
Damn, I Awakened With A Horror System!

A sudden and unprecedented event occurred and took place on Earth. A fissure instantly appeared in the clear blue sky, revealing a void devoid of any light beyond, instantly covering the whole planet, leaving no Life, no Hell, and no Paradise behind... Hence the start of a new chaos and a great beginning of life devoid of any hope began. In this apocalypse and lawless world without any limits set upon its beings, a silent dark wisp took form. A wisp that was bound to become the Horror of All was born... "Wait… I’ve become a Ghost?!" ___WPC Entry___ Please support...

Master_OfDao · Fantasy
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268 Chs

Exquisite Black Cauldron.


[ Exquisite Black Cauldron (Rare) - An item that could withstand high-intensity fire, it could also help to further cleanse the impurities within spiritual herbs and fruits on the potions!

Effect 1: Could withstand up to 1,000 degrees Celsius!

Effect 2: Decrease the difficulty and chaos that happen when you mix various materials!

Effect 3: Considerably increase the purity of potions made by this cauldron!

Note: An item that was further upgraded by Tempering Stone! ]

Slowly opening his eyes, the sight of a metallic cauldron immediately appeared in his vision. Its intricate design, which often flickered with a sharp metallic gleam, made Leo sigh in satisfaction.

Furthermore, he could faintly discern some image within the surface of the cauldron, depicting a blazing flame that was roaring toward the sky, burning everything into nothingness.