
Dancing to Forget

Aurelia's love of her life has been taken away from her by someone she never expected. Can she win her love back or will a new man steal her heart away? She has to marry someone now that she is of age and is the daughter of a nobleman. Her only hope is to find someone to marry at the balls thrown throughout the social season. All the eligible young bachelors are vying for her attention and her hand in marriage. Under the care of her elder brother and sister, Aurelia navigates the treacherous waters of the social season. Who will she end up with?

Thewickedwitch333 · History
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28 Chs


Willa and Winona helped Aurelia out of her soiled clothes and boots and into the herbal scented bath. As she descended into the hot water she gasped at how the bathwater felt like flames against her icy skin.

Aurelia tried not to cry as she got deeper into the water, Willa looked extremely worried and she gave her a half-smile half grimace that didn't do much to ease her sister's worry. Once she was fully in the water she began to relax a little bit.

My sister and maid took their leave and Aurelia relaxed in the scalding water. She groaned with every move she made, Aurelia was a child the last time she took such a tumble. She would be even sorer in the morning if she was feeling this bad now.

Aurelia replayed this afternoon's events in her head. She couldn't believe she had kissed Max again so soon after their encounter in the garden. What was even stranger to her though was Max and my brother's attitudes about each other that continually changed like the direction of the wind.

Winona reentered the room and grabbed a jug to pour water over her hair with.

"Miss, how did you end up covered in so much mud?" Winona asked incredulously as she detangled her braid and rinsed her hair out.

"I may have been a little distracted," Aurelia said sheepishly.

"You really like Mr. St. Clair then?" She further questioned while helping her scrub the dirt off of Aurelia.

Her face must have told her Aurelia's answer before she could speak and she giggled. Aurelia smiled and thought of how Max stayed to make sure she was okay after fainting in his arms.

"Mr. St. Clair looked very worried when he was carrying you into the house and was waiting for you to wake up," Winona told her excitedly. "It was all very tender and romantic."

Aurelia's eyes widened, Winona never got this excited when she used to tell her about Jacob and she's adventures, maybe Max truly was different.

She got out of the bath and pulled on a clean nightgown and Winona helped Aurelia get into bed, there was already a pan of coals in the covers making it toasty and warm.

There was a knock at the door and Willa gracefully came in and sat on Aurelia's bed holding a small box.

"This came for you," She said excitedly. "Maximilian's messenger just dropped it off."

Aurelia was mystified at how quickly Max could dispatch these messengers to deliver such packages. She opened the note attached to the box and read its contents:


I hope it's alright I have been calling you that after I heard your sister call you that I couldn't resist. This tea helps with fevers, headaches, and chills so I hope you do feel better before Saturday, I would be really disappointed if I could not hold you close again.

Rest Well,


Aurelia opened the small tin box and freshly dried leaves greeted me with a lovely floral aroma. She smiled while thinking of Max's garden and his lips on hers. She was happy that he cared enough for her to send her tea.

"Winona, can you please make me some of this tea?" Aurelia asked politely. She took the tin from her and Aurelia clutched the letter to her chest. Willa was watching her intently.

"I am shocked at how quickly Maximilian is showing you so much affection," my sister said curiously.

Aurelia looked at her and smiled, "Want to know a secret?"

Willa's eyes widened and nodded.

"Max kissed me." Aurelia's face looked like a cat who got its cream.

Her sister gasped loudly and looked intrigued. "Well, how was it?"

Aurelia sighed dreamily, "The first time was in Max's garden and the second was right before I slipped in the mud."

"Twice?" Willa screeched. "He's kissed you two times and you didn't tell me about the first! How dare you keep that from me, sister?"

Aurelia laughed at her reaction, she was always so dramatic when it came to romance and men.

"Just be careful with how far you take things with that man," My sister warned. "You don't want to cause a scandal!"

She nodded solemnly, "I'll do my best not to get too carried away but he is quite the kisser."

Will laughed and Aurelia joined in. They always shared what happened with boys even if it was just hand-holding. Being a lady meant being chaste and pure for their husband so doing scandalous things was always a rush.

They talked a while longer and Winona brought her Max's tea, Willa and her maid left for her to get some rest.

Aurelia sipped the hot tea and hummed with happiness at its taste. It was comforting and delicious, it was even better because Max gave it to her.

For the rest of the day she napped and read books in bed, Aurelia was terribly bored and wanted to do something but she was on strict bed rest orders from Ben until Friday morning.

For the next day and a half, Aurelia was losing her mind laying in bed. Willa and Ben would make short visits but were happy that she hadn't caught a fever from being in the rain and mud. The only thing that made it better was Max's letters, he was trying to cheer her up while being on bed rest and wished he could be there to keep her company.

They wrote so many letters in such a short amount of time that Aurelia gave her messenger a hefty reward for riding back and forth so much.

I'm not sure how many chapters a week I am going to do yet but am going to aim for a minimum of 3-4 chapters a week!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

xx Wicked Witch

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