
Damn, I Awakened With A Horror System!

A sudden and unprecedented event occurred and took place on Earth. A fissure instantly appeared in the clear blue sky, revealing a void devoid of any light beyond, instantly covering the whole planet, leaving no Life, no Hell, and no Paradise behind... Hence the start of a new chaos and a great beginning of life devoid of any hope began. In this apocalypse and lawless world without any limits set upon its beings, a silent dark wisp took form. A wisp that was bound to become the Horror of All was born... "Wait… I’ve become a Ghost?!" ___WPC Entry___ Please support...

Master_OfDao · Fantasy
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266 Chs

Chaos Within the Town, Battle of Despair and Desires! (8)




[ Congratulations upon inflicting 100 damage to a Core Formation realm being without him noticing it!

+7,500 horror points!

+6 free attribute points!

+1 medallion of forceful upgrade! ]


Soon, upon the Devil's Spawn health decreased by 50%, an intense fluctuation of blood Qi suddenly emitted from his being, creating an intense wave of gale that heavily pushed the thick red and black fog away...

Pushing Leo by meters as he beholds the squirming being beneath him suddenly opened its crimson eyes... Concealing the fear it experienced earlier as it was replaced by hatred and anger...

Releasing a bloodied brilliance as Leo's desire abruptly increases by fold- causing his thoughts to become interrupted as the figure of the Abomination on his front ballooned...