6 Entry #6: Moved

Dear diary,

I am so very sorry I couldn't write in you more. Some big men in black suits and sunglasses came to our door one day. After that, mother said we had to move.

She took you away from me for I don't even know how long at this point. I missed you so much. Please don't ever stay away from me ever again.

I'm scared.

The new house is weird. I don't like it. My room's in the basement while my sister stays in the attic. Sister always locks herself up in her room and sometimes doesn't come out for days. I hope she's ok.

Mother has been acting strange.

She's always pacing back and forth in the living room like she's waiting for someone... or maybe a call? Now that I think about it, the living room is the only room with a landline.

Father's been getting worse. He comes home later at night and smells weird all the time.

Ai says it's not normal, my family. But she isn't normal either, so what should I believe?


