

"So Garrick was against you too?"

"The crazy thing was that he liked Jenny. As her brother, he wanted to protect her but once he knew about us, he echoed everything that our father had said and in the end I decided that we needed to leave."

"Did Jenny want to leave?"

"Why would she want to stay? Would you? Oh wait, I forget, you lived a whole life being treated like a doormat, of course you would have." He stood abruptly stalking to where his jeans were and pulling them on, I could smell the damp fabric from where I sat. "You know what Harper, fuck you. I'm trying to understand here. Don't be a shit."

"You're not trying at all. You think I don't see it written all over your face?" he glared. "I think maybe you spent a little too much time with Garrick already. Maybe I shouldn't have left you with him for so long."