
Dance Into Love

Dance has always been Alexa's dreams and passion. There was only one way for her to make it a reality. And that was to pass her entrance exams to Liberty College. She worked hard and finally made it. But then, she met Liah, who became her greatest enemy. Liah tried every means to bring Alexa down which she eventually succeeded. Alexa was about giving up on her dreams when Hayden stepped in. Will Alexa be able to live up to her dreams? What does destiny hold in store for Alexa and Hayden? Stay with me in this journey to find out more. Follow me on IG@Henrietta_Otu

Henrietta_Otu · Teen
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5 Chs

Hectic Day

After spending an hour and half in traffic, the bus finally pulled up at the bus stop in front of the market square. Alexa sighed, overwhelmed with exhaustion as she picked up her stuffs and glided out of the bus.

The sun was high up with busy streets as people went over their everyday activities and today being Saturday makes it even worse. Alexa winced as the rays of the sun hit her eyes.

"Damn..., this rays.." she shaded her eyes with her hands and hit the streets to her destinate shop. After some few minutes of walking and listening to her music while slightly grooving to it, she got to Lizzy's Supermarket. Though the streets were busy with people, to Alexa's surprise, the shop had fewer customers. She pushed the glass door opened and was welcomed with a sweet smile from the counter. She in turn also returned the smile.

"Good afternoon Delphine..."

"Good afternoon Alexa, up on a shopping spree?"

"As usual, you know how worrisome mum can be at times. Anyway, were you able to complete your assignment?"

"Yeah, I had some help?"


"Yeah, my sister returned this Friday for the weekends so she helped me out."

"Good for you. Anyway, I have to getting moving now. I have other shops to go before heading home."

"Sure, go ahead. Be sure to call for me if you need any assistance. I would be glad to help."

"Sure Delphine.." she grinned and sauntered into the shop.

She walked over to the first shelves checking out for items available on her list. After that, she moved to the second one, third and the next. A while later, she carried her basket full of groceries to the counter to have them checked.

"All done.." she muttered, placing the basket on the counter.

Delphine slowly pulled them over and scanned them.

"$30" she muttered.

Alexa gave her the money and she packed them into a plastic bag, handing it over to Alexa.

"I will call you if anything. My regards to Catherine too."

"Alright, I will let her know."

"Okay...." she replied with a smile.

Delphine returned the smile, waving as Alexa shuffled out of the shop.

Alexa continued her walk to the next shop but then, she remembered that some of her music discs are spoilt and the few she had working too had few hitches here and there.

"Got to get some discs." she walked some few paces and was soon at the disc shop.

"Hi, Nathan.."

"Hi....Alexa, in for a new disc?"

"Yeah..., you know me too well."

"I sure do. Check those shelves over there." Nathan said, pointing to the shelves on the right side. "We've got a whole lot over there for you."

"Alright." she smiled and glided over to the shelves. Alexa loves music and can't just do away with dancing. She is actually good in all aspect of dances, be it Jazz, Ballet, lyrical, hip hop, modern or contemporary. It's like a talent she was born with.

She moved through the shelves and picked out her favorite songs and glided back to the counter.


"Yeah..." she replied wittily, handing over the disc to him. He check them and packed them for her. She took it and handed the money to him.

"See you some other time."

"Alright Alexa, bye.."

"Bye...." she waved with a smile and walked out.

She went round some few shops for the rest of the items and soon, she was done. She was walking back to the bus stop when she noticed a crowd gathered, cheering.

"What's going on?" mumbled quizzically, walking over to see what was going on. She got to the crowd and slowly pushed her way through. She instinctively chuckled at the sight before her eyes.

"A street dance.." she glanced cheerfully, nodding to the beats of the music to which the dancers were dancing. She was so deeply immersed into the dance.

"Woow...., that was a smooth move." she cheered.

She was so enjoying herself when she felt her phone vibrating. She reached for it from her bag without even looking, her eyes still fixed on the dancers. She slowly brought the phone to her view, checking the caller ID.

"Oh God, Auntie Hilda." she quickly packed the plastic bags on one of her hand, using the other one to answer the call as she made her way out of the crowd.

"Where are you Alexa...?" a deafening wrathful voice hit her ear drums.

"Coming Auntie..." she winced in apprehension.

"What's that noise at the background? Are you dancing on the streets..?"

"No.., no..,Auntie.. Just some crowd playing music." she exuded.

"Alright, hurry up and get here soon."

"Alright Auntie.." she replied and the line went dead. "Phew..., that was damn close." she sighed.