
Dan of immortality

More then 2000 years ago, the Huang emperor has united the middle kingdom under his thumb. He has everything a man can ever dream of, unlimited power, wealth and status...All except for one thing: Immortality. He demanded all the best alchemist in his kingdom to create the Dan of immortality and executed all who failed to do so. Though unparalleled genius talent, Jiang-Ze the legendary alchemist was the only one who succeeded. He created the recipe for the Dan of immortality and divided them into 9 scrolls. Not wanting the emperor to get a hold of the recipe, he gave the 9 scrolls to the 9 most prominent families of the middle kingdom. Civil war soon engulfed the kingdom, as great houses battled each other for the 9 scrolls. After the warring states has collapsed and new empires has risen. The 9 scrolls became little more then myths...Until now. As one of the descendants of the 9 great houses, and having no Chi skills what so ever, I am about as dead as a roasted goose hanging on a meat rack... Special thanks to: @Otakufangirl_07 for creating this awesome cover! (* ^ ω ^) Disclaimer: The pictures and media used within the book does not belong to me. All credits go to original artist. Disclaimer: all people and events in the story are fictional, and does not intend to target any people or groups.

Enejiang · Fantasy
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4 Chs

[3] Wang

"Looks like we are early today." Zhang said, proceeding to the counter.

There were only a few students scattered in small groups throughout the room.

"Big sis you gotta any shrimp dumpling?" Zhang asked one of the counter ladies.

"Yes! And how many times do I have to tell you not to call me sis! Call me beautie!" she yelled back angrily and shoved him a bamboo steamer.

"You gotta try the shrimp dumpling here! I live for this stuff!" Zhang lifted the cover and pushed the bamboo steamer to Wang.

"Oh ok...." Wang reluctantly picked up his chopsticks and shoved one of them in his mouth and immediately found his throat on fire.

"You're supposed to blow on the dumpling before you eat it!" Zhang let out a bellowing laugh.

"I need some-" Wang coughed. "Water..."

"Slow down lil Wang!" Zhang said, as he set a bowl of water in front of him.

"So how did it taste?" Zhang asked.

"It was-" Wang coughed. "Good."

"Good to hear!" Zhang gave a thumbs up. "So before you came here, did master Zhang tell you anything about the academy?"

"Not really."

"Alright, then let me give you a quick rundown of the place." Zhang paused and quickly demonstrated the proper way to eat a dumpling. "The Qinglong Academy is the 2nd best academy in the middle kingdom. Many of the best Chi Masters and scholars come from this academy. There are two ways to get into this academy," Zhang raised 1 finger. "You have to reach at least level 3 Chi in order to qualify for the physical exam. The 2nd route is," Zhang raised a 2nd finger. "Passing the literature exam."

"Oh ok. That's the route I took." Wang commented.

"Yep!" Zhang said, as he quickly gulped down another dumpling. "So are you familiar with the Chi system?"


"The Chi system has 10 levels in total, with 1 being lowest, and 10 being highest. But of course, no one has ever reached level 10. So what is your Chi level lil Wang?"

"Level 1?" Wang cocked his head sideways slightly.

"Huh..." Zhang rubbed his chin. "I thought it would be higher, given the fact that you are master Wang's nephew..."

"I am personally on merchant trips with my dad for most of my life. So I never had any Chi training before."

"That make sense..." Zhang looked down at the remaining dumpling.

A group of students came flooding into the cafeteria, all rushing to the counter like it was a zombie attack.

"Those are your future classmates, why don't you introduce yourself to them?" Zhang suggested.

"Oh ok." Wang said with a bit of nervousness.

A few minutes later several students gathered around Wang's table.

"Everyone! I want to introduce you all to our new student!"

Zhang gave Wang a pat on the back.

All the students turned to him at once.

Wang gulped.

"My name is Wang-Fei. I am from the southern province, I like history and if you have any questions about history you can just ask me!"

There was a series of whispers.

"What does your dad do for a living?" One of the students asked.

"He...He's a merchant..."

This time the whispers turned into grumbling.

Oh boy...Here we go again...

Wang thought to himself.

Q: How would you introduce yourself to a group of new people?