
Dancing Destinies

All my life, I’ve felt like a side character in someone else’s story. But now, it’s finally my time to shine. Imagine having the worst day ever—betrayed by my best friend, losing my parents, getting hurt by my first love, losing a competition, and spilling coffee on myself. Then, waking up the next morning to find out you're a superstar, with everyone knowing your name and adoring you. Sounds crazy, right? But that’s exactly what happened to me. Navigating this new reality, I must figure out how to handle fame, fortune, and the sudden attention while uncovering the mystery of how this transformation happened. Along the way, I'll face challenges, make new friends, and discover the true meaning of being in the spotlight. ---

Savvire · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 3

**10 – 20 – 2026, 5:00 PM**

Days had turned into weeks, and the routine of life slowly began to drown out the shock of what had happened. Bell remained in a vegetative state, her condition stable but unchanging. The hospital became a place Aislinn visited less frequently, caught up in the whirlwind of her rising career.

But even in the midst of the glamour and success, the weight of Bell's situation pressed on Aislinn's conscience like a heavy stone. Every time her phone rang, she couldn't help but feel a pang of dread, a fear that it could be the hospital delivering bad news.

As the days passed, Aislinn did her best to keep tabs on Bell's condition, juggling her tight schedule with late-night calls to the hospital. But as the date of another crucial competition approached, Aislinn found herself slipping back into the hectic life she had worked so hard to build.

It was the day of the competition, and Aislinn was once again in the spotlight. The tension in the air was palpable as she performed, her movements sharp and fluid, every step executed with precision.

Aislinn stood on the stage, looking breath catching as the applause thundered around her. The competition had been fierce, but she had pushed through, every movement precise, every emotion raw and genuine. The bright lights of the stage blurred slightly as sweat trickled down her forehead. This was the moment she had been working toward, the culmination of weeks of practice and dedication.

But underneath the surface, her thoughts kept drifting back to Bell. She pushed the thoughts away, focusing on the performance, but they always crept back, nagging at the edges of her mind.

When the final bow was taken, the applause was deafening. Aislinn smiled at the crowd, but it was a hollow victory. She could barely remember what she had just performed, her mind still clouded with worry.

As the curtains closed, Aislinn allowed herself a small smile of satisfaction. She had nailed it. Her dance had been flawless, and the judges' nods of approval had been impossible to miss. She turned to head backstage, eager to bask in the victory she had just earned.

But as she stepped into the wings, her secretary, Lisa, came rushing towards her, a look of panic on her face.

"Aislinn, you need to see this," Lisa said, holding out Aislinn's phone.

Aislinn frowned, taking the phone from her. "What is it, Lisa? I just finished—"

"The hospital," Lisa interrupted, her voice trembling. "They've called multiple times. You missed all of them during the competition."

Aislinn's heart sank as she saw the missed calls. Two from the hospital, hours ago.

"Why didn't you get me earlier?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper, fear creeping into her tone. Her breath caught in her throat, and without a word,

"You were on stage," Lisa replied, her eyes filled with worry. "I didn't want to interrupt you unless it was absolutely necessary."

Aislinn didn't hear the rest. She was already running, not caring that she was still in her dance costume, not caring that she hadn't even grabbed her belongings. She ran through the backstage area, ignoring the confused looks from other competitors, ignoring the clapping hands reaching out to congratulate her. The only thing on her mind was getting to her car.

She didn't make it far before her father's voice came booming through the corridor.

"Aislinn! Where do you think you're going?" His voice was a mix of anger and disbelief. "You just walked out on the investors! Do you know what you've done?"

Aislinn turned on her heel, her eyes blazing with a mixture of frustration and fear. "Dad, the hospital called about Bell. I need to get there, now."

Before her father could respond, Aislinn turned and sprinted toward the exit. Her breath came in ragged gasps as she burst through the doors and into the parking lot.

Her father's voice came through her earpiece, angry and insistent. "Aislinn, where the hell are you? The investors are waiting! This is your chance to secure everything you've worked for!"

"I don't care!" Aislinn screamed into the earpiece as she burst through the exit and into the parking lot. "Dad, the hospital called about Bell. I need to go!"

"What? Aislinn, this is not the time to be playing the hero! These investors are critical to your future. Get back in there and—."

Aislinn ripped the earpiece out, throwing it onto the pavement as she reached her car. Her hands trembled as she fumbled with the keys, finally unlocking the door and she didn't waste a second sliding into the driver's seat and revving the engine.. Her father's words echoed in her mind, but the only thing she could focus on was the missed calls. What if something had happened to Bell? What if she had waited too long?

She turned the key in the ignition, the engine roaring to life. She didn't care about the speed limit, didn't care about the blaring horns as she weaved through traffic, her mind racing faster than the car. Every red light felt like an eternity, every slow-moving car like a deliberate obstacle in her path. Her mind was a whirlwind of fear, guilt, and regret. How could she have let this happen? Bell had no one else. Aislinn was supposed to be there for her, even if they weren't on the best terms anymore.

The road seemed to stretch endlessly in front of her, but all she could think about was Bell lying in that hospital bed. The memories of their friendship flashed through her mind—the laughter, the fights, the jealousy that had driven them apart. Aislinn's grip tightened on the steering wheel as she accelerated, her heart pounding in her chest.

"Please, let her be okay," Aislinn whispered to herself, her voice cracking. "Please, let this be something minor. I'm not ready for this…"

As she neared the hospital, the weight of her emotions became unbearable. What if this was the last time she could ever make things right? What if Bell never woke up? Tears blurred her vision, and she blinked them away furiously, focusing on the road ahead.

Finally, the hospital came into view. Aislinn swerved into the parking lot, barely missing another car as she skidded to a stop. She jumped out, leaving the engine running as she raced towards the building entrance, her heels clicking loudly against the polished floor.

Inside, the sterile smell of antiseptic and the harsh fluorescent lights hit her like a wave. Aislinn ran up to the reception desk, gasping for breath.

"I'm… Aislinn Park. I need… to see Bell. Please…" she managed to say between gasps.

At the reception, the nurse looked up and immediately recognized her. "Miss Park, the doctors have been trying to reach you."

"I know! I'm here now. What happened? Is she…?" Aislinn's voice broke as she tried to keep it together.

Aislinn's heart lurched asking again. "What happened? Is she…?"

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