
Damnit Zelretch

Darkirisk · Anime & Comics
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Jaune Arc is the reincarnation of Shirou Emiya, however he merged with Jaune to live an unbroken life. Consequently in doing so he gave up his reality marble, but due to the unique nature of the merged souls it has affected his semblance severely. His semblance now allows for his aura to form a weapon with one passive and active affect.

Another variable is that Avalon being in his soul for eons has fused to it, causing his aura to mutate weirdly. His aura now passively increases by day and in times of great danger it would feel like it is infinite until he feels he is out of danger. His aura also carries a great healing affect, he found out when he used it on someone in his youth.

Due to Shirou's experiences in the past, Jaune was able to master aura reinforcement, aura control, and for some strange reason his aura can be infused in food. Also due to Shirou's memories he is not against his sisters or past girls advances, rationalizing that since the humans of the world are near extinction that he should help bolster their numbers. For some reason he recalls hearing but can't remember who told him the same thing on earth about magicians, only that she had white hair.

A number of individuals were willing to escape the throne of heroes to another realm when Zelretch stated that they must follow his favorite entertainment. Using his deep understanding of the mutiverse along with the fifth users help, he created a rift while archer distracted Alaya and Gaia. The only way for the souls of those on the throne to leave was for the fifth magic magus to rip them from time and take them with her through the opening. The experience of the soul can be seen in the manifestation of the semblance of a person.

Full reincarnation meaning that they carry no past memory, but act slightly differently due to the soul's experience. Half-reincarnation which means that a part of the persons memories are left in the new body's dreams. Melded reincarnation which means that the soul took a back seat to enjoy a new life with new experiences with minimal interference. These 3 types were the only way that the system the brother gods left behind would allow entry. The souls that manage to leave and who they became are as follows.

Kiritsugu Emiya: Full reincarnation as Nicholas Arc. Irisviel von Einzbern: Full reincarnation as Juniper Arc. Illyasviel von einzbern: Melded reincarnation as Saphron Arc. Artoria Pendragon: Melded reincarnation as Coral Arc. Nero Claudius : Melded reincarnation as Sable Arc. Jeanne D'arc: Melded reincarnation as Jade Arc. Jeanne D'arc Alter: Melded reincarnation as Hazel Arc. Oda Nobunaga: Melded reincarnation as Lavender Arc. Tamamo-no-Mae: Melded reincarnation as Amber Arc.

Scathatch:Melded reincarnation as Pyrrha Nikos. Luvia Edelfeilt: Half-reincarnation as Winter Schnee. Valkyrie: Melded reincarnation as Penny Polendina. Istar(Half-Rin): Half-reincarnation as Yang Xiao Long. Ereshkigal(Half-Rin): Melded reincarnation as Ruby Rose. Mysterious Heroine X: Melded reincarnation as Blake Belladonna. Okita Sōji: Melded reincarnation as Neopolitan.

Character Semblances that have changed are listed below.

Nicholas Arc: Time Alter allows the user to slow down or sped up the time of something. (High-cost) Juniper Arc: Self-named Mother's Wrath allows the user to use aura for as long as children are in danger, a side effect causes hanyo mask to appear during the scolding of her children or other people.(Low-cost)

Saphron Arc: Aura familiars allows the user to create aura constructs to complete various task. (Low-cost) Coral Arc: Self-named Excalibur allows the user to infuse aura into a special alloy sword her brother created and release at a target. (Cost varies)

Sable Arc: Self-named Umu allows the user to take on the powers of a character from stories and power increases the more people are around to see her preform in battle. (Cost varies on story and number of people) Jade Arc: Humanities Hope allows the user to shield other people and recover there wounds by taken on the pain they would suffer. User does not gain wounds or injuries but is unable to move from her spot. (Low-cost to maintain, unique rules must be followed to activate)

Hazel Arc: Wrath allows the user to make chains of fire to attack a target, flames cannot be put out by water. (Low-cost but user must be angry to activate) Lavender Arc: Artillery allows the user to fire aura bullets from random locations in tandem with the user's rifle. (High-cost dependent on rifle caliber) Amber Arc: Self-named Housewife allows the user to draw energy from those acknowledged as husband or sister-wives to protect what she declares as the household. (No cost to user but must meet specific conditions, aura is drawn regardless of distance)

Pyrrha Nikos: True Polarity allows the user to tag items or objects as negative or positive attraction. Can be used for other things but takes longer to complete. (Low-cost from touch, Mid-cost from sight) Winter Schnee: Fortune Glyphs a mutation of the Schnee semblance that allows the user to use regular glyph functions that happen to alter a situation to the users favor in all functions. Summoning glyphs now include varying objects and foreign creatures. (Cost varies) Penny Polendina: Self-named Valkyrie allows the user to create 3 aura constructs to fight enemies and preform various actions. (Extremely high-cost)

Yang Xiao Long: Burn allows user to take in damage and use to increase force. Also allows the user to channel the phantom flames into an arrow charged with aura to fire at distant targets. (Cost varies) Ruby Rose: Petal Burst allows the user to move at varying speeds leaving petals in her wake. As long as user is moving they will continue to charge used aura for an empowered strike. (Low-cost) Blake Belladonna: Empowered clones allows the user to change places with a supercharged clone that detonate on impact.Can be infused with dust, explosions can create smoke depending on user, and explosions don't affect user. (Mid-cost) Neopolitan: True Illusion allows the user to make life-like illusions that feel and react. Often used for escape, can be used to make clothes and other objects. (Low-cost)

Changes to timeline are as follows.

Saphron Arc, Winter Schnee and Neopolitan are two years older than Jaune. Coral and Sable Arc are one year older than Jaune. Jade, Jaune, and Hazel Arc are triplets. Lavender and Amber Arc are one year younger than Jaune. All Arc children are Faunus from their grandparents side that posses whiskers, ears or tails.

Neo was found by Jaune early as kids. All servant reincarnations feel a bond with Jaune. Winter has met Jaune when the Arc parents took on a long time protection assignment with the SDC. Winter, Neo, Saphron, and Penny are a team through Ironwoods manipulation. Servant souls have caused small and large changes to characters depending on the reincarnation. Jaune and his siblings were trained at home before applying to the same academy. Legends speak of the hardship a boy and his sisters suffered throughout remnant, although many were inspired by their actions.

Blake never followed Adam, instead helping Sienna Khan reform the white fang on menagerie as a starting point for the other branches. Jaune has made several trips to help the faunus along with his sisters. Rumors in menagerie speak of a group of people clearing grim on the island while the desert seems to but growing smaller.

Dr.Polendina created Penny earlier due to mysterious data found in said A.I. This lead to Penny looking older and having a body exactly like a human. Rumors say the machines turned on by themselves and the sound of multiple voices were heard speaking in an unknown language.

Winter Schnee showed a capability for finance and compassion the world has never scene before. Due to discussion with her father early on after meeting the Arc family. Jacques Schnee had time to reflect on his life after the meeting, causing him to start making amends with his wife. Many policies that would have caused future problems were prevented. Knowing a capable heir that could handle both herself and the company together has caused Jacques to become light-hearted. Rumors from the maids say that one night the Arc family was staying over, an argument was occurring between the father and daughter. That was until a young boy stated to the father "That's hell your walking towards you know?" followed by the boy asking where he was, voice full of confusion. No one saw when he entered the room or when, however the patriarch acted vastly different from that day forward.

Due to a sudden feeling of impending loss, Jaune created a sword, grabbed Amber, and vanished for a week. His parents were not worried in the slightest since he took Amber with him. It was later revealed that he raced from Ansel to Patch just in time to save two girls from a grim attack. Rumors state a shooting star landed in the forest of Patch, before a roar of challenge that sounded oddly like a young boy was issued. Followed shortly by an explosion of power in the forest.

Amber Arc inherited the fall maidens power one day during a hunting trip. During another training trip in Mistral, Jade Arc found a dying girl running through the forest. Although she tried to help, the girl was to far gone and Jade gained the spring maidens power. On a mission in Vacuo, Neo met a crazed girl during a sand storm. Neo returned on the break with Saphron and revealed that she had the summer maidens powers. General Ironwood has informed Ozpin that the candidates for the winter maiden are on team SPNA (Supernova).

Jaune is proficient in the art of the househusband as Amber is the same with the art of the housewife. Jaune has learned to smith weapons to a scary degree. Its said that the Arc family hold many patents for newly developed metals and techniques. The Arc family is said to wield strange weapons and a certain champion is the poster girl for one.

Saphron Arc uses a magical girl staff mechashift bow that somehow shoots aura beams and arrows. Neo uses a parasol that shifts into a katana. Coral Arc uses an ancient styled golden sword that can somehow channel aura along with a kite shield sheath. Sable Arc uses an ancient styled red greatswotd that splits to become twin swords. Jaune Arc uses a black and white bow that shifts into two strange swords, although he is never seen with arrows. Jade Arc uses a flag with the Arc symbol on a turtle that shifts into a large shield. Hazel Arc uses another flag except with a dragon instead of a turtle that changes into a sword with chains. Lavender Arc uses twin rifles that when combined turns into a twin barrel railgun. Amber Arc uses a book that shifts into a fan that can also shift into apron.

Pyrrha Nikos uses a red barbed spear that shift to a rifle along with a gold shield that shifts to a smaller gold barbed spear. The longer spear carries the Nikos symbol while the smaller has the Arc symbol. Winter Schnee uses a gold and white sword with parrying dagger with the Schnee and Arc symbol etched on. Penny Polendina uses a gold spear with small green shield with Arc symbol surrounded by four hearts. Yang Xiao Long uses combat bracers along with dust infused gloves and boots. Ruby Rose uses a sniper/scythe hybrid along with a small solid light projector for when she losses her weapon. Blake Belladonna uses 2 short black and gold katanas along with a solid aura light kunai projector.