
Chapter 16

"I have a gift for you."

We stood in front of an unvarnished wooden door, with Harper pressed up behind me, arms wrapped around my upper body, preventing me from moving to strike him.

I had struggled and kicked all the way from the room upstairs as Harper had attempted to restrain me when I could handle the thirst no longer and I had thrown myself at him. It had proved to be a futile mission, of course, as I was still unsteady on my feet and with nothing but my rage and hunger driving me forward and weakened by my ordeal, I wasn't at all prepared for how easily he was able to handle my attack. Half-dragging, half-carrying me back along the hallway and down a narrow set of stairs, I soon found myself standing here in front of this door, behind which Harper claimed was a present just for me.

I stared wildly at the door. Ominously closed, I could feel a slight chill emanating from underneath it, creeping around my bare feet and sending goosebumps up my legs.