


Daisy and I were really sticky when we got up almost an hour later. "Let me grab a quick shower and I'll bring back a warm washcloth for you. Is that okay, John? By the way, I looked up your uncle yesterday. I can't believe you're related to a Mafia chieftain. Is that how you're paying for college?"

"No, my parents didn't have anything to do with him. My dad's a plumber and my mom works in an insurance office. I paid my own way through school—well, part of it anyway. I had almost a full scholarship. The rest I earned from a game I wrote the last half of my senior year of high school through the first half of freshman year here. I have a deal with a major gaming company. They paid me $100,000 up front and I get a royalty every three months on what they sell. In return I write a tweak every now and then when they tell me they want something. Of course, you never actually buy a program. You buy a license, in this case to use. It's worked out well for me…them, too." She kissed me quickly, donned a robe, and slipped out the door. She returned about fifteen minutes later with a washcloth that she ran over my body, spending a long time on my cock and balls. She kissed my cock before handing my boxers back to me.

"You know, John—you have a really decent body. Do you exercise?"

"No, I have a really high metabolism. I eat a lot, but I never seem to gain weight. That'll probably change as I get older." We chatted about meaningless things for a while before I realized what time it was. "Sorry, Daisy, but I have to go. I have a prelim for my oral exam tomorrow with Professor Eastman so I have to get up early."

"What does that mean, John?"

"A group of professors will read the dissertation then we'll meet and they'll ask me a lot of questions. Of course, I'll have Professor Eastman on my side as my advisor which is good because I understand that they sometimes ask questions that are not related to the student's work."

"Are you worried about it? It sounds scary?"

"I suppose it can be, but nobody knows more about the work than I do. That's the whole idea." I leaned down to kiss her. I couldn't wait to hear what she would say to the other girls after I'd gone. We walked down the stairs and kissed again briefly at the door. I saw her smile at her sorority sisters just before it closed.

Rob was waiting impatiently when I walked through our door. "So…what happened?"

"She said it was the best orgasm she'd ever had. Also said I was the best fuck of her life. Let's see what she's saying now." I turned on my laptop, entering the three passwords needed to open it.

I listened closely, shocked at what she was saying to her friends. "I wasn't expecting much, but it was something I had to do to keep his interest, but, ladies, it was by far the best…most outstanding sex of my life."

"You're not really falling for this nerd, are you, Daisy?

She hesitated for almost a minute before responding, "You know, I think I am. Initially, I was just looking for someone to support me, but he's so nice and so polite. He treats me like I'm a queen and if he keeps on fucking me like he did tonight I'm keeping him."

I looked at Rob, thinking he was going to laugh. Instead, he said, "I think you might be the luckiest guy on campus, John. Everyone I know thinks she's the hottest woman here. What are you going to do now?"

"The same thing I've been doing so far…nothing. I'll let her think she's leading the relationship and see where she goes with it. Right now I desperately need a shower." I stripped down, grabbed my robe and a towel en route to the shower. Rob and I were in a really old dorm. We had a small suite—a living area with a couch, an upholstered chair, and a beat up coffee table we'd picked up at the Salvation Army store downtown and an area rug from Goodwill. We also had two small bedrooms just big enough for a double bed and a dresser. I also had a portable closet from Home Depot that I used so Rob could have the single closet in our main room. There was a gang toilet with six urinals, an equal number of toilets and a dozen basins with mirrors. Our gang shower was just next door.

I returned, brushed my teeth and got my clothes ready for the morning as I did every night. Just before turning in I charged my laptop and my phone. I slept extremely well that night.


My practice session for my dissertation defense went extremely well. Prof. Eastman had brought two colleagues from the physics department. They asked a host of questions that I answered easily. They seemed to be impressed by my research and agreed that my firewall program would be a great investment for almost any company or organization. In fact, they told me they intended to speak with the university president about it.

Two weeks later my dissertation was brought before the committee. Daisy had done a great job helping me to relax in the period before it by fucking me senseless every day. That weekend we spent in a nearby motel, pausing only to eat and occasionally to sleep. I came to Daisy for the first time that weekend after seeing that she was conscientiously taking birth control pills.

She was waiting for me after the orals were over. It was hard to believe that this was the same girl who had plotted to make me her meal ticket. She had professed that she loved me several times over the past two weeks. Here it was—mid-April and, other than my teaching obligations, I was finished with college. I waited only for graduation, something I looked forward to eagerly.

Daisy was on par to graduate, also. However, I knew from my eavesdropping that she was becoming increasingly nervous about our future. That came to a head on Friday evening when she came straight out and asked me about it. "What would you like to do," I replied.

"I want us to stay together," she said, almost in a whisper. "I think I'm in love with you."

I thought about it for a few minutes which I was sure she thought was insulting. Then I smiled and nodded my agreement. Daisy jumped into my lap to hug and kiss me. I knew our relationship had begun in a pool of lies and deceit, but somewhere along the line I thought that had changed. I'd heard enough conversations in Daisy's room to convince me of her new-found sincerity. The only thing that bothered me was that she was so bossy and demanding. I found out why when she invited me to her home for a weekend. I had no classes and Daisy only had three which she decided to cut. We left at nine Friday morning for the three hour ride to her home in my not quite new Honda Civic.

We arrived around noon and I learned in less than an hour why she was so overbearing. She had learned it from her mother. She greeted Daisy warmly, but treated me like I had leprosy. Worse, when I met her father I looked him straight in the eyes and saw…nothing. It was as though he was hollow—there was nothing there but his shell…his husk. Mrs. O'Neill—Margaret--treated him like shit, ordering him here and there. "Do this. Do that." It got so bad that I dreamed up an excuse for us to leave early Sunday morning.