

Jessica Smith is resolved to move behind her traumatic past, having escaped an abusive marriage that almost cost her life. After a turbulent escape through the night - leaving behind a life full with eerie memories, she looks for comfort in a new setting as she attempts to rebuild her life, yearning for survival skills and a new beginning. Even as she navigates the challenges of a new beginning; Jake cones to play; promising a fulfilling life filled with romance, passion, and love. With the promise of a fresh start, Jessey remains guarded. Afraid of the threats of her menancing ex-husband to ruin any opportunity she has at happiness. Caught in a roller coaster of emotions, she struggles to balance her needs for self-preservation and love. Can she get past her previous trauma and embrace the possibility of a happy life with Jake? Or will any hopes for a new beginning be dashed by the impending threat posed by her ex-husband? As Jessica's journey progresses, themes of resilience, healing, and the search for a love powerful enough to vanquish the worst demons are explored amid the intricacies of relationships and the shadows of a troubled past.

Olawunmi_Fayelu · Fantasy
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16 Chs


It had been two days since Jessey's abduction, and the little space inside her captor's den, the dim lighting and musty smell of the chamber spoke of the toll it had taken on her.

Jessey was sitting hunched in a corner, anxiety and exhaustion dimming her once-bright hazel eyes. In sharp contrast to the lively woman who had taken sanctuary in the small village, she was filthy and untidy, her clothes sticking to her like a second skin.

Her kidnapper, the masked figure, hovered in the shadows, a quiet phantom watching her every step. He offered Jessey a plate containing the minimal supplies of water and stale bread, but she refused resolutely. Her pathetic appearance concealed a resilience that persisted after being held captive.

She growled, "I won't eat your scraps," her voice a raspy whisper full of defiance. 

The masked man said nothing, his quiet lending an air of dread.

The space, which was hardly more than a cell, witnessed Jessey's fight for independence. The soiled walls served as a sharp reminder of her vulnerability as they appeared to close in on her frail body. Her spirit, however, remained intact—a flame of defiance that would not go out.

Her captor observed with an almost obsessive intensity as Jessey clutched to her rejection. His intentions were still unclear, and there was tension in the quiet that lingered between the captor and the hostage. Jessey's defiance shone brightly in the shadows of captivity, demonstrating the strength that persisted throughout her ordeal, even in its most difficult moments.

The fire inside Jessey did not go out despite her weakness. The poorly lit room turned into a silent battlefield where the captor and captive squared off.

"You're adding unnecessary complexity to this," he leans forward. "You'd better eat. Without food, you won't last very long."

Raising her defiant eyes to.meet his, 

"Your leftovers are yours to keep besides, your hospitality is very endearing." She mocked. "I would infact appreciate if you cut to the chase and tell me your ultimate goal. Why have I come here?"

The man replied with a icy quietness. His acts and motivations were still a mystery. The unresolved tension between the two reverberated throughout the room. Despite her pitiable state, Jessey's spirit glowed with a will that would not die.

Just as the masked man moved aside to take a call, leaving Jessey by herself with the scant platter of stale bread, an idea sprung on her tired brain. She looked about warily before seizing the bread knife that had been left on the plate. Its sharp edge offering a slim chance of escape. She moved deliberately, stealthily, hiding it behind the tattered remnants of her clothing.

She pulled off a believable pretext when her abductor gave her a quick glance. His focus being on Jessey's apparent cooperation, as s he slowly and deliberately lifted a slice of bread to her mouth, the gesture just masking her genuine intentions.

He smirked "Well, I see that the determination is seeping away. It took you long enough."

Jessey addressed his stare, a hint of defiance lost from his perception. Satisfied with what appeared to be a triumphant surrender, he made a mocking bow and left the room, oblivious to the hidden weapon under her worn fabric.

Jessey gripped the bread knife tightly, tracing its edge with a mixture of fear and resolve in the quiet that followed. Once a haven of hopelessness, the room now carried the possibility of a last-ditch wager that could swing the odds in her favor.

With every second that went by, the hidden weapon evolved into a fragile ally in the face of incarceration and a symbol of newly discovered hope. Even though it was worn down, Jessey's resolution remained steadfast and unwavering. Something as simple as the captor's oversight could potentially spark a bold attempt at liberation.

Jessey set off on a laborious path to freedom in the quiet seclusion of the poorly lighted chamber. She started to slowly cut the cords that held her, and the unexpected ally—the bread knife—became a ray of hope.

Even though Jessey's movements were laborious, they were weighted with her unwavering determination. Every deep breath she took was filled with the hope of freedom. Time felt like taffy. With its serrated edge put to use, the bread knife came to represent defiance against the bonds that attempted to imprison her. 

Lost in the delusion of Jessey's broken resolve, the kidnapper did not appear, unaware of the silent revolution taking place inside his makeshift cell. 

The room went still as Jessey continued, her knife cutting through the rope's tenacious fibers with a ferocious resolve. A fickle friend, luck hovered by her side as the minutes passed.

Forty-five minutes went by without her captor coming back, an eternity in the solitude of captivity. Sweat was beading on Jessey's brow as she felt the last of the rope give way under the bread knife's relentless attack.

The final pieces of Jessey's captivity vanished with a gentle thud, freeing her from the physical restraints that had held her captive. A glimmer of liberation in the oppressive shadows.

Despite her weak state, Jessey experienced the feeling of empowerment that comes with overcoming hardship. The bread knife, an insignificant tool that saved lives, turned into a resistance talisman. 

Feeling free but wary, Jessey crept through the hallway. She followed the muffled words to an office at the end of the hall, where shadows danced in oblivion.

Her already jangling senses were shocked by what she saw as she drew closer to the partially open door. The kidnapper, whose face had always been hidden behind a mask, came exposed. He was having a conversation with another man in the office, a man Jessey knew all too well.

She felt as though a lightning bolt had struck her. Before her captor, in the dim light of the office, stood someone she knew well from her life who had assumed a role she never would have imagined.

"No, it can't be..." She whispered to her herself.

She leaned against the wall and watched the secret gathering, her heart thumping in her chest. Once mysterious, the captor now had a face—a surprising face. The man from her past, who appeared to be involved in this shady arrangement, complicated the web of intrigue she was caught in.

Jessey gulped as she processed the information, her thoughts racing to make sense of the links that had led her to this unanticipated point. The dimly lighted workplace seemed to pulse with the weight of unspoken facts; it was a nexus of secrets. The road to revealing the shadows was far from over