
Chapter 182: Mom's Secret Thoughts

Yeah, before u even start thinking of penetrating her mind, I will first of all shot myself out of my self, by this I meant that I will have to take out all the morals which I think I had, and that will take a lot of time because I believe that I have a lot of them. So when I was done with the sterilization of my mind and I was sure that I was ready to take the risk of going through mom's mind despite all her warnings, though I made a promise to myself that this will be the last time that I will even attempt to do such, before that I have already prayed to God almighty to grant me success without repercussion and that if I am successful in this I will never attempt to do it again.

So after all the prayers and promises, I was set to go in, first I took in a deep breath, then I exhaled, after that, I opened up my mind and started focussing on mom's thoughts, but it wasn't easy to sink Into her head, it was almost like trying to sink a knife into a rock, it was almost impossible, impossible not because she built any defensive mechanism against my invasion but my fearful mind four it uneasy yo focus on the target. But after a little while, I managed to gain a successful entrance.

When I have gained entrance, I noticed what she was thinking of, I noticed that the disturbing problem was no different from the other ones that had been disturbing her all this while. Once again, I was in the center of her problems, she had even told me half about the problem earlier today before we came up with the 'father' talk. She was only thinking about all the fresh problems we are presently having, she had lots of thoughts mixed up, if mom did not stop such thinking, she could hurt herself, she could even develop high blood pressure. She even had to think of how our lives would have been more better and safe if we had Dady figure in the house, that was what I also concord with because I had also been thinking about it. But I was thrown into a deep confusion when she jumped from her original thought to another one, she started thinking about a man called Matthew, I think he will be that man we met the other day on our way to the cinema, it was then that I realized that the Matthew was the same man that mom and aunty Paula had discussed being moms ex who left her for another woman, but if he was the one, I saw no reason why she had to be thinking about him at all and wishing that he was my dad, I was really disappointed at her thoughts, yes I know it was only but a mere thought, but you know what they say? "We are what we think." I was really unhappy with the whole thing. In her mind, these were her thoughts in words.

"Oh Matthew, Matt, you have really ruined my life, yes you did, I blame all of these on you, yes, you caused it all, now you say you went around in search of me, searching for me after the veil had been done, now see the problem that my son and I were passing through, a son that would have been yours and we would have had our happily ever after as we had planned. Oh, Matthew, how I wish you are the father of my Damian, how I wish I could turn back the hands of time, how I wish that your apology will change and undo all the evil that your action had caused us, I hate you, Matthew, but yet, I wish you were the father of my son, he needs a father, I see the way he looks at Mr. Bright and Cynthia with an eye of envy, and God knows what lingers in his heart, now I am scared that they might take him from me soon. What can I do God? I need Ideas, I have to save my son from the sea, I need to get him a father, he needs a father, a good one, one who will see and take him as his son, I think with this, he will stop seeing or calling that demon king that called himself the Aqua king. Oh, I so much hate that beast, I wish I had powers to cause him to stop existing, he has to leave my son and I, he had to make this evil nonsense to stop coming after us, we have suffered enough, For once, I thought that we have successfully escaped from that beast, all of a sudden he came with his problem again. I think I will have to talk to Paula about this later tomorrow evening, I need a bit of advice before I make another mistake, because I will definitely get a father for this sweet son of mine, I even wonder why I have always chased suitors away from me all my life, who said that I need no man? I need a man please, if not for anything, the comfort and sense of protection that it brings, look at Paula, she has no fears, no worries, her husband is always there to help her with all hard jobs and protect her. My son and I need some protection too please."

These were her thoughts, but I had to run out of her mind when she started that thing that she often does whenever I want to read her thoughts, I think she had over time learned the art of doing that whenever she thinks knowing that there is a possibility of me penetrating through her mind. She started saying this in her mind:

"Are you sure that this creepy sweet boy of mine is asleep at all, or he is there stealing from my thoughts, hey Damie, will you get back to sleep and stop listening to my thoughts? You thought thief."

As she said this I quickly logged out of her thoughts and squeezed myself in my bed in fear that she had caught me, I feared that she could be mad at me the next morning for spying on her mind, literally believed that she knew that I went into her head, but she never knew anything, I believe that she often do that to scare me away, and I do not often go into her head, so how will I know that she often does that, but all I know was that whenever I tried to go into her head, I find her warning me not to.

But what was she talking about in her mind about getting me a dad, I already had a Dad, all I need was to get to know him, I am a prince according to dad, and he had shown me all that I will inherit from him, so I do not know why mom was thinking of getting me a new and different dad, is that how they get dads? Or is there any dad market in Abuja that I don't know of? She had better not be thinking of getting married to anyone, not even that Matthew, there is no way that I will let that happen, She is the mother of the Aqua Prince, so, Automatically, that makes her the Aqua Queen.

So I thought in my head that, I was really posted with the information that I got from mom's head, I had already had it in mind that if she confronts me the next morning about it that I will have to tell her what I think about it.