
Dance Of The Titan Avatars [It's LIT]

What's up, fellow Avatar enthusiasts! Buckle up, because this story is a wild ride of epic battles, unexpected twists, and a healthy dose of "wtf" moments that'll leave you craving more. So, what's the deal with this story? Imagine a world where colossal elemental creatures - Titans - can be summoned as avatars by individuals with special affinities. We're talking Fire Titans spewing lava, Water Titans whipping up tsunamis, Earth Titans throwing mountains, Air Titans conjuring tornadoes, and the elusive Aether Titans bending reality itself. Yeah, it's that insane! Our story unfolds in the Aerithra Kingdom, a nation of floating islands known for their mastery of Air and its mystical Cloud Butterflies. But peace is shattered when the Terravolt and Ignis Kingdoms, those greedy bastards obsessed with fire and earth, launch a surprise attack. They want the Aerithra's resources, their Aether Steam Nexus, to fuel their own ambitions. Enter Master Sorah Kyoshin, an elderly martial arts master who's been mocked for years for not possessing any elemental affinity. But guess what? When his home is attacked, this geezer unleashes skills that would make even a seasoned Avatar Master crap their pants. Here are some highlights you won't want to miss: -Epic Titan Battles: We're talking city-levelling showdowns between colossal creatures like the Quar'ellix, a walking volcano of iron and stone, and the Red Sand Cyclonus, a swirling tempest of grit and rage. These battles are beautifully described, and you'll feel the ground shake beneath your feet as these titans clash. -The Mysterious Sage Curse: Sorah, bless his old bones, stumbles upon an ancient power known as the Sage Curse that grants him incredible abilities but also threatens to consume him. This adds a layer of tension and mystery to the story, as we watch Sorah grapple with this volatile force. -The Rice Guru: Okay, this character deserves a special shoutout. Imagine a wise, ancient being who looks like a scarecrow, talks like a senile grandpa, and can conjure up delicious food out of thin air using something called "Boqumu." He's hilarious, insightful, and steals every scene he's in. -Warden Poahf: Damn, this lady is trouble! The Warden of the brutal Nathor Prison Camp, she's beautiful, ruthless, and has a... unique way of interrogating prisoners. Let's just say things get steamy (and a little disturbing) when she sets her sights on Sorah. Why you should be reading this: -Unique Worldbuilding: Floating islands, giant butterflies, sentient architecture - this world is unlike anything you've ever seen before. -Compelling Characters: Sorah is a great protagonist - flawed, determined, and surprisingly badass. The supporting cast is equally interesting, from the quirky Rice Guru to the intimidating Warden Poahf. -Action-Packed Plot: This story moves at a breakneck pace, with non-stop action and twists that'll keep you on the edge of your seat. Just when you think you know what's going to happen, BAM! Something unexpected throws you for a loop. -Humour and Heart: Despite the epic battles and serious themes, the story is infused with humour, especially thanks to the Rice Guru's antics. But there are also moments of genuine emotion and connection between the characters. Support at: https://www.patreon.com/AuthorsDread

AuthorsDread · Anime & Comics
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72 Chs

Reckoning in the Deep  

The Aerithran prisoners and the villagers gathered around a small campfire that the Rice Guru had conjured with a flick of his wrist and a muttered incantation of "Boqumu #7 - Pyre Ignitor". The flickering flames created an atmosphere of warmth.

Anya, who was huddled close to her mother, shivered and complained, "Mama, I'm hungry."

Elara hugged her daughter close. "I know, sweetheart. But we'll be alright. We're safe now."

"Safe?" One of the villagers scoffed. "Safe in a hole in the ground, with a bunch of Aerithran scum and a talking scarecrow?"

"Hey!" Daichi retorted angrily, "We're not scum! And the Rice Guru is not a scarecrow, he's a master of... of..." He trailed off, unsure of how to describe the Rice Guru's enigmatic abilities.

Sorah chuckled and intervened, "Peace, Daichi. Let me introduce you all properly." He gestured towards the Rice Guru. "This is the Rice Guru, a wise and powerful... individual who has been a friend and mentor to me for many years."

Shaking his head, the Rice Guru bent, almost sweeping the floor with his straw hat. He remarked, "Charmed, I'm sure," with a playful twinkle in his eyes.

"He's also the inventor and master of Boqumu," Sorah added, "A collective term for spiritual and energy manipulation techniques that can be learned and cast by any practitioner using Aether Steam, regardless of elemental affinity."


"It's that prestigious?"

The Aerithrans and Terravolt villagers alike stared at the Rice Guru in awe and curiosity. They had never encountered anyone like him before, a being who seemed to defy the laws of nature and logic.

"Boqumu, you say?" Brokk frowned, scratching his beard thoughtfully. "I've heard of such things before, but I always thought they were just legends."

"Legends?" the Rice Guru scoffed. "Legends are merely truths waiting to be rediscovered."

With a wave of his hand, he summoned a large, dented wok from the depths of his straw hat. The wok, seemingly defying the laws of physics, was easily three times the size of his head.

"Now then," he said, placing the wok over the campfire. "Who's hungry?"

The onlookers watched in fascination as the Rice Guru began to cook. With a trained efficiency, he handled materials with unexpected dexterity with his withered hands. He conjured water from thin air with a muttered incantation of "Boqumu #8 - Hydro Aquora", and he summoned spices and vegetables from the folds of his robes with a flourish.

Within minutes, the underground was filled with the tantalizing aroma of cooking rice.

"It smells delicious," Elara whispered as her stomach growled in anticipation.

Anya's eyes lit up, and she clapped her hands together excitedly. "Rice! I love rice!"

The Rice Guru chuckled and, with a wink, conjured a small wooden bowl and spoon for Anya. He filled the bowl with a generous portion of rice and handed it to her.

"There you go, little one," he said kindly. "Enjoy."

As Anya took a bite, her eyes widened in delight. "Mmm... this taste so delicious!"

The others echoed her sentiment as the Rice Guru distributed the food. They ate with gusto, savouring the flavours and the warmth of the meal. For a brief moment, they forgot their troubles, their fears, and the oppressive darkness of the prison they had escaped. They were simply grateful for the kindness of this strange, scarecrow-like entity who had appeared out of nowhere and provided them with sustenance and comfort.

Daichi, who was mimicking Sorah and sitting cross-legged on the floor of the cavern, shovelled rice into his mouth with his hands, ignoring the curious stares of the others.

"This is the best rice I've ever had indeed!" he exclaimed between mouthfuls. "That garbage they served us at the prison... it was like eating sand and gravel."

The Rice Guru smiled. "I'm glad you appreciate my culinary skills, young one. But please, try to chew with your mouth closed."

"Hehehe!" Daichi nodded and gave a bashful smile. He looked across at Anya, who was seated next to him. Her bowl was empty but her joy still shining in her eyes.

"Isn't this rice amazing?" he asked.

Anya nodded enthusiastically. "It's the best!"

Brokk and Plutak, having finished their third servings, leaned back against the cavern wall, patting their stomachs with satisfaction.

"That Rice Guru... he's a strange one," Brokk remarked. "But he sure can cook."

Plutak nodded in agreement. "I wonder where he learned such skills."

Elara, who was watching Anya with a loving smile, turned to Sorah who sat quietly observing everyone. "Mister Sorah, how did you meet the Rice Guru if you don't mind me asking?"

Roused from his contemplation, Sorah offered a faint smile. "Ah, that's a tale for another time, Elara. Suffice it to say, the Rice Guru has been a guiding light in my life, a source of wisdom and support during my darkest hours." He glanced at the flickering flames of the campfire. Their dancing shadows conjured memories of his past, of the trials and tribulations that had shaped him into the man he was today.

"For now," he continued, "let us focus on the present. We have escaped Nathor Prison Camp, but our predicament is far from over." He swept his gaze across the assembled group, meeting the eyes of each individual, seeing the mix of hope and trepidation that mirrored his own emotions.

"We are fugitives," he stated. "The Dune Empire will not rest until they accomplish their mission. We must find a way to disappear, to vanish into the vastness of this land, until we can reach safety."

A hush fell over the group as they contemplated the gravity of their situation. The initial euphoria of their escape had faded, replaced by the stark reality of their precarious existence.

"But where do we go?" asked a young Aerithran man who was uncertain. "We are strangers in a hostile land. We have no home, no allies, and nowhere to hide."

"We have each other," Elara spoke with a quiet strength that belied her delicate features. "And we have Mister Sorah and the Rice Guru. They will guide us."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the group. They had witnessed Sorah's power, his courage, and his unwavering determination to protect them. They had experienced the Rice Guru's kindness, his wisdom, and his enigmatic abilities. They had faith in these two individuals, even though they were still unsure of their true motives or the extent of their powers.

An elderly Aerithran man with a weathered face and a long, white beard stepped forward. He bowed his head respectfully to Sorah and introduced himself, "My name is Bishane, Master Sorah. I am a humble Windweaver from Isle Cumulus. I speak for all of us when I say that we are grateful for your leadership and your courage. You have given us hope when all seemed lost."

He paused and added with a tremor, "But... what comes next? We cannot remain in the Terravolt Kingdom, not with these brands upon our foreheads." He gestured towards the air affinity symbols that marked them as Aerithrans, as enemies of the Dune Empire. "We will be hunted, pursued relentlessly until we are captured or killed."

A wave of unease washed over the group as they contemplated their fate. The brands were a constant reminder of their vulnerability, a mark that set them apart and made them targets.

Lukio, the young woman who had illuminated the tunnel with her Aire Light technique spoke up, "Master Sorah, you mentioned a portal at the Rendil Temple... a way back to the Aerithra Kingdom. Perhaps... perhaps we should try to reach it?"

Hearing this, Bishane turned to Sorah and asked, "How certain are you of this portal, Master Sorah? During our imprisonment, we heard rumours that the Sand Devils were destroying all access points, all potential entryways into the Terravolt Kingdom."

Sorah nodded grimly. "The rumours are true, Mr. Bishane. I entered this kingdom through the Rendil Temple, but I cannot guarantee that the portal remains operational. We encountered a... rather formidable Vice-Marshal Commander there, and we were forced to flee before we could fully explore the territory."

As the group's aspirations faded, a wave of dread passed over them.

"So... we are trapped," a young Aerithran woman whispered dejectedly. "We have nowhere to go."

Sorah's gaze turned towards the Rice Guru, who was seated cross-legged on the ground, munching on an ear of corn. "Rice Guru, you are... knowledgeable in the ways of the Cloud Script and the ancient technologies. Do you think you could... repair the portal?"

The Rice Guru paused mid-bite, and titled his straw hat as he considered Sorah's request. A twinkle lit up his eyes, and he smirked.

"Repair the portal, you say? Why, Master Sorah, I'm surprised you even have to ask!" He puffed out his chest, his straw-stuffed body seeming to inflate with confidence. "Of course, I can repair the portal! I am the Rice Guru, after all! Master of Boqumu, scholar of the Cloud Script, and a connoisseur of fine corn!"

He hopped to his feet, brandishing the corn cob like a conductor's baton. "Just lead me to those broken Cloud Stones, and I shall weave my magic! I shall mend the fractured pathways, realign the ethereal currents, and open a gateway that will transport you all back to the Aerithra Kingdom!"

His voice bounced off the walls and filled the hearts of the Aerithrans with renewed hope.

Bishane's eyes lit up, and he bowed deeply to the Rice Guru. "Thank you, Master Rice Guru. You are our saviour."

The other Aerithrans echoed his sentiment with gratitude expressions on their faces. Amidst the obscurity, they had discovered a ray of hope; an opportunity to flee the Dune Empire's grasp and head back home.

Plutak, however, remained silent, a furrow creasing his brow. He turned to Sorah and asked, "Mister Sorah. If we make it to the Aerithra Kingdom... will they... will they accept us? We are not Aerithrans. We are... outsiders."

Sorah smiled reassuringly. "Do not worry. The Aerithra people are kind and compassionate. They will welcome you with open arms, as long as your hearts are pure and your intentions honourable."

A wave of relief washing over him. Plutak glanced at Elara and Anya, who were watching him with hopeful eyes. He had made the right decision. He would take his family to the Aerithra Kingdom, where they could start a new life, free from the oppression of the Dune Empire.

"We're with you, brother," Brokk declared, placing a reassuring hand on Plutak's shoulder. "Elara and Anya are family. We stick together, no matter what."

Elara smiled gratefully at her brother. "Thank you, Brokk. I knew we could count on you."

A hush fell over the group as the remaining villagers, those native to the Terravolt Kingdom, contemplated their own choices. A mixture of terror, uncertainty, and a deep-seated yearning for the comfortable confines of home were engraved on their features as they snuggled closer.

"I... I can't leave," a young woman whispered. "My family... they're all here. I can't abandon them."

"But what about the branding?" an older man asked, with a bit of worry. "They'll come for you. Remember they mark you like an animal?"

The young woman bit her lip. "I know. But... I have to take that chance. I can't bear the thought of leaving my home, my life behind."

"She's right," another villager chimed in with a quiet resignation. "This is our land. Our home. We can't just... runaway despite the hardship."

A murmur of agreement rippled through the group. They were torn, caught between the fear of persecution and the deep-rooted connection to their homeland.

"We will find a way to survive," an elderly woman who had the wisdom of the years, spoke. "We will hide in the shadows, blend in with the crowds, and avoid the eyes of the Dune Directorate."

"But for how long?" a young man asked. "They will find us eventually. They will finish what they started and brand us all."

The elderly woman placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Then we will resist," she said firmly. "We will not go down without a fight. We will protect our families, our homes, and our way of life."

A spark of defiance ignited in the eyes of the villagers. They had lived under the oppressive rule of the Dune Directorate for too long, enduring their cruelty and injustice. Now, they were ready to stand up for themselves, to fight for their freedom and their dignity.

"We will not be slaves," a young man declared, clenching his fists.

"We will not be branded," a woman added.

"We are the people of the Terravolt Kingdom," another villager proclaimed, "And we will not be broken!"

With their minds made up, one man bowed at Sorah and said, "We shall part ways come morning."


Sorah acknowledged the parting words with a respectful bow. He understood their decision. He could not force them to leave their homeland, their lives, and their loved ones behind. They were free to choose their own path, just as he had chosen his.

"That's enough discussion for the night. Let's rejuvenate our strength for daybreak."

As the campfire's embers flicker, the escapees settled into a restless slumber. They were exhausted, both physically and emotionally, but they were also filled with a newfound sense of hope. They had escaped the clutches of Warden Poahf, and they were on their way to a new life, a life of freedom and dignity.

And as Sorah closed his eyes, he couldn't help but wonder what challenges and triumphs awaited them on the road ahead.


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