
Dancing With The Gods

Leon Asura was an ordinary child who lacked any particular talents or skills. However, one day he stumbled upon the shocking realization that the Gods were treating humans like mere pawns, and that the world was nothing more than their chessboard. Knowing this, he was faced with a difficult decision: would he simply accept this reality and remain complacent, or would he rise up and put an end to the grand scheme orchestrated by these powerful beings?

Sushishy · Fantasy
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33 Chs


I gazed up in awe and terror at the monstrous figure towering over me.

It was a colossal, humanoid creature, with a sword hewn from stone clutched menacingly in its massive hand.

This creature was clearly no mere mortal, its countenance more akin to a demon's than a man's.

At least twenty, if not thirty, sword-lengths tall, this monster's sheer size was staggering. [1] I had to crane my neck upwards just to meet its demonic gaze.

A pair of thick, pointy horns jutted out from its bull-like head, while its eyes burned with a ferocious crimson glow, brimming with madness and bloodlust.

The creature's rough, black skin bulged with an enormous, muscular frame, and a whip-like tail snaked menacingly behind it.


With a mighty bellow that shook the very earth beneath my feet, the bull-headed giant raised its gargantuan sword high into the air.

I knew, with a bone-chilling certainty, that if that colossal blade struck me, I would be flattened like a ripe tomato.

Fear gripped me, but amidst the terror, I sensed a strange feeling stirring within me.

A feeling that, despite the creature's colossal size and overwhelming strength, it could not defeat me.

I couldn't explain this sudden confidence, but it was there, burning like a steady flame deep within my soul.

Even as the bull-headed giant howled and raised its massive sword high, I stood my ground, unwavering in the face of certain death.

I lifted my wooden sword, and with a smirk on my face, I challenged the beast to come at me. "Come on, big guy! Let's see what you're made of!"

As if following a pre-ordained script, the monster and I sprinted towards each other, our weapons raised high and ready to strike.

The anticipation and adrenaline coursing through my veins had reached its peak, and with every step, my heart pounded harder and harder.

As we got closer, the ground shook beneath our feet, and the sound of our roars filled the air.



I challenged the monster's roar with one of my own and pushed forward, determination coursing through my veins.

As we closed in, both of us swung our weapons—my wooden sword meeting its stone sword with a resounding clash.

Now, you may be wondering how I ended up in this situation, facing off against a monster several times my size with nothing but a wooden sword to defend myself.

To understand that, we need to go back in time a little.


[1] Sword-length is equivalent in meter

Hey there! So, I'm currently working on my first book (well, technically it's a rewrite of the first one, but let's not get too technical). I'm planning to submit it to WSA and I'm super excited! Can you lend me your support as we follow the adventures of our protagonist? Let's have a blast!

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