
Dancing to Forget

Aurelia's love of her life has been taken away from her by someone she never expected. Can she win her love back or will a new man steal her heart away? She has to marry someone now that she is of age and is the daughter of a nobleman. Her only hope is to find someone to marry at the balls thrown throughout the social season. All the eligible young bachelors are vying for her attention and her hand in marriage. Under the care of her elder brother and sister, Aurelia navigates the treacherous waters of the social season. Who will she end up with?

Thewickedwitch333 · History
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28 Chs

More Max?

Aurelia stared out the window of the carriage, Max's lips on hers replayed in her head in endless loops. She sighed contentedly; Willa gave her an amused smile. By the time they got home, there's a bouquet of Max's favorite flowers from the gardens of his estate waiting for Aurelia, along with a stunning pearl necklace with a giant emerald in the center. She didn't know how he managed to get these presents here before them, but she was blown away by the gesture.

Ben walked into the house from the gentleman's club he belonged to and took in the necklace Aurelia was holding with wide eyes.

"Is that from Maximilian St. Clair?" Ben asked as he looked at her blushing face with growing concern. "He seems suddenly rather fond of you, baby sister."

"I am equally fond of him," Aurelia countered back. "We had a lovely time together when we went to tea."

Shaking his head, Ben walked away from them and shouted, "Just don't go anywhere with him without me there again." He couldn't help but feel protective over his youngest sister, no man gave a woman a necklace like that without some motive.

Wilhelmina looked distraught at Ben's distrust in her as a chaperone and chased after him to try to change his mind.

Aurelia sighed and walked upstairs to her room, still clutching the beautiful necklace in one hand. She sat in front of her mirrored vanity to try on the pearls and emerald, she gasped to herself at how the emerald made her eyes stand at attention. Aurelia touched the giant stone at her throat and thought of Max. Why would her brother be so against her seeing Max without him present? The thought that plagued Aurelia's mind in the gardens resurfaced; was Max a rake, simply taking advantage of her for his own amusements?

Aurelia shook herself out of this doubt, not letting the thoughts ruin what she had felt in the gardens. The way Max held her felt too tender to be repeated with anyone. She hoped the trust in her heart would not prove to be misled once again.

Aurelia wrote a thank you letter to Max for the gifts and told him she looked forward to seeing him that weekend at Lord Glaston's ball. He sent her a last-minute invitation to go for an open carriage ride the next day, which she accepted with the condition that Aurelia was to be chaperoned by her brother this time.

Willa and Aurelia scrambled to find a dress and bonnet that were suitable for being outside in a carriage in the morning. She decided on a dusty rose day dress covered in small flowers and trimmed with a light pink satin ribbon. It matched the ribbon that fastened her sunbonnet to her hair that was in a simple updo and a pair of pink sapphire drop earrings to finish the look. She wore half boots that she didn't mind getting a spot of dirt on and a knitted grey wrap to keep warm. Aurelia grabbed a flower-covered parasol for good measure as she did not want to be in the sun.

As Aurelia walked out of her bedroom to meet her brother downstairs Winona stopped her to hand her mistress a pair of white mid-length linen gloves and gave her a knowing smile. Aurelia thanked Winona and shook her head to herself at her forgetfulness.

Ben was lazily pacing the entryway corridor when Aurelia finally made it downstairs. He smiled at her and held out his arm for her to take. "Sister, a vision as always," he complimented as Aurelia scooped her arm under his.

"Thanks, Ben," She replied. "Is Mr. St. Clair here yet?"

"He should be arriving any minute." Ben escorted her out the door and down the steps that lead to the front of their manor house. Aurelia pulled open her parasol and twirled it aimlessly as they waited for Max.

Ben took in his sister's anxious and excited face and wondered if St. Clair had Aurelia's best interest at heart. Ever since their parents died Aurelia and Willa had been his responsibility, he couldn't help but worry about her and her happiness.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

xx Wicked Witch

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