
Damn, I recarneted As A Judge in Fantasy World

One moment, Lucas closed his eyes to sleep. The next, he opened them to find himself not in his bedroom, but in a courtroom. Even more startling, he was in a different body. Lucas was confused, but there was no time to dwell on it. Why? Because.... "Your Honour, please sentence him to death!" the prosecutor demanded, looking directly at Lucas, who was seated on the judge's bench. 'It seems I have become a judge.' Lucas realized. -------- [Note:- There will be no Harem, If you want ONLY Harem then this book is not for you, there will be romance. ] Also tell me how do you like it in review, This is my first time writing

White_Devil1 · Fantasy
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178 Chs

Abel Carriers [1]

They seemed to be aristocrats from the same political faction as Siere.

'It's bloody. Would they kill someone with just a look? I'm anxious. Should I take some of this with me?'

I put the gavel inside my robes. Since it was made of iron, it was quite sturdy. Moreover, it was perfect for use as a weapon in times of emergency. Even though it was small, there was no problem in using it to break a head.

After leaving the courtroom, I walked slowly down the hallway, trying to remember the office location. I couldn't remember where it was.

"Do you want to leave work right away today?" the judge, who had been silent until now, spoke up. He was a man with thick features and a large chin.

As I focused on him, a hologram screen popped up.

**Person information**

Name: Emir Kolund

Identity: Viscount

Position: General Judge

Relationship: Average

Status: Mechanical work in progress, wood and stone

The content was similar to Josef's, but the atmosphere, in contrast, was completely different.

'He's a million times better.'

Could I describe it as a quiet style? It felt much more cordial than a traitorous relationship.

"Do you have any plans after this?" he asked.

"The Parviant injury case was the last one."

"Then let's stop by the office."

"Yes, I will follow you."

It was a natural companionship. In this case, Judge Emir would guide us. I followed closely behind and was soon able to find the office.

As I was about to place my hand on the doorknob, Judge Emir suddenly spoke up.

"Judge, thank you for your hard work in today's trial."


"It was a ruling that will serve as an example for judges." Then he bent his waist 90 degrees.

It felt strange to hear such high praise from someone who seemed like a stone. In truth, I hadn't really done much.

"It was nothing, really. Thanks for your hard work."

When I entered the room, I sat down on the chair and looked at the desk. It was an ordinary office space with a few sheets of paper and a calendar.

'Today is Friday. So you're taking the whole weekend off?'

I immediately looked through the documents. Just useless things like prison status reports. There seemed to be nothing worth understanding here.

"Your Highness Carriers, we have prepared a carriage for you."

After a short while of looking through documents, I heard Emir Kolund's voice. I got up and went straight out of the office.

'He's a very useful guy. By the way, people have been calling me Carriers for a while now.' As I was passing through the hallway with that thought in mind, I suddenly saw my face reflected in the window.

It was that moment.

**Person information**

Name: Abel Carriers

Identity: Duke

Position: Chief Justice

The hologram screen immediately came to mind. Perhaps this was my information.

'Wait a minute, my status is a duke? No wonder people were talking about it.'

At that moment, nothing else caught my eye. I stared into space for a while.

Even though my behavior was odd, Judge Emir did not move a muscle. He just waited in silence.

"Hmm! Sorry. Let's go now."


I cleared my throat and hurried along, and only then did I see movement. It was a heavy guy that I really liked.

"Go in carefully, Your Majesty."

"Is it so? Have a good weekend."

"Thank you."

I got into the carriage and was in deep agony. I held my pounding heart and shook my head furiously.

'What's going on here…'

From the trial being held out of nowhere to the fact that my identity was a duke, there was nothing normal about any of it. The pounding heartbeat soon subsided. Reality was accepted at an astonishing speed. It seemed like my mental power was strengthened while possessing Abel's body.

'Well, he showed incredible courage in the courtroom.'

The power of the Siere noble faction seemed to be very strong. Josef had warned me endlessly. Even though my status is a duke, I still do that... 'He must have had that much power.'

Although I felt a little intimidated, I shook my head. If I'm a duke in an empire, doesn't that mean I am a member of the royal family? If anything, I can just borrow the authority of the emperor.

After a while, the rear door of the carriage opened and someone bowed his head.

"Hello? Your Majesty."

**Person information**

Name: Miller Xavier

Status: Baronet

Position: Deacon

Loyalty: Low

Status: boredom, nervousness

A man with neatly combed brown hair and a monocle. I knew this person was a butler as soon as I met him because I saw it there in the person information. But instead of relationships, a new tab was created.

'It's loyalty. Is this because it's my person? But why is it so low?'

It was strange.

Although I had doubts, I got off the carriage. Then the whole view of the mansion came into view.


I almost let out an exclamation for a moment. This was because the mansion was large and beautiful. There was a garden and a pond between the handsome buildings.

As I moved along the well-decorated path, servants lined up to say hello.

"I meet His Highness the Duke of Carriers."

I felt like my face was turning red at the extreme etiquette. I accepted the greeting and hurriedly walked away.

Eventually, the butler opened the door. It was a restaurant, and dinner had already been prepared. I sat at the end of the long table and stared at the dishes. Soon, a maid came over and brought us small portions of food.

'What kind of luxury…'

Honestly, how many times would you see something like this in your life? Dozens of types of food prepared just for me. It was served on a luxurious silver tray, and the meal was even served. It was literally eye-rolling.

'Eh, I don't know. I'm hungry so let's eat first.'

However, it was the moment when I was about to bring the piece of meat marinated in sauce to my mouth.


A commotion suddenly broke out outside the restaurant. Soon, I heard the sound of people moving around busily.


"Shall I find out?" When I tilted my head, the maid who served me asked. I was about to answer without thinking, but then I quickly got up and left.

I didn't have a particular reason. I just wanted to see for myself what was going on.

"No. I will do it." I went back the way I came and opened the restaurant door. Only then did the object that the workers were surrounding come into view. Then I saw people gathered in the corner of the garden.

I approached them and spoke to them. "What's going on?"

"Are you here, Your Majesty? It's nothing."

"It looks serious, just say it."

"That is… Tavion, who was working in the wheat field, died."

A human figure covered in a yellow cloth.

"Ah!" I couldn't bear to sigh. In fact, he was a person I had never met. I had just arrived at the mansion, so how could I know who was who? Still, I was somewhat worried because I too have lived in a country where people die from overwork.

'I heard that he died while working. How pitiful…'

Just then, the butler approached me and I opened my mouth.

"Deacon Xavier."

"Yes, Your Highness."

"Hold Tavion's funeral and pay compensation to his family."

Suddenly, the atmosphere became tense.

'Why is this happening all of a sudden? What did I do wrong?'