
Chapter 40-2

"I'm sorry, Garrick. I'm sorry you had to endure all this because of me." He looked sharply at me. "Megan, trust me, you don't have the monopoly on pissing off demons. Turns out I'm quite skilled at that myself. Even here they have their affiliations and Asbeel happens to be affiliated with one particular demon who doesn't like me very much, because as far as he is concerned, I double-crossed him. Actually, I didn't just double-cross him, I tricked him and then laughed at him. I led him to believe that I would give him what he wanted and then practically spat in his face." All at once I understood. How could I not? I had been there after all. "Drachmann," I said and he nodded. "You tricked him into thinking you would trade Lucius and then went back on the deal."

"Yes," he replied grimly. "Harper told me I would pay for that, didn't he? And God, have I paid. Drachmann's made sure of that." "Who is he, Garrick? Who is Drachmann really?"