
Chapter 19

Arabel, on the other hand, had either never experienced it, or didn’t care, because she began making her way to the Tree’s trunk, ready to ascend to the sturdy lower boughs.

“Arabel,” Lina said.

“Come with me.” Arabel reached for Lina’s hand.

“Arabel…I…I can’t,” Lina said, stretching her arm out as far as she could before losing Arabel’s fingers to the compulsion that sent her marching toward the Tree.

“Arabel,” Lina cried out. Her voice was swallowed by the beat of the music and the constant hum of the crowd—a beat that became frenetic and a hum that was increasingly dissonant, as numerous unseeing hands reached out, pulling at Arabel’s tiny body.

“Arabel,” Lina shouted again. No use. Lina was one against the tide and could do nothing but curse the tree flower flowing though her system as she stood, frozen, watching the ritual play out before her.