


We spent all day Sunday together and—no—we didn't spend it fucking. It was a balmy October day with temperature in the 70's so we went fishing in the morning. Out of Northport Harbor and east to Old Field, an area with probably thousands of large rocks, we sped. I had bought two dozen green crabs in addition to my rods, tackle box, and electronics. Sara was grinning wildly as we flew over the calm water until my GPS and sonar told me we were in a potentially prime spot.

After anchoring I cut one of the crabs in quarters, baited our hooks and we sat with the rods in our laps. I baited the hooks again after an unproductive twenty minutes, changing bait again twenty minutes after that. All told, we fished for almost two hours, even changing locations twice, without even a single bite. We returned to Northport around noon and were back in the house, clean from our shower, by 1:30. After a quick sandwich and soda that we ate naked, loving and touching the entire time. We were dressed in time to relax for a few hours before the limo arrived.

Driving into New York on a Sunday afternoon is always chaotic. Traffic during the summer can be horrendous. Now, however, it was mid October so there was little beach traffic to fight. The trip still took us more than an hour. I paid the driver and we walked into the Delta terminal at LaGuardia. There are special lines and services for first class; that's one of the reasons why you have to pay the ridiculous fees. We had checked in and passed through security with almost an hour to spare.

The non-stop flight took off less than fifteen minutes late which is almost miraculous at any of the New York airports. The flight was short—only about 90 minutes—and uneventful. We strode into our executive suite at the hotel just after 11:00. We showered again and climbed into bed naked, needing sleep. I had an important meeting the next morning with my team.


We were holding hands when we walked into the hotel's restaurant just after eight, having no trouble locating my four fellow nerds in the large dining room. All we had to do was follow the cat calls. They were surprised at seeing me walking toward them holding hands with Cara. "Jeez, boss—who's minding the store? Don't tell us that you left that idiot Carson in charge. He's almost useless." Yeah, right--Ben Carson was a PhD from MIT and he was just about the smartest of my employees after Sergei who was a PhD from Moscow State—yup…that Moscow, not that I was the least bit worried.

Knowing that my employees might have access to tremendous amounts of money or national secrets, each of my employees, even Cara, had been thoroughly vetted by the Pinkerton's Agency. I had turned down three potential hires because of minor concerns that wouldn't have bothered most firms in the least. Sergei--the product of a father from Russia and a mother from Montenegro--hated the Russian regime, just as his father did.

"Sorry, guys, but I left Cara in charge of the office. I'd like you to meet her twin sister, Sara. How's the buffet here?"

Chuck responded once they had regained their composure. "Try the omelet station. The chef will make eggs any way you want except scrambled. They're on the buffet."

I introduced Sara to each of the men then led her to the food. We ate lightly last night and I was starving. Apparently, Sara was, too. I was standing in front of the omelet chef when she returned from the buffet with a plate piled high with bacon and sausage. I took the omelets from the chef and followed Sara back to the table. Once there she entertained my team by taking a piece in her mouth and nudging me. I looked at her then the guys before giving up and taking the other end into my mouth. We nibbled until the bacon was gone and our lips were touching. Sara decided that was a good time to grip the back of my head and hold the kiss for several minutes.

"I'm feeling a bit deprived," she said in explanation. "We haven't made love for two whole days." They laughed; I turned the deepest shade of red even though what Sara had said was true. It was something I'd have to address tonight…hopefully several times.

Of course, I asked how the install was going. I had planned for about thirty minutes per install because the program had to be personalized for every server and every workstation depending on the department and the user's position and job.

"I think it's going well," Sergei replied, speaking for the team he was leading. "We're a bit ahead of schedule. We've handled the servers at night when they weren't in use and the workstations during the day. I think we've averaged about ten hours a day—roughly twenty installs each and we've worked Saturdays, too." The other three nodded as he finished speaking. "We should finish here by the end of the week and then we'll have to move to the satellite offices throughout the state."

"I guess that means an end to all of the omelets."

They shook their heads. "We can find omelets anywhere, John…filets, too," Chuck added. Our conversation turned to today's meetings and our plans for the rest of the week.

I left Sara at the entrance to the spa, first giving her the company MasterCard with her name on it. She signed it on the spa's counter then pulled me in for a long searing kiss. "When will I see you again?"

"I plan to knock off around four so I'll meet you in the suite." Well, it was called an executive suite, but it was really just a big room with a small sitting area—couch, armchair, and coffee table. It wasn't what I really wanted, but we'd only be here for five nights and we'd get by.

I was wearing one of my better suits when I walked into the governor's office. We spoke briefly mostly to update him on the progress of the installation. He was pleased to know that we should be out of Columbus by week's weekend. I joined Chuck and Ali in the purchasing office once I was done. I installed eight programs that day and twelve each of the remaining days. That still left me plenty of time to spend with Sara who was having a ball. She told me several times how much she enjoyed her time in the spa. "It was my first mud bath and my first massage. Just feel my skin."

I did, repeatedly, that evening after dinner and some time in a club where we danced the night away—not the entire night—we had plans for a fun shower and really hot sex before turning in. We left the club around eleven and were back to the "suite" by 11:30, showered fifteen minutes later and in bed where Sara showed her appreciation several times. We fell asleep, our limbs entangled, around 12:30.

That's how our days and nights went for the rest of the week. I went to work with the team while Sara went shopping, buying things for herself and for Cara. The nights we spent in the city's best restaurants, clubs, and theaters before making the most delicious love with each other. We tried everything and every position. Actually, we didn't try everything. Sara asked me about anal. "I have done it with Daisy and she loved it. Maybe someday, but not now and not for the foreseeable future; I'm more than satisfied with what you're giving me. And, then, there's the idea of hurting you. I'd never want that to happen. Why don't we talk about it in a few weeks when we know each other even better?" We flew back to New York late Friday afternoon