
DALKA: Sons of the gods

Gift0yelusi_ · Fantasy
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2 Chs


Some hours passed, as she sat there, on the bench in the hallway.Tears threatening to fall down her already swollen eyes in result of her wailing earlier. She started to hear footsteps, and voices coming from the right side of the hallway.

Her school mates chattering, and laughing as the school hour was over. They came closer, and finally reached the bench the broken little girl was sitting on. Suddenly, the laughter slowly subsided, and was replaced with murmuring which were whispers that reached her ears. They knew.

She sat there blocking the noises out of her head, not ready to linger, and throw salt on her fresh wound. Unfortunately, her thoughts came crashing against her will. The principal's words, her mother's smile, and the pain her mother had to go through, still not believing that she is gone...Forever.

Her mother's dark hair, shining with the aid of the sun, and her smooth lighted skin that she has always prayed to have when she was older before Hades came in, and shattered everything.

Her mother was diagnosed with cancer, and was later admitted to the hospital. She always visited her mother after school, and stayed longer on the weekends. Oh!, her Mama was so ill, she could see it on every bit of her Mama's tender body. How she wished she could share the pain with her mother, and relieve her of the suffering.

Tears stung, and fought to be set free from her dark eyes. She gave up giving way for the salty liquid to pour down freely. "She is gone... My mother is gone.." She mumbled.

She was unaware that her father had arrived two minutes ago watching his daughter in pain. Mr. Anderson, a very boxed up business man walked up to his daughter, and placed his hands on her shoulder, "Andrea.. let's go home". The little Andrea looked up, and hugged her father tightly because he was the only one she had now.

A few days passed by, and Andrea watched her mother buried six feet into darkness at the age of ten. Four years later, her father had a car accident, and died on the spot. Her 'thought to be lovely' relatives shared all the properties amongst themselves leaving her with nothing.

She is the Anderson's only child, and deserved all the properties owned by her father, but instead.. she was thrown into an orphanage.

For five years... the orphanage was her home. No one really wanted to adopt her much to her liking. She was allowed to leave the crazy orphanage at Eighteen to start a new life on her own.

"Andrea!!!" A high pitched voice snapped her out of her thoughts pulling her back to reality. "Get your butt off that stool, and take the orders of these customers!" Mrs. Rogers yelled popping her head out of the kitchen door shooting invisible daggers with her eyes at Andrea.


Author here!

I will be updating two chapters everyday....
