

This is BL, Dan Mei, Boys Love. Cute light story of Love. When a young beautiful Red Peacock walks leisurely near the lake and a young Blue Dragon comes to the surface to play with, even forgot to go home attracted by the Red Peacock's charm. How is a pretty young man with bright beautiful looks that stun everybody who sees him for the first time? This is the story of Hong Er and his Brother Fei Er facing the new journey to JiangHu, full of surprise, love, and even danger. This cute light story of how a young pretty boy like Hong Er turns everybody's attention on him and makes the world upside down, This is more to romance than action. the cover is mine ##Sorry guys English is not my main language but i tried hard ^^

Sweet_SourKiwi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
368 Chs

Rescue Attack

Hong's screams didn't stop yet when someone had already destroyed the frail carriage and kicked the man's body away from him.

"Don't touch him!" It's Fei.

Hong was panting. He was so weak, but he could see Fei's angry face. Again, Fei lunged at the man but got extreme resistance in return.

The sound of metal clashing.

Hong tried hard to move but he couldn't. He could only hear the sound of fighting outside the carriage, he tried to peep out to see from the carriage which had been torn apart.

The man lunged at Fei strongly. His body size was twice Fei's. Holding his attack was nothing for him.

"Hiatt!" Fei attacked to paralyze the giant but he could only be pushed back several times. The man even blocked his sword with his bare hands.

Fei panted, he tried to take a defensive stance, lowering his body with his gold sword behind his back.

The man smirked. Licking his lips which were bleeding a little from Fei's sudden attack earlier.

"Hehehe, sweet boy. You have great courage, aren't you, why? You like him too?" The ugly gigantic man, Tung approached the carriage to Hong again, grabbed his little face with his big palm, and was about to kiss him.

"Get your hands off!" Fei was furious. No more wait, he rushed forward to attack the man back.

That man is so strong. He didn't even move an inch as he blocked Fei's attack and pushed the young man far forward.

With one strike Fei was thrown so that his back hit a big tree hard.


"Brother" Hong worried. His brother was thrown quite far. Hong tried to reach him but he couldn't move much. 


The man was still standing where he was, he was waiting for Fei who was struggling to get up from the fall. Fei was vomiting blood from his mouth. The man's internal force was so strong. It might injure his internal organs, and all parts of his body hurt.

"Cough cough"

But this can't happen, he must save Hong no matter what it takes. Even though that man wasn't even his opponent at all. Fei got ready to lunge forward again. He wiped his lips from the blood remaining and stomped to strike the giant with all his might.



Sang Guan Residence.

Guards were already standing in front of the gate at the Sang Guan's mansion. Bai Hu just got on his big horse and led the guards toward the city. Sang Tao, Tang Yi, A Yao, and Da Huang followed closely behind.

"Haaa hiaaa!!"

In front of the gate. Tang Yuan limply leaned on Er Niang. Knowing Hong was kidnapped made her knees weak and her chest hurt. She couldn't think straight.

"My Hong, oh why did Mother let you go alone, Hong"

Er Niang and Madam Sang Guan Xu Lan tried to comfort Tangyuan.

"Princess calm down, Young Master will be fine"


Inside the gate, Kai Le was standing beside Tao who was watching from a distance what was happening.

"Tao, you know what you have to do" Kai Le whispered. Tao clenched his fists bowing respectfully.

"Ready Your Majesty" The burly young man darted up onto the roof and left with the wind,

Kai Le raised his sleeves, taking a deep breath.

"Heh hopefully Brother Hong is fine"


"Kukukukukukukuku" owl voice.

The full moon is right above the sky, straight up to illuminate a very dark forest without the slightest light. The sounds of night birds and wolves seem to be intertwined.

Hong's hands moved between the dry leaves that fell on the mossy and wet ground. He was finally able to move his hands.

"Ekh" his body too, although it hurts in some places, at least he can move now.

The acupoints on his body are back to normal and he can move again, but, how can that be possible? Then, where is this?

His head hurt, and his last memory was when the big man with his hands lifted him easily and supported him on his back. He could still see his brother Fei who had fallen lying motionless not far beside him.

"B-brother, Brother Fei! Let me go! Brother, wake up! Brother!" before everything went dark.

Hong tried to get up and look around. No one else was there, not his brother Fei nor the guy earlier, and where was he? Did they leave him? Did the man, think he was dead and leave him there alone?

Hong stood up, staggering a bit because he was still giddy, his head hurting unbelievably.

"It hurts" he was near the stream, at the bottom of the valley like a canyon quite clearly visible in the moonlight. Hong slowly walked, carefully because all around were slippery river stones.

"Brother! Brother Fei!" He shouts. It's dark, he was alone there. What is more scary than this? Where is everybody?

He was tired and so starving. His legs and arms hurt, he couldn't die and become a hungry ghost, isn't he? Oh Aunt Er Niang's porridge floated in front of him. He was just about to touch the big bowl of Aunt Er Niang's porridge when his mother pulled him away, and he regretted not having time to enjoy it.


While holding his stomach which kept rumbling with hunger, Hong continued to stroll.

"Brother! Brother Fei!" Until accidentally he stepped on a rock and fell.



Morning came.

The dew left on the edge of the leaves slowly dripped down onto the mossy soil in the depths of the forest.

A figure lying on a pile of twigs and rotting leaves slowly moved, he was Fei. Blood was visible on some parts of his clothes, his face was dirty, and his hair and clothes were a bit torn apart. His body bled here and there. There was a bleeding wound on his left arm. His gold sword which was bounced some distance away from him. But that was all, no one else was there but him.

"Ekh" Slowly while holding his left arm which seemed to be the worst injury he had, Fei tried to stand up. He grabbed his sword and looked around. That place looked like at the bottom of the valley, around him were big thick dense trees. There were so many birds singing on the branches and small animals like squirrels were chasing each other. He lost Hong, again.
