

"What are you talking about?" "You should be dead," he hissed and his words snaked across the small confines of the alley and coiled themselves around my heart, squeezing and crushing, making me clutch a hand over my chest in horror. I knew instinctively what he meant and why he had been so distant with me. "You should be dead but you're not," he went on. "Would you prefer it if I was?" I gasped, hardly able to find any words. "I don't know. If you did what I think, then yes; yes I think I would prefer that." I stood stunned and frozen as I stared at him. "How could you even think that?" "Because none of it makes any sense, Megan!" he shot back. "Because Brandon should have killed you but he didn't. Instead I turn up to find you on the floor, absolutely reeking of him. So much so that I could barely bring myself to touch you. I wanted to be sick. All I could smell was his excitement all over you. What do you expect me to think?"