
Dance Of The Titan Avatars [It's LIT]

What's up, fellow Avatar enthusiasts! Buckle up, because this story is a wild ride of epic battles, unexpected twists, and a healthy dose of "wtf" moments that'll leave you craving more. So, what's the deal with this story? Imagine a world where colossal elemental creatures - Titans - can be summoned as avatars by individuals with special affinities. We're talking Fire Titans spewing lava, Water Titans whipping up tsunamis, Earth Titans throwing mountains, Air Titans conjuring tornadoes, and the elusive Aether Titans bending reality itself. Yeah, it's that insane! Our story unfolds in the Aerithra Kingdom, a nation of floating islands known for their mastery of Air and its mystical Cloud Butterflies. But peace is shattered when the Terravolt and Ignis Kingdoms, those greedy bastards obsessed with fire and earth, launch a surprise attack. They want the Aerithra's resources, their Aether Steam Nexus, to fuel their own ambitions. Enter Master Sorah Kyoshin, an elderly martial arts master who's been mocked for years for not possessing any elemental affinity. But guess what? When his home is attacked, this geezer unleashes skills that would make even a seasoned Avatar Master crap their pants. Here are some highlights you won't want to miss: -Epic Titan Battles: We're talking city-levelling showdowns between colossal creatures like the Quar'ellix, a walking volcano of iron and stone, and the Red Sand Cyclonus, a swirling tempest of grit and rage. These battles are beautifully described, and you'll feel the ground shake beneath your feet as these titans clash. -The Mysterious Sage Curse: Sorah, bless his old bones, stumbles upon an ancient power known as the Sage Curse that grants him incredible abilities but also threatens to consume him. This adds a layer of tension and mystery to the story, as we watch Sorah grapple with this volatile force. -The Rice Guru: Okay, this character deserves a special shoutout. Imagine a wise, ancient being who looks like a scarecrow, talks like a senile grandpa, and can conjure up delicious food out of thin air using something called "Boqumu." He's hilarious, insightful, and steals every scene he's in. -Warden Poahf: Damn, this lady is trouble! The Warden of the brutal Nathor Prison Camp, she's beautiful, ruthless, and has a... unique way of interrogating prisoners. Let's just say things get steamy (and a little disturbing) when she sets her sights on Sorah. Why you should be reading this: -Unique Worldbuilding: Floating islands, giant butterflies, sentient architecture - this world is unlike anything you've ever seen before. -Compelling Characters: Sorah is a great protagonist - flawed, determined, and surprisingly badass. The supporting cast is equally interesting, from the quirky Rice Guru to the intimidating Warden Poahf. -Action-Packed Plot: This story moves at a breakneck pace, with non-stop action and twists that'll keep you on the edge of your seat. Just when you think you know what's going to happen, BAM! Something unexpected throws you for a loop. -Humour and Heart: Despite the epic battles and serious themes, the story is infused with humour, especially thanks to the Rice Guru's antics. But there are also moments of genuine emotion and connection between the characters. Support at: https://www.patreon.com/AuthorsDread

AuthorsDread · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

The Earth's Embrace  

The forest floor was soft and damp beneath Sorah's feet as he hurried through the undergrowth, trying his best not to trip over anything hidden in the dark.

"Kyu… Kyu…"

Woodworm, still in its larval form, trailed behind with its stubby legs struggling to keep pace. The Kana Beast Bomb blast had taken its toll on the creature, leaving it sluggish and weak.

Sorah glanced back at his loyal companion with concern. "Hang in there, my friend. We just need to put some distance between us and those blasted Sand Devil."

He scanned the surroundings, searching for a suitable hiding place. The darkness coupled with the thick foliage offered some concealment, but they couldn't stay here for long. Kahless and his troops would be on their trail soon, and Sorah wasn't in any condition for another intense fight.

"Kyuuu…" Woodworm whined as its segmented body trembled with exhaustion.

Sorah's heart sank as he watched his loyal companion struggle. He couldn't bear to see it suffer. Just then, an idea sparked in his mind. He raised the Dawn Sky Crusher, focusing his intent as he commanded, "Extend!"

The staff elongated along the forest floor. Sorah gently nudged Woodworm towards the staff.

"Climb up, my friend," he said softly. "I'll carry you for a while."

Woodworm, seemingly understanding, obeyed. Using its tiny legs, it scrabbled against the smooth surface of the staff. Once it reached the top, Sorah rested the staff on his shoulders and lifted it up, carrying the hefty worm like a giant caterpillar.

"There, that's better," he grunted with the exertion, but the weight was bearable. The Sage Curse's energy flowed through him, granting him strength beyond his years.

"Master Sorah, are you sure that's wise?" The Rice Guru questioned, hopping alongside him. "You're still recovering from the battle with the Vice-Marshal Commander. You should conserve your strength."

"I'll be fine, Rice Guru," Sorah assured him, though he knew the old sage was right. The Sage Curse was a double-edged sword, granting him immense power but also draining his life force with every exertion. He had to be careful not to overextend himself.

They continued deeper into the forest. Small, furry nocturnal creatures with iridescent wings fluttered among the trees; their chirps and clicks created a soothing melody. Sorah recognized them as Vaprawrs, also known as Mist Panthers – elusive creatures known for their ability to blend seamlessly with the nightly mists.

"Kyuuu…" Woodworm stirred, twitching its antennae as it observed the Vaprawrs with interest.

"Yes, they're beautiful, aren't they?" Sorah agreed as a flicker of a smile crossed his lips. It was moments like these, amidst the beauty and wonder of nature, that reminded him of why he fought so hard to protect the peace of his homeland.

Suddenly, a loud hissing sound, accompanied by the growls of a struggling animal, pierced the tranquillity of the forest.


Sorah and the Rice Guru exchanged a wary glance.

"What could that be?"

"Sounds like wild beasts to me."

"Kyuu!" Woodworm winded as if to say they should go check it out.

They cautiously approached the source of the commotion, finding a clearing where a fierce battle was unfolding. A large, emerald-blue serpent with an oily sheen and shimmering scales was constricting a furry creature that resembled a cross between a mole and a raptor. Its sharp claws and teeth were bared in a desperate struggle for survival.



"A Veridian Viper and a Gepporaptor," the Rice Guru whispered upon recognizing their species. "An intriguing match-up this is."


The Veridian Viper, easily twice the length of a grown man, had coiled its muscular body around the Gepporaptor, squeezing the life out of its prey. The Gepporaptor struggled valiantly, using its sharp claws to rake against the viper's scales, but it was no match for the serpent's constricting strength.



Sorah and the Rice Guru watched as the battle unfolded. The viper's advantage seemed insurmountable. With each passing moment, the Gepporaptor's struggles grew weaker and weaker.

"Poor creature," said Sorah, feeling some sympathy for the trapped animal. However, this feeling was rather fleeting.

Just as it seemed the Gepporaptor was about to succumb to the viper's deadly embrace, it did something unexpected. With a desperate lunge, it twisted its body and sank its claws into the soft earth beneath the viper's coils.

Scratch! Scratch!

The Gepporaptor burrowed into the ground with surprising speed, disappearing beneath the surface in a blink of an eye.

"Hiss?" The Veridian Viper who was momentarily caught off guard, loosened its grip and started scanning the ground for any sign of its prey.

A moment later, the earth erupted as the Gepporaptor burst out of the ground with its jaws wide open along with its deadly claws. It slammed into the viper's underbelly with the force of a battering ram.


The viper was sent flying through the air, twisting and turning as it crashed into a nearby tree. It lay there, stunned and disoriented, with dust and dirt covering its dulled scales.

"Well, I'll be a scarecrow's uncle," the Rice Guru exclaimed in surprise. "That Gepporaptor certainly turned the tables on that viper."

Sorah nodded in agreement. "Indeed. It seems even the smallest and most unassuming creatures can possess hidden strengths."

As they watched the Gepporaptor scurry away, a harsh voice shattered the stillness of the forest.

"Surround the bloody forest!" Kahless's rage, amplified by his TerraFlow Kana, echoed through the trees. "They couldn't have gone too far."


The ground beneath their feet trembled as massive walls of earth began to rise around the perimeter of the forest, cutting off any escape route. Sorah and the Rice Guru glanced at each other, the stench of worry wafting from their faces.

"It seems we're trapped," said Sorah, feeling a knot of tension forming in his stomach.

"Trapped like rats in a cage," the Rice Guru added. "And that madman is out there, hunting us down."

Sorah gently lowered Woodworm to the ground while observing the newly formed earthen walls. The only escape route was up, but Kahless had anticipated that.

"Keep a close eye on the sky!" Kahless boomed once more. "Shoot down anything that flies!"

Twitching his leafy appendages erratically, the Rice Guru began to panic. "We're doomed, Master Sorah! Doomed!"

Sorah, however, remained calm. He knew that panicking would only worsen their situation. He had to think clearly, to find a way out of this predicament. His grip tighten around his staff as he pondered the outcome of an imminent skirmish.

However, suddenly, the Rice Guru's eyes lit up as an idea struck him. "The Gepporaptor!" he exclaimed, hopping excitedly. "Remember the Gepporaptor, Master Sorah?"

Sorah frowned, confused. "Yes, but what does that have to do with our current situation?"

"It's a tunneller!" the Rice Guru explained, now filled with hope. "If we can find its burrow, we might be able to escape underground."

Sorah's eyes widened as he grasped the Rice Guru's plan. It was a long shot, but it was their only hope.

"Lead the way, Rice Guru," he said, scooping up Woodworm and following the old sage as he hurried towards the clearing where they had witnessed the Gepporaptor scurried off to earlier.


Vice-Marshall Commander Kahless who was perched atop his hovering Earth Dragon, surveyed the forest from above. He had ordered his troops to surround the forest, leaving no escape route for Sorah and his companions. He was confident they wouldn't get far.

"Spread out and search every inch of this forest!" he barked at his soldiers and frightening a few trees. "Leave no stone unturned. I want those Aerithran scum found and brought before me."

"Yes sir, Vice-Marshal Commander!" The Sand Devils, armed with their Aether Sabres, Battle Mechs and other assorted weapons, fanned out through the forest as their boots crunched against the fallen leaves and twigs. They moved with a sense of purpose as they scanned every shadow and crevice.

Kahless became impatient with the slow progress and urged his Earth Dragon forward. They soared through the trees, leaving a trail of broken branches and scattered leaves in their path. Kahless's eyes were fixed on the ground, searching for any sign of movement, any clue that would lead him to Sorah.

They reached a particularly dense section of the forest where the air was strong with the scent of damp earth and decaying leaves. The undergrowth was so thick that the moonlight barely penetrated.

Suddenly, a rustling sound from the nearby bushes caught Kahless's attention. He turned while narrowing his eyes as he tried to discern the source of the noise.


A flash of emerald shot out from the undergrowth, moving with lightning speed towards Kahless's face. He reacted instinctively, raising his right arm just in time to block the attack.


The Veridian Viper had lunged at Kahless with its fangs bared in a silent strike. The impact of its attack against Kahless's Eden Ryuu gauntlet sent a jolt of pain up his arm.

"A Veridian Viper!" Fury was blazing in Kahless' eyes. "You dare attack me, you slimy worm!"

He swung his arm causing the dragon head at the tip of his gauntlet to snap at the viper with lightning speed.


The viper dodged the attack with surprising agility by twisting and turning its sinuous body as it slithered through the air.

"Get it!" Kahless yelled to his subordinates who had gathered around.

"Yes sir!" They drew their Aether Sabres and commence giving chase.

The Sand Devils charged forward at the viper slashing with all their might. However, the creature was too quick and elusive for them. It weaved through their attacks with ease.

"Gah! I can't get a clean hit!"

"This thing is too fast!"

Kahless watched in frustration as his soldiers struggled to subdue the viper. He couldn't believe that such a lowly creature was giving them so much trouble. He decided to end this farce himself.

"Eden Ryuu - Sever!" He barked, channelling his TerraFlow Kana into his gauntlet.

The dragon head at the tip of his Vayrukumer glowed with an intense emerald light as its jaws extended wide. With a swift movement, Kahless swung his arm and then the dragon head lunged forward.


The Veridian Viper, caught off guard by the sudden attack, didn't have time to react. The dragon head's jaws clamped down on its body, severing it cleanly in half. Blood splattered across the forest floor, painting the leaves and undergrowth a gruesome crimson.

"There, that's better." Kahless smirked coldly, satisfied by the spray of blood. He had dealt with the pesky distraction. Now, he could focus on the real task at hand – finding the old man and his companions.

He turned his face contorted with annoyance to his soldiers and said, "Now that the entertainment is over, let's get back to work. Find those Aerithrans!"

The Sand Devils, still shaken from the encounter with the Veridian Viper, nodded silently and resumed their search.

They continued deeper into the forest until they reached a particularly dense section where the trees grew close together, forming a natural barrier.

"Sir!" Kratos called out, hurrying towards Kahless with a worried expression. "We've found something."

Kahless followed Kratos to a spot where the ground was riddled with large holes, each one perfectly round and several feet in diameter.

"Gepporaptor burrows," Kahless muttered, recognizing the distinctive markings.

"Could they have escaped underground?" Kratos asked in disbelief.

Kahless knelt down and examined one of the burrows. The earth was freshly turned, indicating recent activity. He could sense faint traces of Aether Steam emanating from the hole.

"It's possible," he admitted reluctantly. "Those crafty Aerithrans must have found a way to utilize the Gepporaptor's tunnels to escape."

He stood up and surveyed the surrounding forest. He had underestimated the old man and his companions. They were more resourceful and cunning than he had anticipated.

"Damn them," he cursed under his breath. "They won't get away from me that easily."


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