
Chapter 207 : An Invitation That No Alpha Can Reject (4)

Xie Jianyu pulled at Zhang Fengxi's arm at the same time Xie Jianshen put an arm to block his son's advance.

"Pardon us for intruding," Xie Jianshen said in a solemn tone before he moved to leave.

"But Mother! Little Uncle, he...!"

"Quiet, Muchen."

Xie Jianshen dragged his son away, despite the latter's vehement protests.

Xie Jianyu smacked a hand against his face once they were alone again. Zhang Fengxi glared at him.

"You criticized me for barging in without permission, but what about that nephew of yours???"

Xie Jianyu stared at his betrothed with impassive eyes.

"Muchen is just a child."

Zhang Fengxi rolled with his eyes so hard that they almost fell from his eye sockets.

"Child??? Xie Jianyu, again, he is bigger and older than you!"

Xie Jianyu chuckled.

"Don't tell me that you are jealous, Zhang Fengxi."