

Sara returned a few minutes later carrying my Pepsi. She sat next to me, holding my hand as I took my first sip. I placed the glass onto a coaster and handed her the paper bag I had carried in. Cara and her mother joined us a few minutes later after inviting me to enjoy some potato chips. I helped myself to a few as Sara spoke. "John and I have a few gifts for you. Well…actually, John has gifts for you." She reached into the bag, removing a long thin box which she passed to her mother. A small square box followed for Cara.

I took a close look at Natalie while they opened their gifts. I realized then that I was getting a sneak preview of my wife in another twenty-odd years. I had to admit that I enjoyed the view. Natalie was almost as tall as Cara and Sara, and—despite her age—I doubted that her weight was more than twenty pounds heavier than her daughters with most of that in her breasts and ass. If Sara turned out even half as good I'd be more than pleased. Their reactions when the gifts had been opened made the expense worthwhile. Cara ran to a mirror to place the earrings into her lobes and Natalie extolled over her pendant and earrings, telling me repeatedly that emeralds were her birthstone. I saw nothing but love in Sara's eyes when I gazed her way and I knew in that second that I was in for an incredible time that night.

We talked for more than an hour, first about the wedding. I was mostly quiet then, leaving the discussion to Sara. Eventually, the discussion turned to work exactly as I had anticipated. "Cara tells me you're an excellent secretary, Natalie."

"I'd like to think so, John. I've been at it for more than twenty-five years. There have been some changes, especially recently with the advent of computers and word processing, but I've taken courses to stay current with technology."

"Natalie, I have two questions I'd like to ask you. You might think the first is somewhat impertinent, but I think the second will explain why I asked it. Do you mind if I ask how much you earn?" I could see if not shock on their faces, certainly surprise, until Natalie decided to answer.

"That is a bit impertinent, John, but to answer—I earn a bit over thirty-eight a year."

"Thank you; now for my second question: do you think you could work for your daughter? My business is expanding rapidly—sometimes I think too rapidly—and I can see that Cara is being stretched too thin. I plan to promote her to office manager and give her a big raise then hire two additional secretaries and at least one account clerk to handle accounts payable and receivable as well as payroll. Cara will continue to be my personal secretary. The other two will take care of the technicians. I'd pay you fifty and I plan to pay Cara eighty."

Natalie sat quietly for several minutes and I could see her thinking. Cara was simply astounded. Finally, Natalie spoke, "What about benefits and when would you want me to start?"

"You'd get the same benefits as everyone else—fully paid medical and dental and $250,000 group life. You'll also get four weeks paid vacation plus holidays. I'd like you to start as soon as possible, but I understand that you'd probably want to go through the holidays with your current firm so early January would be okay."

"John, where are you going to put everyone? We barely have space now."

"I've spoken to the building owner and he's agreed to move the accountants on our floor downstairs to the vacant suite on the second floor. We'll have some alterations, but by February first I anticipate that all of the techs will be across the hall. Cara, you'll have your own office as will the top accounts person. The two secretaries will have an open space outside my office, although we'll install a small sitting and waiting area just inside the door. We don't have much foot traffic, but it pays to be prepared. I've been meeting with the landlord mostly during your lunch hours. You would have found out about the plans this week because we have some architects coming in to meet with us on Tuesday morning. So, Natalie, what do you think?"

"I think I'll resign tomorrow morning. I have a new boss and he's a smarmy bastard. He's been making all kinds of lewd and suggestive comments for more than a month even though I've said 'no' every time. I like the others in the office, but I can't stand him and I can't wait to get away from him." I stood and we shook hands on it. That was as good as a signed contract in my book. Even better, Sara gripped my head and kissed me fiercely, swapping spit for several minutes before Cara walked over to hand us some napkins. I was so embarrassed, but the women just laughed so I joined them a moment later. Then I had a thought.

"Natalie, I understand that you want to get away from this…."

"Jerk? Asshole? Prick? Take your choice."

"Well…I was wondering if you'd like some revenge. I have this lawyer who's a real shark. How about I call him in the morning and arrange for him to take you to lunch?"

"Is this going to be a date?"

"It'll be whatever you want it to be. But, I'm thinking there must be some way to trap him, maybe tape him, especially if he threatens you. Then if Sheldon sued him and the company you might get a couple of bucks for your trouble.

"I think you'll like Sheldon. He's got a great sense of humor except when he's in court. Then he's super aggressive. The worst that can happen is you'll go to work a few days longer than you planned."

Natalie and her daughters sat quietly for several minutes before a wry smile came to her face followed by a low chuckle. "I'd love to get some revenge on this bastard."

"Okay, tell me about him. Is he related to the big boss? Is he married? Does he talk down to his wife in front of the employees? Over the next ten minutes Natalie gave me every gory detail of this bastard's harassment. I was sure when she finished that she'd love what Sheldon could do for her.

I really enjoyed dinner—homemade lasagna and garlic bread, for which Natalie apologized repeatedly. "Don't worry, Mom—that won't stop either one of us." And then to prove her point she leaned over for another wonderful kiss.