

Then, after winter break, I began to see you differently. I realized what a wonderful person you are. We began kissing and touching and I loved it. I realized that I was falling in love with you. John, I am in love with you. I'm sorry for being so pushy. That's how I grew up—with my mother totally dominating my father. I thought that was normal. Over the last two weeks I've talked a lot with my sorority sisters about their family life and I've learned that the way I grew up wasn't normal. I'm so sorry for acting like that, John. Can't we try again…start over? Please?"

She stopped talking then and burst into tears. I reached for a handkerchief, but my pocket was empty. I removed my shirt and handed her my undershirt then returned my shirt to my body. Daisy took it and giggled. "I wish you'd keep the shirt off along with everything else you're wearing. Then I'd really be able to show you how much I love you."

"Maybe, but I'm sure I'd be arrested. I don't think they allow conjugal visits in the city jail. I need to think about this, Daisy. That means you need to leave me alone. I'll meet you here on this bench, same time in two days. I'll have an answer for you then." I rose, leaned forward, and kissed her cheek, leaving her there with my tee shirt as I returned to my dorm.

I wasn't surprised to find Rob in our living room working to correct homework for Professor Newton. He looked up, surprised to see me. "Aren't you supposed to be covering for Eastman during office hours?"

"Yeah, but I was tackled about ten feet from the door. It was Daisy. I took her outside when she said she wanted to talk. She basically told me everything."

"She told you that she was looking for a meal ticket?" He sounded incredulous.

"She did. She owned up to everything, even telling me that she thought bossy women were the norm until she discussed it with the other girls in her sorority. She wants another chance…a chance to start over."

"Well? And don't tell me that you're going to do nothing."

"No, not this time—this time I need to make a decision, but, honestly, I don't know what it will be." I retreated to my room and laid my head on the pillow. I cleared my mind and tried to apply the same logic I used in programming to my love life. Good luck with that! Surprisingly, I fell asleep and when I woke up I had an idea. The best thing about it was that I could delay making the real final decision for as long as a year. Then I had another idea and I knew that I'd be okay. Hopefully, we'd be okay, too, but only time would tell about that.

Checking my watch I saw it was almost time for dinner so I went out to the living room to help Rob. He graded the students' work while I entered the grades into the computer. "So…what did you decide?" He laughed as I explained. "Well, if nothing else you should get at least a year's worth of hot pussy."

"I was thinking of at least two!" We shared another laugh and left our suite for dinner. I was in higher spirits than I had been since driving to Daisy's home.


Daisy was there on what I now called "our bench" as I approached. She jumped up and tried to hug me, but I told her to wait until I had told her of my decision. "If you want us to continue our relationship we can, but it will be on my terms. Your parents live in western Massachusetts. I had planned to move near my parents in Long Island because I'll need to be near a major airport. I'll get an apartment and I invite you to join me. We'll live together for at least a year and if things are good between us then I will propose again, but there will be a strong pre-nuptial agreement to protect my business that will be agreed to at that time.

"Even the most successful business needs seed money to get started. My dad insists on a pre-nup because he's risking his life savings and his opportunity to retire at sixty-five. Considering that you initiated our relationship on a bunch of lies to access what we both hope will be my fortune…."

"You don't have to say it, John. You're right. I did lie to you over and over, but that was a long time ago. I'm so ashamed of what I did. Does this mean we'll be living as husband and wife even though we won't be married?"

"It does, but I probably won't require you to do anything you haven't already done except maybe anal, but there's more. Don't agree until you've heard the rest. I don't want you in contact with your mother: she's a terrible influence on you. I do understand that you are her daughter so that's going to happen, but only occasionally. Rarely would be better. However, I will not have anything to do with her except attend her funeral when the time comes. The logistics are simple. My parents have a big SUV. After graduation they'll take all of my stuff and whatever of yours they can carry. You and I will drive to your parents' home to pick up whatever you want—clothes, CD's, whatever with the limit being that it has to fit into my Civic. Then we'll drive to New York. We might have to stay overnight somewhere en route depending on what time we leave their place. Okay, that's it."

"I agree, but we won't need to drive to Springfield. There's nothing there I want or need. Everything I want and need is right here on this bench." I extended my hand. She took it and I led her to my dorm. Once in the suite we couldn't get our clothes off fast enough. I lay on the bed and pulled Daisy down to me. Her lips were hungry as she pressed them to mine. She gripped my short hair like a drowning person would grab a life ring as her tongue found its way into my mouth. Her hand found me hard and hot, already leaking pre-cum.

She moved quickly to straddle my hips and a second later my cock disappeared into her slender body. She arched her back to better drive her clit into my abdomen. That worked for me, too. Every action of her body squeezed and flexed my rigid organ. I'd like to say that we worked together like the parts of a fine watch, but that would be a lie. Our movements were erratic and uncoordinated, but—damn—they got the job done, and in record time. Daisy came twice in less than five minutes which was fortunate because I literally exploded within her.

Daisy collapsed onto my chest with a mighty exhale that emptied her lungs of air. She had almost fainted when her head fell into position on my shoulder. I held her gingerly as my deflated cock slipped from her tight vault.

We stayed there for almost an hour in post coital bliss until Daisy began to stir. "Promise me," she whispered, "that you'll force me to do that every single day."

"Force you? I thought you initiated everything. All I did was lie here and let you take advantage of me."

"How about next time you take advantage of me?" I smiled and nodded, then I suggested that we shower and go out for dinner. "Can we do it together? Is it big enough?"

I laughed. "Yeah, it's big enough. There are a dozen shower heads in there. It's a gang shower for this entire floor. I doubt we'll be interrupted at this hour. I think we can borrow Rob's robe. You two know each other."


"Yeah, he's Prof. Newton's graduate assistant. He's the reason why I learned of your plot."

"You mean…you knew…you knew from the very beginning."

"Yes, guilty as charged; I went along for several reasons. First, I wanted to see where you would go with our 'relationship,' and—second, I enjoyed the attention. I share a lot with Rob and when I told him that I had met you in the library he made a sour face. After dinner he accessed the class records and learned that you had quite a decent grade. He has Prof. Newton's access code because he enters class data all the time. That happened the same day you introduced yourself to me. The next day he overheard all of your plans in the hallway after class."

"I feel like such a fool."

"Better you than me; at least I didn't have a hidden agenda, but now that's all behind us. Everything is out in the open unless you want to change your mind about my offer."

A sly smile appeared on Daisy's face. "Not a chance. Now that I have you I'm holding on for dear life."