
Dance Of The Titan Avatars [It's LIT]

What's up, fellow Avatar enthusiasts! Buckle up, because this story is a wild ride of epic battles, unexpected twists, and a healthy dose of "wtf" moments that'll leave you craving more. So, what's the deal with this story? Imagine a world where colossal elemental creatures - Titans - can be summoned as avatars by individuals with special affinities. We're talking Fire Titans spewing lava, Water Titans whipping up tsunamis, Earth Titans throwing mountains, Air Titans conjuring tornadoes, and the elusive Aether Titans bending reality itself. Yeah, it's that insane! Our story unfolds in the Aerithra Kingdom, a nation of floating islands known for their mastery of Air and its mystical Cloud Butterflies. But peace is shattered when the Terravolt and Ignis Kingdoms, those greedy bastards obsessed with fire and earth, launch a surprise attack. They want the Aerithra's resources, their Aether Steam Nexus, to fuel their own ambitions. Enter Master Sorah Kyoshin, an elderly martial arts master who's been mocked for years for not possessing any elemental affinity. But guess what? When his home is attacked, this geezer unleashes skills that would make even a seasoned Avatar Master crap their pants. Here are some highlights you won't want to miss: -Epic Titan Battles: We're talking city-levelling showdowns between colossal creatures like the Quar'ellix, a walking volcano of iron and stone, and the Red Sand Cyclonus, a swirling tempest of grit and rage. These battles are beautifully described, and you'll feel the ground shake beneath your feet as these titans clash. -The Mysterious Sage Curse: Sorah, bless his old bones, stumbles upon an ancient power known as the Sage Curse that grants him incredible abilities but also threatens to consume him. This adds a layer of tension and mystery to the story, as we watch Sorah grapple with this volatile force. -The Rice Guru: Okay, this character deserves a special shoutout. Imagine a wise, ancient being who looks like a scarecrow, talks like a senile grandpa, and can conjure up delicious food out of thin air using something called "Boqumu." He's hilarious, insightful, and steals every scene he's in. -Warden Poahf: Damn, this lady is trouble! The Warden of the brutal Nathor Prison Camp, she's beautiful, ruthless, and has a... unique way of interrogating prisoners. Let's just say things get steamy (and a little disturbing) when she sets her sights on Sorah. Why you should be reading this: -Unique Worldbuilding: Floating islands, giant butterflies, sentient architecture - this world is unlike anything you've ever seen before. -Compelling Characters: Sorah is a great protagonist - flawed, determined, and surprisingly badass. The supporting cast is equally interesting, from the quirky Rice Guru to the intimidating Warden Poahf. -Action-Packed Plot: This story moves at a breakneck pace, with non-stop action and twists that'll keep you on the edge of your seat. Just when you think you know what's going to happen, BAM! Something unexpected throws you for a loop. -Humour and Heart: Despite the epic battles and serious themes, the story is infused with humour, especially thanks to the Rice Guru's antics. But there are also moments of genuine emotion and connection between the characters. Support at: https://www.patreon.com/AuthorsDread

AuthorsDread · Anime & Comics
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72 Chs

Chasing Disciples’ Wind  


Sorah's eyes fluttered open, vision still blurry as he regained consciousness. He found himself lying in a lavish bed chamber, body wrapped in medicinal bandages. Elder Liu sat watchfully beside the bed along with Elder Yanluo and the Rice Guru. Sorah's treasured Dawn Sky Crusher or Aerothurge Staff leaned casually against the far wall, though none dared go near it.

"You've awakened at last, my old friend!" said Liu, relief flooding his weary face. "We began fearing the worst after you remained unconscious for four straight days."

Yanluo huffed, though his stern gaze held traces of admiration now. "Only your blasted tenacity staves off crossing fate's veil so soon, you stubborn ox. What other unfinished business anchors your spirit still?"

The Rice Guru cackled good-naturedly. "Marvellous constitution indeed! I wager only spite itself fuels our curious patient now." His words stirred Sorah to sit up in alarm, wincing against strained muscles and chakra burns, but frantic urgency gripped his thoughts.

"The children... Daichi and the others kidnapped by Dravenik's troops!" Sorah rasped hoarsely as flashes of their terrified faces faded amidst swirling chaos. "Have there been any word on their location?"

Sorrow creased Elder Liu's face as he shook his head regretfully. "Alas, the many scout parties we dispatched found no promising leads yet. Though the Ignis and Terravolt armies have retreated for now behind their borders, smaller war bands continue harassing our perimeter."

He sighed, glancing through nearby windows miles and miles away towards the edge of the Aerithra Kingdom where angry winds roamed. "After your spectacular sealing of Varzik routed Colonel Dravenik's command, the Sky Wardens finally intervened by erecting this colossal Wind Barrier locking down our entire kingdom from outside influences, only sunlight is allowed through."

Elder Yanluo grimaced. "While the protective cyclone shield allows rebuilding critical infrastructure, none have succeeded manoeuvring past its gale perimeter either way. We've only received garbled communications using Far Sight projection crystals before the zone's random distortions disconnect all psychic links to the world below."

The Rice Guru hopped up waving a stick of corn enthusiastically. "Oh this magical tempest can't possibly maintain forever! Mark my words, soon enough their warriors will return with reinforcements. What fortune you awakened this hour! We must formulate a cunning strategy--"

"I care not for stratagems and barriers..." interrupted Sorah, staggering unsteadily off the bed with eyes burning resolute towards his waiting weapon. "As long as my students remain enslaved by tyrants, I cannot...will not stand idle!"

He grasped the Dawn Sky Crusher and his body was already flowing with awakened vitality resonating from its engraved shaft. Sorah's gaze became distant, seeing again terrified faces crying plead fully atop Dravenik's iron carriage fading into swirling chaos and bitter defeat. Never again would he falter in his sworn duty to safeguard their hope!

Yanluo stepped forward, hand raised cautiously as if to restrain the rejuvenated master's reckless impulse. "Have sense, Sorah! You nearly died stopping those hellions before. At least allow full recuperation so your feud stokes not from death wish?"

Sorah regarded the elder's concerns, but shook his head firmly. "My spirit recovered the moment I awoke. Now my students' safety outweighs all other burdens, including this curse now seeded in my marrow."

His glyph-flickering arms gripped the Dawn Sky Crusher tightly. "I apologize Yanluo, but not even your wise counsel can sway my sworn duty this hour."

With those words, Sorah strode past the elders towards the fortress exit. Outside, he got a better look afield at the colossal Wind Barrier that was swirling cyclonically, shielding the floating islands from invasion. Sorah spotted his loyal Woodworm nearby, munching contentedly on a tree bark.

"Woodworm… so you've survived my steed."

As he whistled sharply, the rotund beast perked up its antennas, responding immediately to the psychic command. It curled and elongated swiftly into a long centipede-like shape which Sorah was about to mount deftly, however…

"You shall not pass beyond the Winds!" Yanluo yelled, summoning gale forces already stirring to block their path. "I cannot allow one so afflicted into the borderlands fraught with further chaos!"

But Sorah merely raised a palm, channelling Sage Curse energy into Dawn Sky Crusher. Amber glyphs manifested prominently across the oaken shaft, resonating with their master's unyielding purpose. "Stand aside, noble Yanluo," Sorah commanded sternly. "Or we shall meet in less pleasant circumstances."

Seeing righteous fury blazing within Sorah's eyes, Elder Yanluo hesitated, fury tempering into awe. The rallying wind coalesced instantly through the courtyard, signalling the elders' unified decision not to hinder the departing hero any further. Liu stepped forward alongside the Rice Guru who had observed matters silently till then.

"Go safely into destiny's wavering curtains, brother Sorah," Liu said sombrely, regretful their long path together now diverged unavoidably. "Protect the students as your own beloved children! Our thoughts soar within spirit wings ever guarding your noble quest ahead."

The Rice Guru cackled approvingly. "Well spoken Elder Liu! And worry not, for I shall accompany this bull-headed chosen one on his journey below. My arts may stall the encroaching calamity from his afflicted core."

Sorah stood silently, gripped with a sense of duty and urgency. As he turned to depart, Elder Liu stepped forward and placed a hand gently on his shoulder.

"Stay a moment, my friend. I must reveal to you the path ahead." Liu said solemnly.

He withdrew a cracked scroll from his robe and unrolled it, revealing a faded map marked with glowing runes and symbols. Liu pointed to a specific spot along Aerithra's outer ring.

"Here, upon the wind-carved cliffs of Cirrus Point, lies a hidden Cloud Portal attuned to the ancient Rendili Temple within Terravolt lands. It remains one of the few viable passages between our kingdoms. Since none can traverse the Wind Barrier, this is your only safest route to the outside world."

Liu traced a route along the map leading towards the marked cliffs. "The portal vortex still flows - I confirmed its signature using cloud-farer melodies. Go now to these coordinates. Find safe passage below and may the divine protect your noble quest."

Sorah's eyes lit up as he grasped the importance of this revelation. "Elder Liu, your wisdom guides my passage once again." He bowed respectfully. "I swear to return in victory, so we may share rice wine again watching the clouds."

The Rice Guru cackled eagerly. "Well now, onwards before the tides of fortune shift! I shall reinforce your metaphysical pathways and block the Curse's encroachment during our journey."

With deepening resolve, Sorah mounted his waiting Woodworm steed. Elder Liu stepped back and raised a hand in solemn farewell. Flanked by the bouncing Rice Guru, Sorah spurred his loyal mount into motion, departing swiftly to locate the Cloud Portal revealed by Liu's guidance.

The pair rode in haste through the floating islands and mist-shrouded mountain paths attempting to reach Cirrus Point. Sorah's mind churned with thought. If the Cloud Portal remained intact, it could prove the vital passage needed to infiltrate Terravolt lands covertly and find where Colonel Dravenik's forces imprisoned his captured students.

Glancing sideways, he regarded his peculiar journeying companion. "Master Rice Guru, will you truly be able to restrain the full fury of the Sage Curse now awakened inside me?"

The straw-woven sage laughed reassuringly while casually bouncing about on the undulating Woodworm. "Absolutely! By my Estimable Aunt Jasmine's porridge, I swear to contain the abyssal corruption from your untrained spirit vessel..."



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