr Cha's actions. This made the students to hate Astrol and bully her way more than before. One day, they ganged up on her and beat her up severely saying that it was justice for the math teacher they loved so much and lost because of her. After they were done, they abandoned her there and ran away. Astrol just laid there clenching her sides as she tried to sit up.

When she had finally managed to sit up, she just remained like that unmoving as silent tears fell from her eyes. She looked so lifeless as she started to replay her life in her head. She was in so much pain physically, mentally and emotionally that she didn't even know how to feel anymore. At this point she was just tired...tired of the world and tired of existing. She just sat there crying silently as she let her bad memories and thoughts consume her completely. Maybe her life would be better if it weren't hers anymore.

As she was silently crying, a young girl her age stood at a distance staring at her. She stood for a while, before reaching into her pocket, taking out a tissue and heading her way. "Here use this", she said now standing in front of Astrol with an outstretched hand. Astrol remained unmoving before finally glancing at the girl before her, she returned her gaze to the ground just as quickly afterwards. "Hey don't just ignore me, it's annoying", the girl complained with a frown but there was still no reply. So , she knelt beside her, took the tissue and started wiping Astrol's tears away herself.

"You're lucky you're really pretty otherwise I wouldn't be here doing this. I don't like it when girls as pretty as you are cry", she casually stated as she continued to wipe her face. However, what Astrol said next made her freeze. "This face of mine...I HATE IT ! ", Astrol said with gritted teeth as extreme fury flashed in her eyes. Her words rendered the girl speechless. She didn't expect the crying girl to react or say anything, but what surprised her the most was the venom laced in her words. Her tone wasn't welcoming at all either. It was like a danger sign telling her that whatever happened after now if she refused to back off would be her fault. So far, this was the only reaction and emotion she got from her since she saw her, because she was crying emotionlessly before as if her body was just looking for a way to get rid of the excess water it had acquired...


Author's Note:

Kabe-don is an action done by a person slamming his hand/hands on the wall, pinning or trapping another person in between them in the process.